ive never had a male friend, ever.
Ive never had a male friend, ever
good. never start having male friends, ever. op please dont try to make male friends.
You're not supposed to be friends with males.
I've never had a female friend, ever.
actually not true, had some when I was very young.
still nothing special.
b3 g0n3 th0t
is this the tumblr raid?
The only times I ever interacted with a guy was during school, when we were assigned partners or group projects. Other than that ive never talked to a guy on a personal level.
Ive never had original friends
will you be my gf?
i got muted for 2 seconds, on account of my comment not being original
sounds pretty standard to me
Oh, you wont want me.
I can handle it, i'm d4rk and ed8y
You don't mind that I wasn't originally a girl?
i just fucking said i do you son of a bitch! and even if i don't, i will learn to. don't you see? we're already committed. there's no turning back now, so we may as well push forward
>I put my best woman friend of high school in friendzone, she now is close to 30 years old unmarry and unfriendly,Last time we talk she ask me about current relationships,get angry about women I like in high school,if she could come to my home, if I am fit, if get a good job...
She is pretty but begin like cult-religion.
Don't get man friends.
You sound underage
If youre going to larp as me, at least stop using apostrophes
fuck off prick this is my gf (male)
this is what i expected to begin with
fuck meant to reply to this
for this
>consciously avoiding using apostrophes
I see your game. I was simply helping user out.
why havent you had a male friend user?
I'll be your friend if you let me put my fingers inside you.
I'm thankful you posted a catgirl, but she has no tail and this thread is shit.
And I've never had a girlfriend, ever.
Are we finished wasting our time, or do you want more verbal abuse?
I've never had any friend
we can be friends, add me on discord welp#7695
Me too, fembot. My boyfriends have never let me have male friends. =(
PIease be in AuckIand and I wiII be your friend
We can go to Karaoke
im khhv, dont pull that shit on me.
Boy here
Feel free to ask me about boy stuff
And you're what, like, 14 years old?