Meat and potato appreciation thread

Why aren't you eating red meat and starches everyday Jow Forums

>b-but muh chicken breast and whey isolate
animal fats are literal roid tier food

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im poor... and that takes a pan and a pot

I have ulcerative colitis, i shit blood when i eat potatoes.

But i do eat steaks.

Potatoes dont have that many calories in them. Its hard getting my daily carb quota filled with potatoes so i favour rice and pasta over them.

Beef is expensive i use cheaper red meat.

But yeah potaotes and beef is godtier nutrition


potatoes are cheap as fuck. 5 kilos only cost 3 euros.

Just ate 600g of hanging tender yesterday senpai

I usually like to mealprep 2 pounds of ground meat 2 pounds of onions and 4 pounds of potatoes/sweet potatoes in one huge ass pan, lasts me bout 3 days.

On the bandwagon.

Red meat is literal roids.

Just don't forget the dairy.

>Be farmhand
>Always broke but manual labor and amazing, nutrient rich food every day
Feels fucking great man

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I fucking love red meat cooked with sweet potatoes.
Fuck yes. This is what life is about.

worlds larges broccoli?
or worlds smallest steak?

large broccoli

Replace the meat with lentils or beans

Potatos + beans/lentils = roid teir food

meat is catabolic

Please get out of this board

is the estrogen meme real though?

meat is the most insulin causing, and estrogen raising food you can ever eat.

Dairy is healthy though, meat is not

t. agricultural jew

yeah bruve but, if you want 100g of carbs you gotta eat 600g of potatoes and they are really filling. While with rice you just need 125g of rice for 100g of carbs and they aren't that filling. Its just easier

>not white rice

>literally raise your test
>hurr estrogen raising
Holly fuck, this board is fucking dumb.

recovering fat fuck here. i eat 2 lbs of veggies everyday and 95% of my calories are clean, but unless i have meat with potatoes i could go on an endless binge.

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