Anons who want/have children

Anons who want/have children
How the fuck can you deal with having a daughter in todays world?

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So that’s why you’re Gay?

Yes, modern women are immoral and disgusting

You don't send them to state that's for sure. You teach them not to be a leftist slut.

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It’s the dying stages of civilisation, let them do this shit. Don’t wrestle with a pig because you’ll end up smelling like one. Their parents done it to them because they exposed them to degenerate lifestyles that are basically r selected reactions to high amounts of sexual partners available. Let them rut, they aren’t worth saving anyway. Too weakened by civilisation.

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This is the white race purging itself of weakness.

This. Let them mix with degenerate scum because when civilisation collapses the strong whites will only remain.

White women, all pathetic, with the mindset of a 8 year old. Cant think for themselves, have no self respect, and whinge.

They are easily to manipulate and mold into your choosing, even though daddy raised them for the past 25 years. It's still incredibly easy to make them think how you choose.

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I come from a culture where we still beat the shit out of our kids if they act out. That's how.

ITT: butthurt teenage incels who are virgins

clean yourself up, work out, eat right, be respectful to women but above all be an alpha and rape them


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>be respectful to women

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the only lesson that should be taught about respect is don't give it to anybody who does not deserve it. Respect is earned, not attributed

Wh*te roasties are pure trash

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These girls cant lose - have degenerate fun with hot chads in their youth, then have /pol betas to marry as long as they larp as tradcon.

This user is right let them earn it don't give it for granted, it will only spoil them if you don't let them earn it.

Good quote

I'm sure they got dirt online floating, as long as one interests in their past, they will not get away easy.

Not all females are sluts but sluts are for fucking

Women are homogeneous. Thus if a population of women are sluts then all women must be sluts, some better at hiding it than others.

Only strong white women will see the truth.

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>respecc whamen

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because im not gonna raise a fool.

there will be no good times in hell
>implying it's completely in your control
>inb4 another user who will homeschool their kid

Fuck off kike

What do you mean? I thought all the sex, drugs, abortions, STDs, backstabbing, attention-seeking, lack of clothes, piercings, violence, divorce, etc. was a sign of their sexual liberation and freedom. I thought it was a good thing.

>All waman in a group are the same
I turned down a beautiful virgin with big boobs because I was still a boy who needed to conquer his demons and she wanted me to wait for her to be ready

Girls that value themselves exist, but many do want to be sluts

>mod moved thread to r9k
Bwahahahahahahahhha what a fag

>having a daughter
What could possibly go wrong?

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>Their parents done it to them because they exposed them to degenerate lifestyles
How do you not expose your kids to degenerate lifestyles when the most popular music nowadays is pop, hip hop and rap that has a bunch of niggers babbling about big asses, drugs and fucking, everyone on twitter, instagram and facebook is a libtard spreading their degenerate propoganda and teachers in highschool teach their kids about "white privilege" and white guilt? Young kids see nigger culture everywhere on media, they think its cool and try to channel it

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Did someone else tooka shit on her? That doesnt look like it came out from her

this world fucking sucks. i live in america but im like the only person whos not degenerate. its really depressing i choose not to be a hoe but every girl is sluttier than guys are now

I will not reproduce myself

For the better I think too

You intentionally expose them to it and show the harmful effects

>You intentionally expose them to it
how? should I not allow my kid to use internet whatsoever, no television, use home schooling and never allow him to have any sort of contact with his peers and society in general?

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you just show them what happens when you act like a whore

if i had a daughter i probably wouldnt give her a phone until shes done with school or something

what do you guys think the percentage of these hoes are of the average girl that goes to college?

I figured if 10,000 girls go to college like 5,000 of them would be massive sluts like this and 5,000 would be non sluts, right? and people would only record the chicks flashing tits and fucking people no ones going to record the chick in the library studying or minding her own business.

im hoping its 50/50 because if like 75% of girls are like this were all fucked. you could be the most hard working, outstanding, moral person and there'd still be videos of your girlfriend showing tits and fucking on the internet

do you think modern day degeneracy is a look into hell or something? wtf can we do? im not as degenerate as normies are at all but I still drink and do drugs so I feel like im in the same league as them even though I dont do all that shit

>All most all white
Every race was whire but white whores are the worst. In 10-15 years they will wonder why no one wants to marry them

I like to imagine a group of chads got together and collectively shit on her. It makes me good.

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>Some Chad will be lucky enough to take her home and rail her


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LOL they all seem like they're trying so hard to be "HEHE SO COOL". they also seem extremely desperate to be accepted. I might be wrong though. all in all, disgusting

thats pretty much it it looked like all the chicks came from not poor families and most the dudes look rich and privileged. the girls probably have no brain in their head at all and are just following the money with the only skills they've ever perfected

They are value less shit, desperate for attention and approval.
Ironically feminism, gives them only being a degenerate slut as value.

Also woman behaviour is a good indicator of how close the end is.

>done with school
other kids in school will "enlighten" her on all the degenerate shit

>T. Gook lover.

All women are trash if you think about it.

yeah...might not be the best idea. if you think this video is bad wait until you hear about campus rape. if your daughter touches a drop of alcohol, one single drug, or leaves her room at all. its over.

not really im the usa originally and i've retired from American roasties and mostly been talking to chicks online.

all the girls I meet from America are typical sluts hooking up partying half naked and shit. ive talked to girls from asia and they're all shy and virgins or near virgin. it's literally nothing like western or colored people.

to girls in asia posting a bikini photo is going far in america chicks post pictures of them naked and its nothing

>just show them what happens when you act like a whore
You mean:
Have fun in your youth and settle for a beta provider who pays everything and accepts that you 'just don't like blowjobs' and are 'just not a very sexual person' and is happy with a pity fuck once a month.

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I think hes saying be a drunken slut whos seen on the internet naked forever and known to the community as a whore and then forever subjected to beta males when she could of got an alpha chad provider

Yeah I dont think people tend to realise this is part of the reason so many people like Asian girls. Yeah theyre attractive but the innocence/purity of the average Asian compared to that of the average westernised girls puts them on top

Drunken sluts fuck other Chads. She doesn't lower her value. Except in the eyes of salty betas who don't get access.

Women suffer NO consequences. At all.

I think the world is less degenerate than it used to be. Decades ago everybody was doing drugs, sleeping around, drinking- teen sex and drug use have gone way down, the media just puts the most outlandish people in your face. Like that other user said, nobody is recording the girls studying in the library and making that go viral, not every girl is a doing bong titty hits for twitter. For example, both my college-age siblings are weirdly against drinking and drugs despite our family being super liberal. They even get pissy when my family drinks around them, don't understand where their morals come from

to me a girl who hooks up more is a slut and I just would rather not date her. they're the girls you see all over social media parading around half naked and shit. and I will admit that the amount of girls I see on this shit is scary as fuck. it really makes you think what if every girl has already been ruined but people only show off degenerate shit. if a girl is just sitting at home playing xbox by herself you're not going to see that on pornhub lol

Asian girls are good but you have to watch the country. i've talked to malysian girls and they're all cock hungry sluts about the same as American girls. ive talked to philipino, Chinese, and stuff like that and they're all about the right level you would want like yeah they like sex but they're careful about it too and they just don't go and do anything and they move really slow. every American girl just acts like a hoe and then ghosts me after

I also noticed like everything I see in japan or asia in general like music videos or whatever the girls will dress kinda sexy but nothing major at all it'll be like a tanktop with a bra and some shorts but American girls wear like thongs and and no bra or they just straight up go in body paint or something.

Asian girls are way better but it's just not realistic to find one. I wish there was at least a percentage of girls in America that had standards but idk it just all seems crazy. but in 2012 I was in high school and college and dating and everything seemed more innocent it seems like everything is just a giant orgy fuckfest now and people just let the pieces land where ever they fall

thats wierd but i disagree. when i was in the myspace days and early facebook i remember girls just posting normal pics now EVERY girl has slutty make up, slutty outfits, no bra, showing off their tits, half naked, people posting drugs all over

i dont think drugs are a problem really. i do drugs but im not much of a degenerate but i've seen sober people who are but alcohol is definetely a contributor so idk how long i can keep lying to myself.

i talked to a girl back in like 2011 and we kicked it off good and she was a virgin and came from a good home and i haven't found a good girl since. every girl has been a hoe, ghosts me, fucks around with every guy they can etc, its getting gross. all these sluts half naked with tattoos and piercings in their face

I genuinely believe tinder severely worsened this. It normalised promiscuity. LOOKS are everything now

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Nice delts

yeh, but early myspace was you were either emo or regular person

nowadays everyones a whore with apps like snapchat and instagram

>To fuck that
You okay user?

it's not tinder alone but just everything and tinder is just a piece of it. girls can go on Instagram and post half naked pictures for attention, they can go on kik and anonymously sext strangers on the internet but let's not blame technology altogether because its done good things like expose sluts, like you should to know to avoid a girl with tinder, if a girl is posting bra pictures all over her snapchat and Instagram you know its a no go.

its the culture the girls in Asian countries and shit don't act like this and a lot of people in America do. unfortunately sex sells so all we're seeing is sluts crammed down our face like you said. its really frightening im trying like fucking crazy to find a good girl and it seems impossible I just don't know. I dont mind if a girl has been in relationships before but this whole slut culture thing is scary

thats exactly what I was saying user. everything got progressively shitty. I remember back in the day it was like cuddling and texting and shit and now its like streaks on snapchat sending nudes fucking on the first day and then the girl you're trying to get with is fucking other guys on the side while you guys are talking

when i was in middle and high school girls weren't really slutty they just wore jeans and nice shirts dresses and shorts that covered most their thigh now jesus christ its just tanktops thongs braless

>if a girl is just sitting at home playing xbox by herself you're not going to see that on pornhub lol
But those get dicked down by Chad on a daily basis too. Tinder and other online dating sites make it possible. No one will ever see or know anything. They can act innocent because it's all on their phones and the messages can be deleted. I fucked those girls.

i've talked to a girl who was a whore and just straight up told me she didn't see sex as a big deal and just went and fucked and she just sent me nudes for the fuck of it.

girls don't pretend to be innocent guys dont even care this day or age. guys will take a girl after shes been a stripper or fucked 30 dudes in one night or something and not really care like they used to.

you can tell a girl is a hoe right away she'll post half naked pictures, ask dudes to buy them shit all the time, this and shit. you can tell just by looking at their profiles

>mfw i grew up like this
i know poor people resent the rich over literally anything and everything, but are you suggesting that you're not going to have kids because of college kids having fun?

lmao problem of poverty solved, just upload videos of parties

>imagining a weak, semi-retarded manchild sitting at his computer, browsing porn for hours on end
would you really rather have a son?

if you're really convinced that women have it easier in the world because you're brain damaged, shouldn't you prefer a daughter?

Yeah kill yourself OP never said that shit.

whens the last time you got laid, anger issues?

get out of here roastie and stop justifying your whore behavor. go back to tit general on /soc/ or something they're missing you

There are virgins and hoes. I'm in my 30's. There's a reason why I stay single. I fuck a new 19-21 year old whore every week. Way cheaper and less trouble than a used up roastie. Love is not for us and paid sex is way healthier than just sitting and home jacking off.

And let me tell ya kid. Whores are no different from regular girls or wives. I visited a whore last month and she had the door to her private bedroom open on accident or she didn't care. I could see what's inside: Piles of clothes, handbags, shoes, ... why invest that money to a used up roastie and not a teenage girl who makes me feel like she's happy to see me?

It's all an act but so is being a betabux provider.

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are you justifying watching porn?