Asking anons why they are yet to end it all :).
-why have you not done it
-how would you do it
Asking anons why they are yet to end it all :).
-why have you not done it
-how would you do it
Other urls found in this thread:
>why have you not done it
>how would you do it
hanging while playing this on loop
>-how would you do it
As I don't have a car, I will buy a tent, seal the openings.
Then use 2 instantgrills, light them up, wait for the smoke to vanish and the coal to calm down.
When it is only glimmering I will put them insides, seal the tent fast and wait insides to pass out and die.
Of course I'd do a test run to check whether the concentration that builds up insides the tent will be high enough.
devil trips.
thats interesting way man.
Don't have things ready yet - I want to leave behind as little as possible.
Method - not 100% sure, but there are a lot of very poisonous plants that grow everywhere. There are hundreds of a certain plant on my property that if ingested (2 leaves+) is like taking an overdose of heart medication.
Because pic related
This is original comment
>-why have you not done it
Not suicidal in reality
>-how would you do it
It's not hard to kill yourself on a whim. Sharp things are everywhere and tall buildings are not far away
Also, I feel strangely personally targeted by this thread. You won't stop me from liking 2D catgirls.
Earth is hell already.
You should realize that.
poison seems horrible way user eeeek
I love cat girls as well user :)
every day I do
I can't argue with that
>tfw forgot captcha and then muted for 2 seconds
And not a meme way.
I chickened out and couldn't go through with it.
But the test run I have done with 1 single instant grill in the small bathroom was enough to make my CO-meter read over 2000ppm in only 15 minutes.
The rest is extrapolation.
Also just discovered the crow now in the picture.
>-why have you not done it
Not sad enough yet
>-how would you do it
I'd try to swim to Japan.
Thanks for posting catgirls, then.
Seems promising - I've considered it too, but I haven't done much research yet.
I like the tent option too - I don't want to die in a bathroom.
Come to think of it, my dad had 2 of those BBQ grill things in his porch for years - I wonder if that's why he had them.
I might have to think about this way,but im such a poor fag I lack the money.
Hey i never noticed the crow.
wish I had more but the rest are lolis and mods would ban :(
Just wish there was an easy way :)
I will one day harvest your collection and add it to my own, like I do to other anons.
One day, I will take your collection of catgirls.
Got a wife. I've done well so our house is almost mortgage free. Got a life insurance policy that pays out $700k including a suicide clause too, and it's surpassed the 13 months with no new overlap so I know I can do it at any moment and she'd be financially secure.
But I know it'd crush her. She's a depressant like me and I hate the thought of her being alone.
Got 10x100mg morphine sulfate pills that'd put me down quickly.
>Got a wife
Didn't stop Chester.
user this is all stuff I mass saved, I need to update it but its 15K hentai pics.
I have so many more hand saved ones I am yet to add to a meganz folder :(
feel free to enjoy
dude thats pretty cool man :)
you can do it and help your family, wow wish my mum got money when I kill myself
forgot the link, heres my hentai folder for anons, as stated its not all my current stuff :(
you're disgusting. Such a twisted scumbag, it doesn't matter what anime pictures you post you are fucking repulsive. How dare you try to tempt people into suicide, wtf is wrong you? yeah there's a serious decrease in empathy.
Fuck off get some corrective brain surgery, you'd only feel bad if you were punished for doing bad and until you get caught you'll never feel bad. I fucking hate you
Thank you, user. I shall take as much as I can.
1/10 back in my day the bait game was stronger lmao
i'm not laughing. Suicide isn't a casual thing and this sick freak is trying to make it out like it's our only option.
Nice bait :)
If it isnt bait, I just hope you know that I am not tempting people I am talking feelz.
Many of us want to die so I am asking/talking about it...
I gave myself a year, starting from my birthday, to become greater than I've ever been before, to destroy my previous shy autistic self and become closer to peak human than I've ever been before or I'll anhero.
If I fail at this then I'll use the good old helium, or some other inert gas, exit bag.
I'm currently 21.
Yeah man for a lot of us it is our only option, when you live in constant misery and know that changing your life WONT make you happy as you have bad depression.
You eventually an hero or suffer.
I am not encouraging anyone
it's the fact you're making it out to be so casual, it's not funny. You're treading a dangerous line.
upgrade to 2/10 because you're sticking by your shit bait
I have access to some oramorph (liquid morphine), but I don't think I have enough to OD.
Might be enough to help me through whatever method I end up using though.
Catgirls are the best, really
how can you post pictures like this while talking about dying? it's not endearing, it's not charming or adorable. With what you have wrote even if it is supposed to humorous in some way other folks may get the wrong idea, it's like your trying to drag down as many as you can with you.
Why haven't you ended it yet and how would you?
you don't leave the possibility of things getting better to your reader. Words are extremely powerful
I live in Alaska. Planning on buying a gun and just blowing my brains out atop some mountain in the middle of nowhere.
I can never obtain enough emotion to do it. I always go back to feeling apathetic and empty. The constant feeling of not waiting to be alive is always present but I just don't care enough to kill myself. If I ever to get to the point where I want to finally end it, I'm going to jump off a bridge.
Whether or not you want to, everyone dies. Stop being such an ass in this user's final moments.
It should be casual you normalfag.
It should be condoned, if you are an adult and want to die let us die.
you fags want us trapped with you, to make you feel better.
Although this is obvious bait.
OD would be nice :)
Cat lolis are nice as well
Fuck off dude. Stop trying to whiteknight people you know nothing about just to stroke your ego.
>Cat lolis are nice as well
They're angels! Pure divinity
You can die if you want that's your choice, what I don't condone is trying to trivialise it and normalise it. Unless you have chemical depression, things can get better. I won't try to preach to you about perception or anything like that but what you're doing is wrong with this thread.
>you don't leave the possibility of things getting better to your reader.
Suicide should be for people with clinical depression.
Or whoever wants to die, why does life have value when it sucks?
Nice man, im aus fag so I cant buy guns lel.
Hang myself and OD at same time is my plan
This 100%
if it isnt bait its pathetic as fuck.
Normies tell others not to an hero as they once felt sad and they have no idea what being really depressed is like.
We want to die fuck off normal fags
-dumb optimism and im too stubborn. plus I'm starting to quite like being a piece of shit.
-I don't know, if it was a fantasy I'd probably have a cute guy, preferably my ex, to shoot me in the head. He'd tease me and abuse me beforehand too, but he won't make me cum. Otherwise I'd probably cut my wrists and bleed out in the bath.
your choice of wording can wield great power and youth is extremely impressionable. When you are young will feel a great deal of powerful emotions which will cloud your judgement stopping you seeing the full picture.
Yes some people are lost causes but there is still hope for others.
>unless you have chemical depression, things can get better.
I think it's the opposite. Chemical depression can be treated with antidepressants, if you're depressed because your life is shit then the pills aren't gonna work, and most of the times people who have a really fucked up life don't have the means to fix it.
If my shitposting takes out some underage b& who doesn't belong here I don't give a fuck. This is my place, normalfag.
This is Jow Forums and you can't do anything about it. You're not saving anyone with your words, you're just being an annoying faggot. Just hide the thread and move on with your life, go get a job at a suicide hotline.
it may seem that way but your perception can change. I won't pretend I have all the answers, I don't but things can get better under certain circumstances that you have control over.
> Why
Well my CTO friend took a chance on me and gave me an intern position in his start up. I'd like to see the 3 month contract through. In addition to that, my ex would be devastated and blame herself for breaking up with me.
> How
Very simple, get to a tall building and jump with a couple garbage bags on me to assist pick up
Catposting to rerail this thing.
My situation is hopeless - I've seen enough to know that.
Perception doesn't come into it for me.
I appreciate the thought, but there's no turning back for me.
I'm not worried about it - it just makes sense in my situation.
bleeding to death is a really low success rate, like 15%
You shouldn't be here if you arent 18+
You are so misunderstanding man, you dont want an hero anons to be, to talk about stuff?
You know when we chat about methods ect we make sure we dont fuck up?
>Chemical depression can be treated with antidepressants,
I dont want to take meds that alter my mind, depression has been removing all the small things that made my already shit life bearable like video games.
>suicide hotline.
anyone wannah red pill me on these?
Only people who ring them up are people who dont want to die?
Is it for normies, like why ring them up?
I dont even tell my psychologist I want to an hero
as I know they think teh only reason people tell them is for attention and help.
I want neither.
Catgirl posters are good people.
Those who post fake cat ear girls are okay.
Those who hate catgirls are sinners.
>I dont even tell my psychologist I want to an hero
And you better not to, especially not psychiatrists.
The moment they get a clue that you are suicidal, they will lock you up in a mental ward.
>is for attention
It's exactly this. They want attention and to be reassured their existence isn't meaningless.
From my experience (UK, NHS), you can talk about it as much as you want without them caring as long as you place it in some vague point in the future.
"In a couple of years", etc.
When I was in hospital last year (non-suicide related medical problem), they were only concerned with whether or not I'd kill myself while I was in there.
When I told them I wouldn't, it wasn't their problem anymore.
No guarantees - could well differ from individual to individual.
youth is any teenager to early 20s. I think it's good to talk about these things especially if you feel like you can't talk to anyone in person about this. I remember only talking to people online and therapists about my true thoughts.
What annoys me was how the op was worded, i feels like you're being enticed to death and lord knows r9k is full of these sorts of threads constantly assaulting the reader.
As I said your choice of words are more powerful than you give credit for; ever heard the phrase the pen is mightier than the sword?
This is another reason.
Also if I said I fap to anime girls only and I like lolis, I would get put on sex offender list.
Likely get V& and then go jail for some drawings.
I mean it must be?
you get fed this image of a sucidal man wit ha gun struggling to decide if he should an hero, and then he calls a hot line and they help.
Niggy, most of us will plan suicide and be HAPPY we are going to die lol, normies.
They get sad after stacy leaves them for chad#2 and they an hero lol.
Hey OP here.
I see no issue man, my thread isnt for teens.
When I hear people saying stuff like "I'm depressed, but I have no reason to be depressed."
No reason?
They really can't find one reason for their unhappiness?
How in the Hell is anyone's life that perfect that they have no reason to be down?
I get the whole chemical depression thing, but if that's the ONE problem someone has, sounds like they're pretty blessed to me.
I cant speak for everyone but I have many many reasons to be depressed but since I was a small child I was diagnosed and have been depressed.
Imagine not feeling joy in anything in life ever, after a while even video games ect stop filling the void.
Some people don't wanna live, you know? Life isn't some precious gift to everyone. Everyone percieves it differently.
This 100%
oregano orgino
I would grab a gun and a lot of ammo and go on a cleansing mission until police shoots me
>3 new JSK games recently
Maybe there's something to living afterall
i'm scared of the pain associated with death and i'm afraid of fucking up and ending up a vegetable without the ability to try again.
my preferred method would be assisted suicide (euthanasia) which is legal in some countries. if i had to do it without assistance, i would choose a very high dose of heroin/fentanyl with some weed before i jump from a cliff or bridge.
Fent alone can you kill with a small dose.
Wait seriously?
dont hurt others user.....
I hope you an hero by yourself and dont bring more pain to the world.
Your plan sounds terrible, just do multiple methods at once
Exactly there is multiple points of view, do you think you or other people have been the same person throughout their whole life? of course not. There is always, always chance for change. And there is a chance through meeting somebody/reading or some other activity that your perception could be completely changed.
I'm old enough to have known alot of people and I've seen it happen enough. It's easier to care about others than it is to care about yourself when you're mentally sick.
Some people just cant feel happy, and even if they coudl work hard to change their life why should they?
It is their life.
>There is always, always chance for change.
It's always for the worse.
what is so terrible about a method with a 93.4 percent success rate in combination with one of the deadliest drugs in existence? i'm curious
You wont jump to your death after your stoned lol/
the whole point of the drugs is to take away the fear of jumping, idiot. i'd have a harder time jumping while sober
Go look at ulmf or dlsite you pleb
weed wont take away your fear man.
May as well just OD on the heroin shit...
I wnat to lewd a loli before I an hero