I have no skill. Everybody has some kind of skill except me...
I am literally good at nothing
And here you are wrong
Because i have no skills
git gud, scrub
You think you're just born with skills? You have to develop them, and yeah that means sucking at whatever you do initially but you get through it eventually.
it hurts so much doesn't it?
I tried, I swear I tried
And? Why aren't you trying still? Did you expect to just try for a little while and then not have to try any more? Life is trying. In both senses of the word. Get used to it.
I feel him. Any bigger attempt at learning something new means i get in touch with feeling disappointed in myself every now and then and it is a terrible feeling i learned to avoid. It is a bad solution yes, but i still didnt learn how to get over it
Yeah, there's no easy answer there. Irrational shame is corrosive and makes everything it touches miserable.
what do you have passion about?
>am curious because i have no passion either
>implying you need skill to have any success
I mean, look at all the e-celebs. They don't do shit and get paid for it.
Just record yourself doing some normie tier garbage and watch the dough roll in.
But me too. All i think i can do, there is always some faggot who does it 1843843874318 times better than me and all i want to do is kill myself.
Those people have lots of charisma or are usually very good looking. Which im neither. Do you know how competitive LiveStreaming is these days? Everyone is fucking doing it. Its so oversaturated that if you get even 10 consistent viewers every stream then you are actually doing pretty good. Not to mention you just have to be an entertaining person to even maintain an audience which is a skill on itself
You have already failed by thinking about this trash tier of all the possibilities.
What you could always do is a parody of something because normies sure love seeing """""original content""""""".
Be creative, senpai.
Or just steal memes from everyone, make compilations until your channel gets shut down. If even.
you have a skill.
you're just ashamed of it.
The same applies for vloggers and reactioneres, you tool.
Not just anyone can grab a webcam and make money recording themselves doing everyday shit....
People don't get born with skill. Skilled people practiced for years to achieve those skills. You're not a special disadvantaged snowflake, you're just lazy.
Trying something isn't the hard part. The hard part is to keep trying until you stop sucking. Nobody succeeds at the first try, not at shit that matters anyway.
I have a bunch of useless skills. The only things I have the drive to practice are inherently pointless.
>Not just anyone can grab a webcam and make money recording themselves doing everyday shit....
Yet faggots do it and get millions watching them
Also, don't do ""everyday shit"". Be creative. Or are you already dead inside?
If you are; why are you even entertaining the idea of doing shit?
Cooking food that doesn't poison you, make you vomit or throw up is not a skill.
learn an instrument like the guitar and play the blues mate
I made a thread about the same problem, literally the only thing that I'm good at is lifting, other than that I'm a complete failure, I know what you're feeling user... I know...
>I'm good at lifting
user, how is that considered a skill?
If you could lift a house though.....
well i for one don't lift at all. the skill is in keeping it up and getting results
Don't listen to this guy. If you parents didn't make to play instrument since 3y old you will never be good at it.
You don't develop a shit as an adult. Learning language is nothing as kid, as adult ? Good luck faggot.
tfw you're right and I have literally zero skills
Get out. It's true no one is born with any skills, but you have to develop them why you are still a kid.
i started at like 11, didn't really practice until I turned 14-15. if you like something, it's much easier to get a feel for it. i picked up the piano at around 19 pretty easily, as well as singing even later on around 20-21.
>Cooking food that doesn't poison you, make you vomit or throw up is not a skill.
a skill is what you get paid for, snowflake
So everything in kids phase. Were you even trying to prove me wrong or what?
Who are you answering too?
The one I quoted implied that anything could be a skill.
Youre delusional af and have no idea what youre talking about. Drink bleach
>be creative
No shit retard. Why are you repeating what i already said just differently?
You think being creative is easy? Lets see your dumbass start a successful yt channel or livestream. Oh wait, you wont and you cant because its not as simple as you claim and actually requires alot of talent and skill to make "millions", dipshit.
Fuck outta here
I'm a sub-par writer and that's my only skill. Being told you're really great at something your whole life and then realizing you're only mildly good at that thing at an editorial level is worse than always being without skill from the start
You can use a computer. You're already more skillful than 80% of the human race.
literally just learn cooking if nothing else.
what the fuck how dense can you be to go as far as saying "I have no skills" without spending a second on how about getting skills.
like... just get skills. You have a PC, you have google... learn programming.
Learn art.
Learn fixing cars
Learn doing cool woodworking shit
go climbing
fkkin... lift and get Jow Forums
idk. think of something
tf is your problem you fucking autist?
What about talent?