How many people do you think post on this board regularly? I'd guess around 25 at most...

How many people do you think post on this board regularly? I'd guess around 25 at most, it always feels like the same anons every day

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Other urls found in this thread:

I've been posting every day since 2014, and my posting style is instantly recognizable if you pay attention.

also post here pretty much all day. phone post on the go. we should have a strawpoll for this.

Far more than that. At least a couple thousand regulars

As a hapa I have nowhere else to go.

Feels like that to me, but thats only because I ignore the threads made by thirsty faggots and Jow Forumsfags that tend to fill up quickly. In reality theres a LOT more posters.

Hundreds of regulars, maybe even thousands. The hivemind makes a lot of posters seem similar but in reality there are so many more than you'd think.

Im the spic who racebaits daily

I also trappost alot

>that trap user
>that successful user
>that female
>that conservative user
>that loser neet user
Yup that's all of us

can't even picture a single one of those anons

go back to your suicide cult, nigger

I also forgot
>that newfag

not even new here and i can't picture any of specific posting styles like that that reoccur, don't know what chaotic types like because i'm not a discordfag.

I do nothing but lurk except on fetish threads.

damn thats sad.

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Chaotic is pretty obvious

Attached: 1524165405324.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

And this is a korean girl from socal

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Chaotic is that gay boy that makes a thread every day about wanting a bf

i thought some other faggot posted that stupid anime chick

And i think yui kashii poster is a hispanic wagey from norcal who pretends to be asian

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Each of you is just one of my split off personalities.
We are all the same user.
Even Fem Anons

Cvnka/piety uses it too

Tomoko poster? Ehhd

a.k.a. Chaotic

>(0.00% content)
What did they mean by this?

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im here every day, replying to the same people.

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Thanks for replying to my posts, I love you.

>14 posters

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>tfw no one recognizes me because I have multiple personalities

literally who r u

>tfw no one recognizes me since I only reply to others and don't have a set theme anyone would pick-up on

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Become a tripfag so we can filter you faggot

I've been a daily poster since 2013.

Oh yeah! You're the guy who likes traps, right?

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Yes but I only like black traps

Im am everyone & you are a product of my imagination

The only boards generating any real traffic are Jow Forums /v/ and /sp/
Rest of the boards are pretty dead although i like /tv/ and Jow Forums too

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Can you kill me off then please?

Okay, which one of you met me in that roblox minigames level?

Sure just go to sleep & ill make sure you dont wake up

Get out underage poster

I'm not undersage I enjnoy frog meems like the rest of you.

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I forgot to post the korean girl (male)s voice

Top kek my shadilay

More of those if you have.
Oh my god my dick.

Checked my frogbro
(hail kek!)

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I love you guys im going to sleep now..

Fucking epic & based

I've been posting here since 2014 too and I have no idea if I've ever seen you before.

Oh shit, you're that one asshole who always takes the wrong side in debates. Boy, you look stupid.

You can't recognise people here because everyone's posts are to similar but i sure recognise people on other boards or in generals.
Ic is the easiest because you can tell by the way someone draws.

What about that guy who posts cuckcest shit?

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Wait a second, don't I typically say that?

Back to your suicide cult, though.

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I have been posting quite regularly for a while now, but I doubt many posters would recognize me by writing style alone.
Some might recognize me by the context of my posts, though.

I recognize around 20 different regulars, by their writing style and the threads they frequent. But I filter a shitton of threads, so it's surely a much larger number, in reality.

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Why is that picture so hot fuck

You think it's the same anons because the underage normie faggots who make up 90% of this board right now, all have the same normieshit """""""problems""""" and are here to fuel their victim complex.
True quality is rare.

Attached: spyral.png (500x437, 91K)

How can someone stay here for 4 fucking years?