Is this even remotely possible natty? How the fuck do I reach Cavill mode?

Is this even remotely possible natty? How the fuck do I reach Cavill mode?

Attached: cavillmode.jpg (638x425, 27K)

Hire a hollywood PT

Why don’t you try lifting you dumb shit retard

>those delts

It's possible with top 1% genetics. He roided tho.

is his face natty?

He claims he didn’t. So does his trainer

Of course they do. Do you know how PR works, you dumb fucking retard? His career would be over if he admitted using illegal drugs.

>implying he is natty

Those look like pretty natty delts desu

People who tell you this isn't achievable natty have never been fit before. Totally achievable friend

literally every actor who ever got big for a role roids.

That's a lifetime goal for a natty and you'll need to focus your whole routine and life around it.

Be careful to stay fairly lean too as it's MUCH harder to maintain muscle dieting as a natural.

I doubt Cavill did this naturally given a busy lifestyle and the short time frame.

I have seen some true natties get there, but again, it's monk level discipline. To the extent you might not even enjoy the lifestyle that requires it.

Yes possible. Looks like about four years. Absolutely this


Attached: Henry-Cavill-Arms-of-Steel-for-Man-of-Steel-henry-cavill-26361890-983-1222.jpg (983x1222, 312K)

you guys are fucking retarded

he's not even that big in this - go watch his actual workout video instead of spamming a pic with the best angles and lighting

fuck off dyel


99% of what is posted on this board is
1- NOT natty

stop falling for the meathead gym rat propaganda for real bros

plus they always get a pump before going on set for shirtless shots like these.

Who will get you gear

Protip : All actors are on gear and have PT's and chefs

If there is more to gain other than just vanity (money, career) then roiding is perfectly justified

you're saying this isn't possible natty? GTFO

Lol you can't go around as a current actor and just admit to using roids. Totally bad PR. Stories about how hard you trained and how you had to eat shitty stuff and sacrifices makes people admire you way more

Once you've made your career out of it you can mention it, but even then you try to downplay it

Attached: 1528263682088.jpg (1234x1067, 328K)

Yes, pretty much. About 12% bodyfat.
Just do a PPL programm.

yes and hes probably natty too as he doesn't shrink between films, like hemsworth for example

I don’t get it. Does this look bad or something?

Girls are fucking disgusting

Please don't tell me Cavill juiced to get naturally achievable gains...

Not at all, this random shot from him on set shows how natty he looks, but there people here that don't think so for some reason. In OPs pic he looks bigger but you need to account that it's a shot from the movie, with good lightning/pump/angle to look better.

Shouldn't superman technically be skinny as fuck? How can he do progressive overloading, lifting skyscrapers?

Yes. Not in the timeframe he did it though.

His delts arent THAT good. Every basketball player in highschool has those delts