
what an ordeal eh, my fault though, shoulda saved the current image, edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


is everyone hungover from toesphere?
i am hung over but that's how i feel every day so i have an excuse

You just know ebin is driving himself insane obsessing over "fake" football fans supporting England in the World Cup.
Celebrating happily while he's "persecuted"

Shaved my head zero all over, thought it'd be pretty simple just go over it a few times. Took like 30 goes over and it still looks patchy as hell

>Norwegian flag in image
it didn't work out for him

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God bless the British National Party.

>sweden then Croatia or Russia
No excuses for not getting to the final at least, no heat, no midges, no muh inexperienced team

Can't even say you're english in bloomin england anymore

ya' reet lods?

Attached: 1528995338802.jpg (600x800, 60K)

Alri lad? Where did you get that image of my girlfriend?

t. bright red sweaty gammon

she sent it to me dumb arse ;^)

nah but he tried, and we were all hoping for the best for him, well maybe not everyone but....
s'lore int it

alright lads, I 'eard englund won the football. did the football really cum ome?

saddest character arc this year of all time

what we gonna do when it comes home though

He was a cunt mate. He didn't deserve a gf.

Anyone know if the peoples radio is on today?


It's our time now lads

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>Jew star on the radiohost


No she dodged a bullet, imagine shacking up with a pathetic incel AND a gammon.
Gives me shivers.

Has he not been persecuted enough, his 5 gorillion.

>post yfw he scored

Attached: Ronaldier.jpg (408x660, 102K)

>doesn't really get this arc thing
is it just like a story?

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He was a gammon?
explain gammon

I can tell youre not in the kik group


you must assume everyone here is a made up character and have a story arc/plot

>being in a kik group

i'm not in any group

>not being in the kik group
i mean really? we have about 60 members lad step it up

I can't read his blog anymore he's made it private

i hope you know the old bill constantly monitor KIK

He was one of those weird religious gammons who are like "I hate niggers in the name of JESUS!"


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Dont think anyone cares lad, most just post a bit of cheeky banter, feels good to be updated every now and then

no i get that. i just don't know what an arc is

hoping for some good memes if we do bring it home lads

Started to think lately that maybe my problem is thinking the world revolves around me lads
I always tend to think the way people act is related to me, but recently I've started to see that theres some deep stuff which I never would have known

Or is this just anxiety rather than selfishness? PRetty confused baka

It's how someone develops as they go through a story

you'll be considered complicit in a noncing ring

One of those stereotypical red faced breggsiters who peddle outrage constantly.

Yeah lad, its a hard pill to swallow and also to figure out, dropping your ego is a healthy thing to do.

ME MI MUM MI DAD N MI GRAN (sounds like a paki outing) WENT OFF FOR A VINDALOO(it fucking is, holy shit didn't even see it before)

curry is pretty based, my culture now

Still dont know what to do about my mates cute sister who randomly added me on snapchat

Scary how nice and normal she looks


Attached: skynews-lucy-letby-chester-hospital-nurse_4353003.jpg (1096x616, 69K)

nothing, put 50p in the larp jar and move on

>don't even care about football
>unironically like three lions

why do you think its a larp? tell me please

Lads I've been watching a lot of cuckold porn and I notice that they never mention politics in it.

Why is that?

do you think what with all this ypipo can't do that it's for blacks only stuff happening we'll have to stop eating curries?

Attached: af2.png (680x521, 110K)

because you have posted about this a few times and given a different age every time.

not at all. Curry has been assimilated into British culture. Honestly suprised norf fc posters dont include stuff about curry

i dont know her exact age you wanker

a good curry is quintessentially British

I bet you're the silly faggot who thought I don't have an office in Milan.

no one cares if you eat curry or fried chicken lad

sorry lad you'll be arrested for that soon

>This is why the England Band and their awful songs should be banned for the rest of the World Cup


Attached: mamamia.jpg (579x890, 191K)

don't say that shit man curry is nice
sorry if you were not being sarcastic

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then why give a specific age if you don't know, classic larp behaviour again

christ youre literally autistic sod off

I was being serious, going for a good curry with the lads and getting some beers down ya has never been more british

>This is why the England Band and their awful so-

Attached: the-chant-drummer-for-the-fans-and-football-supporters-at-leicester-BKC1PA.jpg (1300x959, 208K)

going to have my lunchy now

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she didn't add you.

>its real
>'gammon' is in wide spread ultra normie use

Oink Oink Gammon!

Oink to you to my gammon-y chum.

i think youre genuinely just jealous
the fact that youre in utter disbelief at this one simple fact probably proves shes interested in me

I hate this meme gammon is my favourite meal but now I can't mention it with out some smart arse butting in " BREXZIT MEENZ BREXZIT"

No one really hates football fans here? I'm not a fan at all but the average football fan is just a normal person really, sure these gammoners do exist but they're a dying breed

the fact you're coming here to ask about what to do gives it away for me

gammon is dead mate, it doesn't oink

52% of voters are gammoners mate.

Who isn't a gammon then?

Daily reminder that July 4th was supposed to be when tumblr decided they were to raid Jow Forums, with Jow Forums Jow Forums and /b/ among the main targets.

because im a spastic with a nice face that has no idea what to do with girls

mmm eggy breggzit with toast n bacon in the morning

white "men" with 0 test

Pretty sure this meme has been about for a few years now lad and nothing happens

you keep saying that, post your face.

I'm not*spreads but cheeks for girlfriend *

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I want more idiot brexiters who think they are intellectually superior to post here. They make me laugh.

Hilarious comments:
>Gammon not, I have every right to want my country to stop brown low IQ peeps from invading into my homeland.
>I'd rather be a tasty Gammon than a Limp Onions Bean any day.
Proudly Gammon, and I'm not even British.
>Gammon hehehe, the biggest complement I ever could have dreamed of. And, yeah for all you lefties, the biggest backfire I have ever seen. Gammon hehehe yeah I really like that.

>Pretty sure this meme has been about for a few years now lad and nothing happens

Of course the gammon cunts are "proud" of it.

They are used to using false pride to cope. They also claim to be proud to be English and they delude themselves into thinking that England is a good country.

dirteh stinkin bass

not happening

How long do you reckon she gets put away for? 6 months suspended is my guess

british cynicism is cancer lads can we all just be happy for once

Trip back on, Moni. You Paki sex criminal

This thread is full of gammon, they get triggered every time it's brought up.

this is all the evidence i need to prove this is a larp.

The gammon certainly bother you since you can't stop talking about them. Is your face red, lad?

does your mummy do pineapple with it to when she does gammon for din din lads?

from the looks of things only a few people have 'liked' any stuff posted there. You wont even notice considering how much stupid shit gets posted everyday

Not him but the gammon bother me. They are taking a once great country into the dark ages. They are going to tank the economy just because they don't like hearing foreign accents in the supermarket. They've made it more difficult for people to live in Europe's most beautiful places and imprisoned people on a horrible, shit island with terrible food just because they are too stupid to realise how shit England is.