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if you enjoy this youre dead inside

Is this suppose to be a bad thing roastie?

I didn't enjoy it, but to be fair that's what she deserved, not paying attention to driving when driving. Also it's interesting how blood flows over surfaces irl

well, let's pretend she didn't kill herself with a bus and instead hit something else, a old guy walking his dog or a child trying to cross the street. honestly, this is the best outcome because she could have killed somebody for the pathetic excuse of getting attention and likes on her stream.

i don't enjoy natural selection


She lived as she died, a dumb bitch. I don't enjoy it though

I'm on Jow Forums frogposting every single day, I don't need you to tell me I'm dead inside.

>implying I'm gonna watch someone die

fuck no


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Get out of here, this isn't a place for you

someone, start goreposting itt to drive the big gay away

I must of walked into the place where the big strong tough guys hang out, eh?

What a stupid, vapid way to go
>wah, why does everyone hate us, we are just trying to live our lives waaah
>FUCK YES! all roasties should die for not giving me pussy. fucking whore lmao!

triple dubs confirm you are a giant fag

>video doesnt include moment of crash


this desu


Women are stupid and retarded

I have a really bad habit of using my phone while driving

I know it's bad, but it's hard to stop. It's like a fucking addiction.

What do I do?

>What do I do?

Die in a car crash.

help me stop doing this shit so I dont get in a car crash

buy some music cds, really not that hard user

I still drive with my phone but im better than a woman

>help me stop doing this shit
I'm not this guyBut I agree with him after you making this retarded as statement

Yikes. Enjoying summer buddy?

Meh, i did manage to buy a german bayonet in warsaw's jewish quarter tho.

No one pays attention every second while driving, you'll always break attention for a second or two sometimes, that's all you need to crash.

she forgot to thank the bus driver

If that many people wouldn't pay attention while driving as you say, there'd be many more fatalities on the road. And besides, she didn't "break attention" to better focus on the road signs, or the lights or the like, but on a trivial fucking phone, completely irrelevant to the task at hand.

People forget that when they're driving they're piloting over a ton worth of metal and machinery capable of going 150+ km/h

I'm not some edgelord but this is satisfying for many reasons. You belong on reddit. Go there.

>tfw roastie originally gets toasty

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for a second I thought this was the story about the girl who had sex with her dog, got the dog's penis stuck inside her, and had to get the dog's dick surgically removed.

She could have killed an innocent through her vanity.

Are you retarded or just underage? She drove into oncoming traffic because she was worrying about staring into the camera to make faces to her orbiters. That's not the same thing as changing the radio station when it's perfectly safe to do so.

Stupid is as stupid dies.

go back to rabbit, roast

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couldn't she have at least bought a more substantial car with her orbiterbux?

They should show this video to the highschool kids to encourage seatbelt use.

>she wouldn't have died if she used a seatbelt

You can't just write that shit and not provide sauce

It's apparently possible when fucking a dog, but i couldn't find the story with the dog's dick had to be removed.

If women want to end slut shaming, they better make sure their slutiness benefits everyone and not just Chads

>expecting women to do this ever

lel thanks op

So, the dude's first instinct is to whip out the camera, instead of checking the vitals, stopping blood loss etc?

We deadass live in a society bruhh..

She was obviously dead. There was not point.

He was propably redpilled and knew that only good roastie is a dead roastie

Look at her body for 2 seconds and you already know she is dead. You are a gigantic waste of space if you waste your time doing that shit.

To be fair, she could've been in some kind of shock and bleeding out

The Eternal Natasha does it again.
Do russian women even count as humans?


what did the guy say at the end of the video?

I think all people who drive with their phones out or looking anywhere other than the road around them should be sentenced to death by having a bus ram into their car.

"Thank god it was just a thot"

What happens? Probably won't watch it.

Death is never funny. Before you people call me a moral fag, it was never intended that we should enjoy the death of our own. Normal healthy brains react with disgust towards this. You people should really seek help.

Really though, not trying to be edgy but if you've browsed this shitty site long enough you should be desensitized to gore by this point.

>limp, lifeless body hanging out of a car
>brains dripping down the door onto the street
>"oh god, shes not breathing I CANT FIND A PULSE"
>*pulls obvious corpse out of car and starts cpr*

You're right, but you're also mistaken to assume that it's normal to count every human as "our own". In fact, mostly only acquaintances can be considered "our own" by our brain. And seeing someone who might be harm to one of our own dying by their own foolishness is very, very pleasing to our brains.

people are awful dude.

Why are russians such terrible drivers


Its funny you say that, considering normies enjoy this kind of stuff even more than incels do.
Geoffry Daumer didn't exactly have a "normal" brain, but even he couldn't stomach the process of chopping up his victims so he had to get almost black out drunk to finish the job. Medical Students?
They will be presented a cadaver to dissect and those bastard will fucking laugh and joke about it. Completely ignoring that they are disrespecting the corpse of someone's grandma or something.

Also, Crucifixion and public executions were treated as entertainment in early human civilization. People in general are just messed up.

>Stupid is as stupid dies.
Made me lol irl.

And what's your point, roastie?

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hahaha what a stupid fucking animal
most of you posters are like that
glazed over eyes like a pig

poor idiot.
RIP either way, feel dam sorry for her family

>cheering the death of a criminal is the same as of an innocent
Nope, you're fucked in the head.

i was hoping to see her brain flying through the window
what a letdown

>Death isn't funny!!!!
>but its ok to cheer if we label the person as bad
Trying to rationalize behavior like this only proves you and every other normie are even worse psychos than we are.

Why is this so common?

>Medical Students? They will be presented a cadaver to dissect and those bastard will fucking laugh and joke about it. Completely ignoring that they are disrespecting the corpse of someone's grandma or something.
Secret psychopaths are drawn to the medical field, particularly being surgeons. Actual normies don't enjoy seeing serious pain, especially not healthy adults.

Teenagers like to pretend they're hardcore and edgy, so they'll enjoy this type of material because it's novel. Once you reach 25 or so, and you've spent some time on the internet, this sort of shit kind of loses its taboo appeal.

The girl in the OP was texting/recording while driving which is a crime.
So were cheering the death of a criminal as well :^)

>stores have started phasing out music cds

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shame really,she was kinda cute

Both worst and probably best comment
Fuck you for making me laugh at this normie meme

I'm glad when people like her get killed. Better she dies than give her the chance to take the life of innocent ones too.

kek pathetic
that last "we" left a long time ago, you're just an edgy teenager basking in his summer vacation
regardless, you can flip and flop this as much as you want, there's nothing wrong with liking the death of a pedo rapist
it's like getting rid of a stain on your clothes, good fucking riddance
liking the death of an innocent automatically means you're fucked in the head, it's not up for debate

Hm, this is fair enough. But you can look up a music store, they're like old book stores but for people with adhd. Also the internet is a good place to find shit, discogs and ebay.

But she isn't innocent.

Too many edgy kids on this thread. Funny the double standards, when an user shoot himself with a shotgun its sad but when its a cunt streamer its good for her. pathetic....
I dont care about both of those death, im just making an observation

They're both human, what if the "pedo rapist" was wrongfully convicted? Do you just go "oops oh well, too late to take back my cheers"

Either way you're enjoying the death of a person, with family, with loved ones, possibly with children. The only thing that separates the innocent from the guilty is what actions they committed. I don't care if you like death. You're just pathetic for thinking it's justified by your moral code because he did something your norms don't agree with.

>what if...?
Faggot, you're retarded.
>my norms don't agree with
You see, some crimes are naturally crimes, it's not a point of view.

This is the cringiest display of autism i have ever seen.
I hate how you faggots judge the world from your computer screen but in real life youre probably the most spineless pussy who will never do or achieve anything

>Faggot, you're retarded.
Because you don't think it could happen?

>You see, some crimes are naturally crimes, it's not a point of view.
Only by law, and law is subjective, and built on the points of view of those who write it.

Did you know in germany the age of consent is 14? Do you agree with that? And it's still legal isn't it? And the laws in germany are just as valid there as yours are wherever you live.

Hell, the age of consent is 16 in over 30 U.S. states, and yet americans think under 18 is pedophilia due to hollywoods Californian influence.

B-b-but womyn are better at multitasking!!

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But death is fun sometimes

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ayy bones, good show

nice projection m88

>Funny the double standards, when an user shoot himself with a shotgun its sad but when its a cunt streamer its good for her. pathetic....

suicide and vapid negligence aren't the same thing you dumb cunt, your observation was nonsense

>when an user shoot himself with a shotgun its sad

lmao people were mocking the fuck out of that dude

welcome to Jow Forums, now go back to facebook, you fucking cunt

>Only by law, and law is subjective, and built on the points of view of those who write it
*detonates a nuke in a populated city*
>well, it's only subjective bruh

Muslims and north koreans would be proud

she's obviously Tatar, not Russian

Good, fuck cities. Every urban piece of human garbage should be wiped from the face of the earth.

her car was a fucking pancake, her blood and brain matter were leaking down the door

No laws in war. They wouldn't hesitate to murder your people, why would you hestate to murder theirs?

While you make a good point, people have survived freak accidents, even surviving losing large amounts of brain tissue. Although whether it would even be worth staying alive at that point is a different matter.

This desu, he could've checked her pulse at the very least, even if it probably would've been nonexistant

lel they didn't have the decency to cover her?

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