Robots! I found a cure to our condition. I wont beat about the bush its ecstasy

Robots! I found a cure to our condition. I wont beat about the bush its ecstasy.

I was always your typical robot, being alone, nightwalking drinking and getting high blablabla.

Well all that changed when i bought 2 tablets of E. I popped one at midnight exactly and went ALONE to city to party. I sat down alone at empty table and spent like hour reading around online the do and donts of E.

Then it happened.

By 3am i had this hot 19 yo rich ginger girl(pic related) on my lap kissing my neck while i was flirting with the other 4 girls/women i brought to my table.

I had THE best night of my life and its all thanks to ecstasy. All fears, all issues, all barriers all fucking gone mates it was just me in raw primal form having fun and connecting with strangers both men and women.

You should DEFINITELY try Ecstasy and going to social setting my fellow robots.

Anons who done E report ITT

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I have taken a lot of mdma in my life and it only works if you have friends if you don't its just sad.

You know ecstasy has side effects don't you OP? And what is the point if you need something this dangerous to just be social while normalfags do it without effort.

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I rolled with my friends (roommates), my father and alone and i had by far the most fun partying alone mate.

Idk about you but it literally forces me to seek out people and get close to them haha
I know mate but i been smoking cigs since i was 11, drinking vodka since 14 and smoking weed+shrooms since 20.

Little E in the mix wont kill me...r-right?

Stop posting this shit. I have a feeling it's my 4th time replying to your pasta!

Two days in a row isnt that much....hate threads and trap threads are daily occurence.
Niggers like you suck mate, cant even be happy for fellow robot or follow in his footsteps

You know smoking and alcohol have worse side effects thou right? Are you really going to tell people they shouldn't take drugs and be unhappy because it can be less harmfull than the alcohol they all binge on

The only bad side affect is nightmares and they tend to last a a night or two unless you take E 5-6 days straight it not that bad unless you over does its no wores that booze and cigs

>Take MDMA
>Have no problem with going up to and connecting with women for the night
>Get realisation I've fucked up my life and I need to do better
>Try to bang one of the girls but can't get a hardon, oh well.
>Next day
>Back to masturbating to hentai.

MDMA is actually quite safe in general, it's about as dangerous as any other antidepressent. There are rare complications though, some people have a rare kidney issue where their kidney is far more sensitive than normal, which means you can OD on normal doses, this is why the first time you do MDMA you should try 30mg first. If you roll on 30mg then never do a 100mg dose.

Another issue is overheating which is rare, another issue is crashing of electrolyte which means people die from "drinking too much water", this though can be stopped by properly eating while on MDMA or drinking sports drink.

Serotonin syndome is extremely rare but is mostly due to MDMA interacting with another drug that influences serotonin, taking something like 5-HTP BEFORE a MDMA roll or during an MDMA roll is quite dangerous.

All in all though again, no more dangerous than any prescription anti-depressent or even many over the counter drugs.

OP, learn fucking English before you post on this board.

You understood everything you fucking poser ass bitch fuck off

>took some E once
>feel exactly like caffeine pills overdose
>no effect except heart racing and stomach discomfort
>just want to go home and be sober to sleep
>normie Chad and Stacy couple on same batch said it was good E
Can't win

She looks like Stacey, OP.
Post more photos of her

Get crystal and test it with a testing kit.
Pills are garbage.

MDMA should look like this, break down into grains and taste like a chemical aniseed.

Attached: Buy-mdma-molly-crystal.jpg (1267x883, 156K)

Well she didnt really struck me as Stacy....she was really nice not stuck up in the least

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She's disgusting. Her forehead takes up about 70% of her whole fucking head, looking like a clown taught her how to apply makeup, and what the fuck is that outfit? If THAT is what ecstasy gets then I'm staying straight edge, that's that.

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is that what good md looks like to you? Good shit is pure white, smells of nothing, and tastes horridly bitter. The brown stuff that smells like root beer/aniseed has impurities.

gahagagahaha if a dude had that hairline you know he'd get fucking roasted big time

Post your photo right now. Better yet-dont...i already know how you look like haha

I'm a disgusting orc-ish looking freak. At least I admit it, and don't try to present myself as anything more. She on the other hand is making every attempt to not look like the inbred genetic dead-end that she is.

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>this is a 10/10 in bongland


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Jesus, look at that 1000 cock stare. Honestly terrifying.

bong here. She's 7/10. Where OP is from she's a 4.

this dude is trolling and its bull shit he posted this same exact last night

>>Get realisation I've fucked up my life and I need to do bette

i get that too wtf is that. my whole life i've been like a criminal and scum bag stealing and selling drugs and shit and as soon as i pop e i instantly wanna change my ways and get a job it gets so bad i have a panic attack all night and just start cleaning everything in sight and feel so sad and lonely and whenever girls talk to me i get so scared or think they're gonna abondon me i almost cry

You dont know shit about where im from nigga

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its not that he took bad e...its just that we dont have the midset to be happy carefree sluts. we. just. dont. have. it.

you're Czech. I know that because you've posted here before. she also has quite a nice ass

Right mr.Watson...

I slid my hands under those jeans and grabbed the butt with full primal power...she bit her lip, smiled and put my hands back on her ass haha

Shit man i had such a great night i cant wait to experience more fun

Also, mate...holy shit she is RICH AS FUCK...she had 2k euro phone man and she is jobless 19 yo

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so why are you sitting here and reminding us were failures? why don't you go talk to her? stop posting this skank you're infatuated with some bitch who gave you attention one time when you were high. shes probably done this hundreds of times.

>shes probably done this hundreds of times
Exactly but this time it was my turn and it was awesome

>reminding us were failures
Man you should really do something about yourself if you think i am doing anything of the sort

wait so you just got her to kiss and touch your dick one time and your still stuck on the thought or i dont get it? you want to be in a relationship with her even though shes a whore?

Is this a weird tacic for us to doxx this girl OP?
You know that r9k is not your diary of daydreams right? At least leave your crush out of it ok?

She jerked me off in middle of the nonstop bar and we were kissing like 5 hours...

I dont want a relationship i want to have F U N mate thats all...and as it turns out kissing and touching nice women is fun

Fucking gross, seriously stop posting this crap...BLOCKED, REPORTED, THREAD HIDDEN.


oh..ive had sex tons of times but its mostly been in relationships

I cant have sex or fun without thinking about soul mates and shit it really sucks. it sounds like you love this chick though or something

Same mate, at 17 i moved in with 22yo grill and lived with her for 4 and half years.
Had sex daily at the very least.

I doubt i could get hard for the ginger girl, i need a :connection: or whatever was just something totally new and i loved it thats all

dude add me on discord Tailor#9041
zrzka jpg xdddd, I am czech too

Ay dios mio la creatura ayyayay

Never done E and probably never will unless I can be sure it isn't cut with meth or other shit, but people say it allows you to open up and empathize more with other people.

LSD and shrooms were really great for my mental health though.

Porn induced erectile dysfunction. Masturbate less and this will likely not be a problem.

Czechia boi

That was probably meth. Methamphetamine and amphetamine have the exact same effect when taken orally.

Nah mate i heard from me mates and they all said they cant get hard on E

Hold on. This is a different thread to yesterday. Stop fucking shilling it you piece of human shit.

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Its exactly the same thread except one line at the end

Yes. You still fucking post this shit and clog up the board. Stop, no-one likes your blatant shilling.

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MDMA doesn't work that way, you will roll even if you're a depressed fuck, this is why they give MDMA to people with extreme depression and PTSD in therapy.

Problem is dosage and set and setting. For safety, take 30mg to test if you have that kidney shit, if not, then take 140mg, then take 70mg every hour or so if you want to keep the roll going (this is the theraputic dose outlined by Shulgin in his studies), you also want to be somewhere to begin with, with music you love and people you enjoy. Uplifting Trance is apparently orgasmic on MDMA for most people, along with uplifting Classical music.

I take ecstasy and I feel depressed as fuck. I get anxious as fuck sad paranoid freak out I hate my life and wanna die. i've tested it before and ive taken real stuff

but im always alone and my life is hell

Damn you so stupid mang

>pic related


Well when was the last time you hooked up with a 7?

In any case i think the points (0-10) are utterly is in the eye of the beholder so what sense does it make trying to rate it

I'm more of a coke fan myself OP

I plan on trying soon as i get enough disposable money to buy some

E-pills aren't even strong enough tbqh, it's cheaper to buy pure(ish) MDMA crystals, but the crystals are much worse for you.

>Well when was the last time you hooked up with a 7

Like two weeks ago.

And a solid 7 is different to a 7 OP

Attached: solid7.jpg (376x500, 35K)

The fuck is your pic supposed to be? They are hideous mate much worse looking than the ginger

>being this new

Anyway congrats she isn't bad (just not hot). well done for pulling now like you say go again next weekend and have fun user

I wish i could but i am out of cash mate

What is it like? Is it similar to E in the socialization way?

Lol you suck

people can talk alot on coke but it doesn't have that same connection. Coke makes some people, including myself, a mute. When I did coke I didn't have tons of energy, it was just nice to chill out and appreciate the sensory enhancement and the "zest" it gave to life. I haven't done it since as it's not worth the money.

Wait... You like normies? And you want to be one? Ree my dude. Get out. X and LSD are great especially in large doses but if you're merely using them to achieve normiedom then 1. Youre wasting the potential that's there 2. It won't work long term, only when you're on the drug and slightly after. It also will work less and less over time.

Are you suggesting i should use E to jerk off to hentai instead of hooking up with real actual females?

Boo hoo nigga

Sounds interesting mate i would love to have everything pharma grade clean and just test the dosage and everything mate....maybe 20 years from now on