How come in almost every routine I've encountered Squats are meant to be the first exercise to do...

How come in almost every routine I've encountered Squats are meant to be the first exercise to do? My legs are too tired after doing them to maintain a correct form for Barbell Rows, Military Press or Deadlifts.

Attached: squaty.jpg (480x270, 13K)

you need to work in endurance
i had the same problem

>every routine I've encountered

have you just discovered the internet today?

why would you do rows, the press, and deadlifts all on the same day?

Its because they're so intensive. But also because they give a good all over warm up.



Thats how.

There is simply no other exercise, and certainly no machine, that produces the level of central nervous system activity, improved balance and coordination, skeletal loading and bone density enhancement, muscular stimulation and growth, connective tissue stress and strength, psychological demand and toughness, and overall systemic conditioning than the correctly performed full squat.

Attached: rip.jpg (275x450, 30K)

Do you think it's an endurance thing? I think it's just muscle tiredness, a thing that must be present after lifting weights, isn't it?

What do you mean? I've done the 5x5 stronglifts routine for a bit more than a year and now I'm starting the Bill Starr's 5x5, in both of those squats are the first exercises of the day.

I don't do those on the same day. What I meant is that whatever exercise comes after the squat I tend to do it with a worse form because my legs are too tired.

But it really does not make sense, they should be the last thing to do. You don't need your arms to do proper squats, but you do need your legs to do proper barbell rows, for example

what could you possibly do after squats that could make tired legs detrimental to form? unless you're on SS or some noob LP then the other exercises would mostly be legs. And most of the other leg workouts are on machines, meaning form is dictated by the machine.

>every routine I've encountered
>posts 2 routines
There are hundreds of programs and variations out there m8

> you do need your legs to do proper barbell rows
Did you fall for manlet destinys cheat rows meme?

Well It's obvious that you guys know what you're talking about, squating first is the best thing to do. Thanks for the information.

On a side note: I was wondering if I could replace barbell squats with bodyweight squats on my 5x5 routine.
I don't care if you call me pussy or whatever but I've tried it many times and the barbell squat is just oblivious to me in every way possible: my backbones (those things that stick out) hurt with the weight, my zero elasticity makes the form really awkward and almost painful, I have a really wide-angled leg natural pose that makes my balance extremely deficient, etc.
Could I just do 5 sets of increased numbers of bodyweight squats? Like 13 squats, then 15, 17, 19 and then 21 (this is just an example, I would be doing it with 12,5% increments and ending in my max squat reps). Is this a not-so-terrible idea?

You're right, I've should just said why is it like this in these two specific routines. My bad

I don't know what that is. I meant you need them for balance mostly, not for strenght

...that is just dumb. and we shouldn't even have to explain why it is dumb. the first question would be why even replace bb squats?

I just explained that....

unrelated question, but is squatting twice a week enough for aesthetic legs ? I cba to do accessories for them



>How come in almost every routine I've encountered Squats are meant to be the first exercise to do?

So that you actually do them.

Attached: A9C382E8-9F18-41F2-AA1E-4207C40F5115.png (1536x2048, 1.99M)

Muscle tiredness is called a lack of endurance

No u

Take more than a 30 second break then?

Should I sit down or sit back?

>no weighted chinup
cmon son

>I've done the 5x5 stronglifts routine for a bit more than a year and now I'm starting the Bill Starr's 5x5
what is your 5 reps dl, sq, bp, ohp and row/chinup/pullup?


Because you would otherwise be too tired to squat

It's not about which limb you use, it's about your cns. It's all the same nervous system

because squats are the hardest, everything else is like a welcome relief after you finish squatting

>training other muscle groups with legs
what kind of retard shit is this?

Try doing OHP with a weight that’s close to your bw every workout and let me know how you feel about squats being the hardest.