Who /clubman/ here?
Shaving GeneraI
You're in dollar shave club?
Nah. It's overpriced. Their razors are just rebranded Dorco razors you could buy cheaper elsewhere. Plus I don't find any real convenience in belonging to retail clubs like that.
By "clubman" I was referring to Pinaud Clubman aftershave.
Although to be fair, Dollar Shave Club is probably more economical than buying cartridge refills from a supermarket. I'm seeing Gillette carts going for $20+ a box for just 4 cartridges. Madness.
You can get top of the line double edge razor blades for well under 50 cents a blade (often as little as 10 cents a blade if you look for slightly cheaper brands, not exactly top of the line but still fine). Cartridges are so easy to use. But the pricing is absurd.
Learning to just use a double edge razor is worth it for the savings alone. It's also fun. There is a learning curve and you have to be more careful not to hurt yourself though.
This is a stellar shaving cream. It can be whipped up with a brush, or used as a brushless cream. It's very inexpensive, and a good introduction to shaving creams outside the canned foam category.
The amazing smell and richness make it seem good enough to eat (please don't do it).
i buy the cheap 2 blade plastic bic razors and shave dry. buy razors about twice a year.
If you're satisfied with the quality of your shave, more power to you. But if you want to try elevating your experience, it could be worth a shot.
Personally, I can't imagine using a blade to shave my whole face dry. Occasionally I'll use an electric razor, but if I'm shaving with a blade, I like a wet shave with a rich lather.
/brutbois/ in the building tonight
I use the original discontinued oldspice
Dry shaving is 100% the best way to shave.
You guys should try the Vi-Jon aftershaves.
The Spice is based on the original Old Spice (not the modern formula), and the Classic Splash is their take on Brut They're sold at many stores under various brands for as much as $7 a bottle, but at Family Dollar you can buy them under the Ivy Club label for half that or less.
Well, make the case. Why is it better than wetshaving?
>being this invested in hair removal
holy shit you guys are fags
neckbeard or pajeet/sandnigger?
t. someone who has never had a really good shave followed by an excellent splash.
no im a regular guy who just takes an electrical trimmer and cuts it down to a stubble once a week.
you guys are faggots for buying all these artofmanliness razors and little retro bottles of lotion or whatever. and for what? just to shave off one more millimeter?
i dont care about a shave. as long as i dont have a beard that gets in the way im fine. stubble is the way to go. no need to spend extra time, effort and money on shaving to the skin.
if we ever have to live in a post apocalyptic society you wet shavers will be genetically outmatched and die out.
>you guys are faggots for buying all these artofmanliness razors and little retro bottles of lotion or whatever. and for what? just to shave off one more millimeter?
Because it's fun and it feels good.
Life is full of all kinds of drudgery and pain. Getting a great shave and splashing on some Clubman etc. at the end is a really inexpensive, simple pleasure. A lot of pleasurable things in life are expensive and out of reach of the common man. This isn't one of them.
yeah that's gay. being this invested in hair removal is for women and fags.
>being this mad over other peoples' harmless hobbies
oh i'm not mad, you can do whatever you want. i'm just being realistic and objective. you derive your pleasure from the same things women and gays do.
or maybe you're not gay, maybe you jusy recently got your first whispy beard growth and you're super excited about this new chore because it means that you're becoming a man soon.
do you also derive pleasure from brushing your teeth or clipping your nails?
>this stinky, ugly, fat piece of shit is hygiene shaming people
yeah I do feel pleasure from having clean teeth, non-greasy hair and not smelling like the average smash brothers player, whoda thunk?
>do you also derive pleasure from brushing your teeth or clipping your nails?
Yes, I do.
the question wasn't whether you derive pleasure from having good hygiene. the question was whether you derive pleasure from doing the chores that maintain your hygiene.
saying i'm unhygenic because i don't derive pleasure from shaving is ridiculous, and logically not valid. if i don't derive pleasure from shaving it doesn't mean i have a beard. i can still shave even if i'm not emotionally invested in it like you.
overall a very underaged and gay argument you're presenting here. you can try again once, this isn't good enough. and no, calling me names doesn't help your cause.
>his Razor doesn't use superior folded Japanese steel
I pity you all.
thats gay. you're the large gay.
Isn't that razor like $200?
I bought a double edge safety razor a year ago and it fucked me proper. I don't want to learn how to shave all over again. Thing is wicked sharp.
A three blade gillette. Its perfect! More or less it sucks and so do machines.
>inb4 XIX century shaving razor
And? There's nothing wrong with splurging on a quality product that will last you for a lifetime.
>you're the large gay
what the fuck kind of insult is that even
Beard checking in.
Get mad, facelets.
Step aside clubfags, the best is coming through
Forgot my pic with my meme
Who else /dad never taught how to shave/
Ihave a really shitty electric trimmer i use and even then I fuck it up and it discourages me so I do the bare minimum til it looks kind of okay
You could get into wet shaving, user. It's fun, and pretty relaxing once you get good at it.
My dad did teach me to shave, but my facial hair is all kinds of coarse, and the grain grows weird on my neckbeard so I hae a bit more of a learning curve than what my dad taught me
I was never taught just learned through experience and
and I only grow a mustache and a bit on my chin or below the lip so I don't have to shave too much anyways.
Plus it's made by Alan Partridge.
My dad never directly showed me, I never saw him without a full beard to be honest.
Wet shaving isn't really hard, I never cut myself and I've been doing it for years.
Back in the day I used these gillette 9000 blade things but they cost a lot of money and shave too clean, I get a lot of ingrown hairs. I switched to a standard razor and it works a lot better. The only thing that could really cut you like in de movies would be the actual razor blade thing.
English really is the worst language to discuss shaving. 3 different things to cut your beard with and they're all called razor.
>virgin island bay rum
my nigga... I actually use that as a deodorant and use jojoba oil as a face moisturizer/aftershave
There are the double edge razor, the single edge razor, the cartridge razor, the disposable razor, the foil electric razor, the rotary electric razor, the straight razor, and the shavette razor.
There are probably a few more I'm forgetting.
I havent been clean shaven for two years now
Out of the Proraso cake vs the one that comes in the tube, which is better?
Also what's a cheap source to buy it? Amazon has it for ten bucks but that's a lot for shaving soap.
>cut my face at least once every time I shave
It's really the same stuff so it just boils down to personal preference. I've heard the tube is easier to lather, but I always find myself going back to the tub since I load my brush easier
Check local drugstores, maybe even Walgreens. I get mine on Amazon personally
It's not that hard, really. The biggest thing to remember is to not apply pressure. Let the weight of the razor do the work.
Van der Hagen blades (which I believe are made in germany although the company that distributes them is based in the USA) are really mild and not too sharp. They're perfect for beginners with DE razors.
Hey wetshave fags, maybe you can help me with this.
I feel like I make a good lather, nice and creamy , but I can't seem to apply it on my face well. It ends up getting stuck in my brush and is a really patchy lather on my face. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? I have a well broken in boar brush as well as a synthetic, so I don't think it's the brush's fault
This is speculation, but maybe your brush is just a little too wet. Try it with a brush that's wet, but not saturated/totally wet, just medium wet. It might make the lather thicker on your face.
I had pretty good results with van der hagen shave soap btw. It's a good brand and really cheap.
Check out Youtube for shaving tutorials. It'll be worth your while.
I just use a waterproof electric razor and shave with some barbasol while I'm showering.
motherfucking brut my man. That shit overpowers any and all smells in a 5-mile radius.
barbasol and gillette fusion, i have yet to find a better combo
all other hipster / fancy razors are not as good, same with all other more expensive shaving creams and gels and lathers
What is the brand of the razor?
The cartridge refills on the fusion at my locla supermarket are like five bucks each. I'm sure it works just fine but I can't imagine paying $5 for a razor blade.
Alright I'll give it a shot cheers user.
I generally use proaso now, but I started on van der Hagen. Good stuff
i wish i can, but every time i shave i also shave my pimples and then my chin will be basically a volcanic range of blood
Did you talk to your doctor about trying an oral antibiotic like doxycycline or minocycle?
It might clear your pimples right up.
Meant to put "minocycline". Excuse the mistake.
I plan on cutting my own hair, what's the best way of dealing with the hair?
put them in a bag then seal it