Being a submissive male is literally a fate worse than death.
Being a submissive male is literally a fate worse than death
Not if you're fucking adorable and desireable by both gendsrs
I've been called cute by both males and females but I'm 6'1 so I'm fucked.
I get twice as much pussy as you do by being a sub
I'm jelly af
Cute, I would love to top a tall guy sometime
how do you meet them?
I'm guessing perhaps fetlife. I would try it again but I'm a chubby guy desu.
Naw, it's awesome to be treated like a slut. You don't have to lead, you just follow
I'm chubby too and have a baby face
It's just luck desu
But if you go around having big expectations, like a 185cm muscular girl, it might be harder
My dom gf is a 155cm weeb girl that looks like she is 15 and that i met in college
>a fate worse than death.
then kys
you're living the dream user-kun...
yeah but he just has to deal with the fact of knowing his girl was plowed by tons of dudes probably naked in public too
How the fuck is this original?
Funnily enough this comment wasn't
2 x 0 = 0 in the original maths
Actually i was her first
>inb4 that's what all women say
Unless she can regrow her hymen, then i'm telling the truth
Nah, the thing is that OP is a pussy
Then kill yourself
Oh hey nice, i got double trips :D
But I don't want to die broskies.
Not if you can get a girlfriend or boyfriend that likes sub boys!
Tall subs are lovely.
Checked these bad boys