the op doesn't really need to say anything anyway. edition
the op doesn't really need to say anything anyway. edition
need a cutey teen bee eff
>tfw discord friend still isn't online
>tfw wanna fap before i sleep
what do fags?
You aren't supposed to fap with your friends user
You could have let the other one stay.
but its so fun and lewd, why wouldn't you fap with them?
you're supposed to save that for your bf
not him, but i do i all the time
eh, nothing less than perfection for my r9gay
why do you guys only post anime dudes here?
How could we live up to that standard. Your imperfections makes you, you.
i don't think i'm ever gonna have a bf...
its fun right?
>tfw edging together and trying to make each other cum
>tfw bullying the loser usually me
aaa my bf is at work and im feeling lonely
Not if you keep fapping with your friends you're not, no one wants a slut
Can you stop bragging that you have a bf? Literally no reason for you to post this except brag. Cunt.
>i don't think i'm ever gonna have a bf...
don't you see? the friend that you're jerking off with is supposed to evolve into your bf
haha listen to this nerd
At least that nerd ain't some slut who jerks off with friends.
didn't we talk about this last thread?
if you want a guy who's never done that then that's fine, but stop acting so high and mighty over it
I wasen't in the last thread.
i dunno user just doesn't look like i'm ever gonna have a bf
whats so wrong with jerking off with your friends user? its not that slutty since it isn't irl
>being this much of a slut
How does one find a friend to jerk off with. And how is it not super uncomfortable, especially if their not even your romantic partner. What do you even do. I have many questions.
just like how you normally would user, except you have a horny friend to chat with and watch while you do it
i'm he was a jerk off partner before being a friend. it's like...we just kept talking.
I'm spending 4th of July alone and I can't afford grilling stuff. At least I get to watch fireworks. Though I've never been a big fan of them I watch them every year.
Ah, I think I'd be too insecure to do it. Sounds kinda fun though. Maybe one day.
what kind of faggot doesnt like fireworks?
Posting again to inquire about stretched ear friends, and no icky other piercings, like ear cartilage or face. Those are icky and gay.
well in my case i'm gonna confess my affection for my friend someday so there's some feelings involved
>Tfw fags are just as picky as women, if not more so
I imagine it's almost always going to have some feelings involved. You wouldn't do it if you didn't find him attractive. I'd probably be completely obsessed with any gay guy who showed the slightest bit of interest in me like that. I hope it goes well for you user.
I'm picky because I don't want vapid, self centred, sociopathic, slutty twinks for an AIDSharem. I want a single manly weebro STEMfag.
These, however are rare (have met 1 so far, including myself)
what about homosexuality tony,you like men?
you like to dress up like a women?
everyone has standards, regardless or whether you have an innie or an outie
>tfw turning straight again after hooking up with a guy
it feels good, like i got something out of my system and i can possibly live a normal life now
>dont be loud and rude
>dont be fat
>dont be too hairy
>be at least as attractive as I am
I wouldnt say im picky
oh, is today the 4th of July? i honestly forgotten
hello kryst !!!
Literally WHO are you.
And why do you nonstop post 2hou
Hello anons! How has your day been? Oh and happy 4th of July to all USA anons!
How is that even possible? I thought the gay curse couldn't be lifted. Maybe you just didn't have the gay in the first place.
I'm quite sure women want more than allot of gay anons. Maybe you have just had bad luck user.
Also give us some examples of picky fags you have encountered, this thread is kind of dead anyway and almost any kind of posting would be nice.
Why would you ever want to masturbate with your friend online? That sounds disgusting and just dumb. I'd somewhat get it if you were doing it with your bf but that would still be weird in my opinion.
same guy from yesterday
Oh right, same guy who ignored my question.
How about you do yourself a favor and answer it.
>doesn't want to fap with his bro
Its just extra fun. Stop being a Jow Forums baby
Kryst you promised you were gonna rape my wallet last week and you never did it!
There is only so much rape a man can commit in one day.
I'm busy trying to beat this game.
its too early to make such a major decision, i dont know if it can be labled as love this fast
>How is that even possible? I thought the gay curse couldn't be lifted. Maybe you just didn't have the gay in the first place.
maybe not, i guess it was a manifestation of both my insecurities and confusion at being diddled by an old guy when i was 10. plus i wasnt very interested in girls/sex in high school so i started saying i was gay just so people would stop asking me about it.
i later learned this was a very bad idea lol
Its pretty obvious english isn't your first fucking language, that wasn't even the fucking point of the post.
but thats the question you asked in the last thread...?
Stop being a Jow Forums? What do you mean by this user. Also how could it ever be fun.
You got diddled? That's sad to hear user. But yeah saying you are gay just so people wouldn't bother you anymore sounds like quite a dumb idea.
How did you even manage to get a bf if i may ask?
Are you sure? I have terrible memory, and again why do you have so many fucking 2hou images.
Do you stem from /jp/.
Stop being a Jow Forumsfag and be happier that anons are even talking to other people
you can go back and check if you dont believe me. not really, ive just been a fan of it for a very long time
>How did you even manage to get a bf if i may ask?
got lucky and was messaged by a cute twink on tinder asking to meet for coffee or something.
i took him up on it because it was the first time i didnt feel uncomfortable talking to guys on tinder
Im so upset! Misa-chan will never piss on my face!
I'm surprised, since you supposedly don't play vidya or even watch animu, why are you even here normie.
In either case what do you want with me child, like I said before I'm busying playing video games.
But i am happy that people are talking to each other, still don't get how i am a Jow Forumsfag though, i don't go there at all.
Damn, so are you going to dumb the boy? Because you ain't gay and all.
Why would you ever want that? I can't understand such fetishes, i really can't. But good luck with that...i guess?
Anyone else read this?
Because Misa-chan is perfect and i must protect her smile! Thats why i want her to squirt her warm pussy juices all over my face.
i tought that i didnt need to mention anime and vidya. and i just wanna talk about stuff n things!!
From what 3rd world shithole do you belong to, child.
No idea what that is user, explain, it looks weird.
But user, this is a gay thread, we don't talk about girls here. Or maybe you are a girl yourself, idk. But i know one thing, you are weird user. This was bait wasen't it?
eastern europe, jokes on you its second world
Im not weird. I want a bf too! I swear. I just dont know where the bf store in my country.
>Talking to Juan unironically
Don't know what your master plan is but good luck, no one would talk to this fat shit stick unless they had something planned.
He wants a green card, so he can travel to 1st world paradise.
>Damn, so are you going to dumb the boy? Because you ain't gay and all.
yeah i already did a month or so ago.
ironically it wasnt because of the straightness (that came afterwards) it was because of a few red flags, mainly him seeming much more into me than i was into him, which makes me super uncomfortable, and his comments on the movie Call Me By Your Name (liking the movie for non-cinematography related reasons alone is a red flag, but his words were "i shouldn't watch that movie anymore, its not good for me") i know this might make me a bit of an asshole but i figured id be a bigger asshole if i just pretended to like him more to use him for sexual gratification, so i figured quit before things get complicated.
and thats my life story thanks for listening user
I don't think it's that good, it's "welcome to lgbt" the manga.
A tranny calls the protagonist a faggot in public.
And the tranny is like 12 years old, it's really weird.
But the main boy is cute, which is all I need.
I'll read trash as long as the boys are cute.
i never mentioned that but i wont complain about your plan
>not keeping around your own personal onahole
Dumb straightfag
If you say so user. Don't know if there even is a bf country in my country, it's probably burned down by now.
Good luck finding your store weirdo.
Sorry for the grammar mistake, meant to say dump but i guess you got that.
You ain't an ass for dumping him if you didn't like him, nothing wrong with that. But at the same time you could of talked to him about it to maybe tell him what you don't like about him so he would do better with the next bf.
I only read such things if the story or romance is good, do you have such manga?
That straightfag is a better person that you user.
Give it to me straight fags. How hard would it be for a blackbot to find a bf?
Anything by KII Kanna is cute.
Very hard, especially if you're fat.
So go out and work out, user!
As long as you're strong, you'll find a bf.
Boys love big strong men, no matter their race.
If you're not a normie and rely on Jow Forums for a partner then it's pretty fucking hard, even if you're a subbie crossdresser. Very few like shitskins here.
Do you have a bbc? Easy then
>As long as you're strong, you'll find a bf.
this board is fucking filled with mental 15 year olds
i'm black and the guy i like is from Jow Forums and we've been talking for months.
aside from that i've had luck with some apps but i have problems connecting with people so i don't follow through.
it all depends on how you look though, of course, it always comes back to that.
i'm sure you'll be fine. relatively. don't dampen your spirits.
No idea, probably a tiny bit harder for you than lets say a white user. It all matters where you are looking for that bf. Either way good luck!
Thank you user! I'll check some out. I'm very grateful.
Well it's not completely wrong, being masculine makes you already look good physically so one problem is out of the way. After that you just have to be compatible mentally with the other person and everything is okei.
I'm already Jow Forums so body isn't an issue.
I don't think that matters. Robots say the same thing about picking up women, and it never makes sense. Not like we can just wave our dicks around in public and people come crawling.
>As long as you're strong, you'll find a bf.
>As long as you're strong, you'll find a bf.
>As long as you're strong, you'll find a bf.
>As long as you're strong, you'll find a bf.
>As long as you're strong, you'll find a bf.
You can post dick stats on tindr
find make prostitutes? if you want to get laid as a gay just make a grindr and wait.
Why do you want to get laid? Just have hope that you'll get a bf in the future. Sex without love is pointless and dumb! Dummie.
Just one part of getting a bf, the user probably screwed up, you don't need to spam the same thing over and over again. We got your point in the first post.
where can I find male prostitutes? it is just about my only shot at getting laid
sorry for deleting but it would bother me. anyways I'm pretty ugly I doubt anyone would want me
Not looking for one night stands.Would probably do that if I was though.
also to the black user, this may seem like weird advice, but it might be good for self esteem if you make it clear you're black from the get-go, without having to say it.
like, i make my icons my face but obscured at the lower half. this way people judge me based on my appearance lol instead of me telling them i'm black and they sometimes having a knee-jerk reaction. this way, you'll only have people who are on board with it, you know? of course i know why you wouldn't want to do this.
well if you're planning on paying a prostitute then you may as well put "generous" on a grindr account. a lot of people are willing to whore themselves out and i've gotten a few offers from not too attractive guys and i assume they must have luck with at least someone. i, uh, never did anything of the sort though.
i'm getting ugly vibes from you, chris
Well that is certainly a new name
We're all ugly here user.
Hard, probably. So far, I've never met a black who wasn't always complaining about "muh racism" and "WE WUZ KANGZ N SHEEIT", even though they're all upper-middle class Russel Group/Oxbridge students.
Are you like this, user? If so (which is statistically likely), you will STRUGGLE with dating beyond superficial fucking.
user you probably look good enough to get laid, but the question is: ''Do you really want to only get laid? Do you want your first time to be with a random?''Just saying user.
I bet you and allot of other anons aren't ugly! Stop saying such things user, don't bring yourself and others down.
>''Do you really want to only get laid? Do you want your first time to be with a random?'
no but i can't seem to keep anyone around long enough to get to that part.
I bet you, internally we are. Rotten, all of us.
Not at all, don't care about race stuff or politics. I'm very boring though. If someone isn't talking to me about vidya or weebshit, I'm usually barren of conversation.
I'm trying to find other hobbies other then lifting and television to not be so boring to others.
What size would you consider to be too big /r9gay/?
I dont want to derail the thread into dicktalk, just concerned about my own size and possible problems it may create
Never give up, i haven't even gotten close to getting a bf and I don't give a damn if i die a lonely virgin or not. Sex without love is just so stupid on my opinion, but i guess you got my point already.
But i don't know how sexually frustrated you are though so if you really do want to go and just get fucked or fuck then just go and do it. Just think about it first. Good luck user, hope everything goes well for you in the future.
I don't think i look that bad..
user, don't be so down, you are probably handsome and so are the other anons in this thread! Except Juan
Might i ask you why you think this way? Seems kind of odd.
I bet anything more than 8 inches would probably hurt, no idea though.. And yes let's not derail this thread into dick talk, I don't want to leave yet.
you're fine, people like big numbers.
Im not down at all. I know i look good. Im a shitty person though.
Take up an artform, a language, and a sport. These are good starting places for personality. Wit also helps.
so it seems like being black has nothing to do with it?