How would you fix modern women? What is true femininity?

How would you fix modern women? What is true femininity?

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Ban all media and advertising

Abolish for profit corporations (read David Ciepley)

Hang feminists

i don't know if women necessarily have to be submissive for society to work but for the last 30 years they've been pumped full of feminist shit telling them they're strong and smart and can do no wrong, so they've been turned into entitled privileged children. i think all that's needed is to shut down that propaganda and in 50 years things will have settled down.

>What is true femininity?
whatever men say it is

>burning spaghetti
how do you burn noodles and sauce

Unsurprisingly, those who complain do not even know what they really want themselves. Fucking brainlets.
>muh feminism
Enslaving women isn't the true path to femininity.

>do not even know what they really want themselves.
you pulled this out of your ass

There's nothing that can be done at this point that wouldn't be considered outright oppression.

The one other thing that would work with certainty can never actually come to pass due to the existence of beta males and orbiters etc. Jow Forums is perfect example of what I'm talking about.

old Jow Forums - almost 100% male, females were intrigued and constantly wanted to make themselves part of the fun times but they weren't allowed to. It was a "rule" and no one gave girl any attention unless they showed their tits and otherwise knew their place.

new Jow Forums - totally overrun by betas and ORGANIZED ORBITERS who literally make threads that summon female posters all day every day so they can worship them as queens and give them money for existing. These are the types enablers and male feminists that are the sole cause of everything wrong with society today, not just the invincible state they have elevated women to. They are the reason Jow Forums is in the sorry state that it is today. Things will only get worse.

Before feminism, women wanted to be "enslaved"

Which is why we need to abolish capitalism, which convincing women that not being wagecucks and mindless consumers is slavery

You absolute fucking retard, it's the opposite. It's the communism/socialism that needs as much work force as possible to pay (((FREE))) medical care and (((FREE))) everything else.
World was based and created on capitalism and that was when women were really women, taking care of household, family, husband...

>Before feminism, women wanted to be "enslaved"
You are brain dead. It's 2018 and you're still thinking that what women want in bed is what they want outside of bed. It's like saying what you really want is to constantly dominate everything. If that's your wish, then you truly are brain dead. Life isn't about dominating, it's about experiencing.

Even though I didn't agree with what the dude said there, he was right in that sentence.
Women's sex fetishes are based on needs outside of their bedrooms that aren't satisfied.

>cucking for capitalism
>still complains about the socially destructive effects of capitalism (eg women being roasties, fag pride, etc)
>still thinks anyone who is against capitalism must be a communist

>Life isn't about dominating, it's about experiencing.
I can tell you have been brainswashed by advertising

"muh experiences" is a huge meme promoted by the travel industry to get millenials to spend money on travel

The fucked up thing is that feminism wasn't even about straight women in the beginning. It was a bunch of dykes who needed to work for themselves (for obvious reasons) but couldn't due to societal standards. To gain power in their movement they had to go around indoctrinating straight women and housewives. If you read the books written by first wave feminists, they even started sleeping with straight women to make them realize that they don't need men. It's mad, mad world.

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Also she has fucked every dude in town, when she was young.
Is now 30, used up and ugly and expects you to marry her

Not for nothing, I don't think he meant BDSM when he was talking about being "enslaved". He was probably referring to how women were housewives and the properties of their husbands up until recent history.

You can experience life without buying anything, faggot. You are the one brainwashed by the Internet into thinking that what men are supposed to be = self-improving competitors (= CAPITALISTS = It's good for society to produce psychopathic brainlets)

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>You are the one brainwashed by the Internet into thinking that what men are supposed to be = self-improving competitors
no where did I say that

Just saying that the turn towards "experiences" by millenials is still a form of consumerism

Men can't compete with lesbian lovers

Again, experiencing life at its fullest does not require you to buy a yacht or to travel in Southern Asia. It's about not being afraid of doing what you want. Nothing to do with consumerism.

Stronger role models will fix the epidemic of adult children.

What are strong feminine role models like?

>what is true feminity?

Lolitas, that's it

What if what I want is to kill people? Are you okay with that?

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>capitalism is the root of all ebil
18+ junior. Find Yuri Bezmenov's, former KGB agent's exposure of the soviet (now it's non-soviet) ways to push communism and their social sabotage that followed with it.

Define lolitas

Ultimately, yes. But doing evil is the easiest thing a human can do. Trying to be a good person is where the true challenge is.

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>Life isn't about dominating, it's about experiencing
Yeah, like experiencing your wife cheating on you, or niggers and shitskins overrunning your country, or basedboy cucks taking over and redefining masculinity, right? Wrong, life is always a struggle for power and dominance. If you disagree you're just a commie cuck pussy who's trying to cover up his failures. We need to completely dominate and control women and all these leftist shitheads before it's too late. There's no other way.

Maybe not back then but things are much different now. Much different.

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Have them all dressed like this and acting sweeter than a lollypop

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Your need for power and dominance only proves that you're a weak human being. Your mind is sadly infested with bad memes.

>acting sweeter than a lollypop
This is what needs to be defined. Metaphors mean nothing.

Community oriented, driven more by preserving and maintaining(surviving) than building and producing(thriving).

Life is not black and white. Women should be more creative and men should be more caring.

So what are women allowed to do? How do you suggest we behave in order to stop this dystopia you fear so much? I'd like to hear your thoughts.

I disagree, women are creative and men care. That creativity and care is just displaced because the modern adult is still a child.

>te-hee, you are so funny user~
>shorts? nah-ah, i prefer skirts~!
>i'll give you lots of hugs and kisses!
>well, i don't really watch anime, but whatever makes you happy~
>ummm... i don't know how to play games user...

Stuff like that is what i imagine, you know, the good ol' stereotype of "pink is for girls"

Alright, have fun having your country taken over by shitskins and leftist your culture destroyed. They're the ones who want dominance, I'm just advocating for self-defense.

gas the kikes and everything will inevitably get better

Do us all a favor and destroy feminism
You'll see how stuff gets better over time

turn women into slaves
every man gets a slave, no hassle no bullshit

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It won't get better for me as a woman so I'll fight it the entire way. I need to thrive and not just survive to avoid people's abuse.

It will get better for you as a woman, because it will get better for us, men, and by transitivity, for you as well.
Your post shows just right, how most people think - shortsighted mindset is what you all have.

Who will protect the men from other men?

>te-hee, you are so funny user~
If you're funny then women will probably tell you that you are.
>shorts? nah-ah, i prefer skirts~!
Women still wear skirts.
>i'll give you lots of hugs and kisses!
If a woman loves you then you can be sure there's a lot of chance she will physically how her affection towards you
>well, i don't really watch anime, but whatever makes you happy~
True. Women NEED to be more open-minded when it comes to what "masculinity" should be, i.e. it's not because you like to watch animes that you wouldn't physically defend her if needed. Lots of hyper-macho arabs are into animes btw.
>ummm... i don't know how to play games user...
That's just your need to be useful and to teach others what you know. That's kind of narcissist, especially if what you want to teach a girl is supposed to be something specific

There are a lot of structural changes that you can make, although they'll be opposed every step of the way.

Getting rid of no-fault divorce is a pretty simple step, as well as making paternity dependent on genetic lineage (so even if you discover years after that the kid isn't yours, you aren't on the hook for child support). That's all on the marriage side of things.

Socially, you're going to have to get rid of a lot of affirmative action policies that benefit women at school and in the workplace. Companies should also heavily reorganise to remove or severely cut back on inefficient majority-women departments like HR. Focusing on technical competence will help immensely.

>It will get better for you as a woman
what does this mean?

Basically this, minus the cuckqueening as required due to lack of fertility.

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That's not how it works. It's like stealing my car and then saying Iife is better for me because it's better for you. You essentially want me to have fewer opportunities even though I worked so hard to get better just so you can have more. It's a zero sum game with me losing and you winning.

They will protect themselves. Like they did for millenia and could strive, no big problem.

You had exactly the same amount of "muh opportunities" back then as you have now. There were women who were great minds. They did not needed (((FEMINISM))).
The problem is, women still don't take these opportunities even though they are being pushed to. All they do is take some shitty classes, get some shitty degree and MAYBE get some 8-12h work in a buraeo. And you women hate it.

No, it's like taking a car away from a blind person. The blind person is dangerous using the car, just like women are dangerous to society when feminism is rampant. Also, you didn't work for a damn thing. The feminist agenda handed everything to you and then gave you a pat on the back and fake confidence. When it's abolished, that's when you'll really have to work hard.

Woke as fuck. Feminism starts where multi-trillion dollar worth (((COMPANIES))) with a hidden agenda fuck men over and give WEEMEEN workplaces and told them that a 10 hours long work for their boss if liberating compared to 4 hours of work at home per day for their family, and it ends where a spier has to be killed or a lightbulb has to be changed.

Do you not follow current events or history? Is your thought process so linear you can't imagine anything but death being at point b?

Educate little girls like little boys, teaching them respect, the importance of dignity,the value of rationality over emotion and instict, and the importance of identity and self-expression instead of just training them to be cute little princesses (but without teaching neither girls nor boys that they should feel or express emotions. That's messed up.)

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>muh feminism will save you from death because back 80 years ago everyone could die by another man's hand who wanted to be better than you.

And you tell me my thought process is linear.

Banning me from doing anything or having anything isn't naturally selecting talent. Don't act like it is. Also there are a lot more guys more incompetent than I am yet you don't suggest taking their rights.

>Educate little girls like little boys

with my sausage?

If anyone really wants to just know what should be done, first, watch this video:
(Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation)
Then just do the opposite.

>You had exactly the same amount of "muh opportunities" back then as you have now.
How long ago is back then?
>There were women who were great minds.
Could you give me examples?

I agree if you make McDonalds level wages. Not if you have a high paying career.

>that pic


Some modern women are fine . Some are pieces of shit . The majority might be the majority but it isent all of it . Even i know some decent women

It obviously is.
you are bluepilled asf my brother

Oh yeah, feminism let MANY women get high paying job. HAH. Plus, to create most workplaces, a lot of other already workplaces had to be (((TAXED))) even more, thus it fucked other, already working women and (mostly) men.

Wtf are you even projecting because I don't know? Are you literally saying that not pushing and not accepting feminism means I am bluepilled?

You need feminism because you are a failure and you want to gain at the expense of others.

You are bluepilled because you clearly think modern feminism is being used to help women.

I'm not talking about taking away rights, I'm talking about taking away the unfair advantage that feminism has given women in the form of quotas. If that's taken away, then women will actually be judged on what they can do rather than the fact that they have a hole between their legs and the company needs to hire a certain amount of women.

How am I thinking that? You are literally seething.
Make it original.

It's to give women more money, resources, and access to Chad's sexuality and orgasms sometimes at the expense of men.

>if you're funny then women will probably tell you that you are.
They do, but the "Te-hee" part is the feminine
>women still wear skirts
Not where i live, they all go around wearing jeans and shorts
>if a woman loves you then you can be sure there's a lot of chance she will physically how her affection towards you
They don't because most of them hate phisical contact with men (I've literally been told this)
>women NEED to be more open-minded when it comes to what "masculinity" should be
They don't really care about masculinity, most of them think masculinity is being a Chad and that's it, while the others don't care or are against masculinity
>that's just your need to be useful and to teach others what you know
The "ummmmmm" part was the feminine, i've met many feminine women who play and love videogames

How much do you make per post?


Chad fought for his right to define masculinity as being Chad. If you limp wristed faggots want to claim there is more to masculinity than being Chad you need to prove it.

There's more to masculinity than just having big muscles
You have to be hairy, have a deep voice, drink alcohol, want to punch stuff, love weapons, be russian
All that good stuff!

There's more to being Chad than just having big muscles.

We can make men more masculine by giving them testosterone injections. We can make women more feminine by giving them estrogen injections. It's easy. We just change their hormones.

Name 5 things

>Complete indifference to rejection

The only failures are the women who believe the things men say about women

>Self-respect as well as respecting others

I think I am not asking for too much.

Good goyim. Need more capitalistic traits.

stronk chin, over 6', high test, comes from a strong line of Chads, opposite of a NEET

how will it get better for you? what do you have to offer? if i'm to become dependent on a man, i will only settle for those who can provide.

Okay you got me there guys

Skinny, flat asses and flat chested blonde chicks are the most unattractive of all types of White females, landwhales excluded.

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we don't, sooner or later, men will be phased out anyway

>World was based and created on capitalism

That is only parcially true, just because you are agaisnt capitalism it doesnt mean you are communist/socialist , i dislike a lot of times heavy capitalism and prefer the state to regulate more shit instead of selling out my country, despite this im still in agaisnt things like free collegue, but i think health care should be free depending from person to person.

In my opinion i think a lot of Jow Forumstards dream and want capitalism to go back to its former "glory" and live like americans did in the 50s and 60s despite not knowing that it was because of the stupid baby boomer's lifestyle
at that time the reason why we live in the shit that is today full of polution and wasted resources.

I can't fit in with other people so collecting things and spending a lot makes me happy. Don't take the last joy I have in life.

The thing is that Jow Forums hates big capitalists like George Soros and the Bilderbergs. No sane person sees a Mc Donald's on every corner or the rampant use of corn syrup in nearly every single processed product in America as good things.

The thing is that I don't know what you can even do about it. People aren't going to stop buying Coca-Cola or going to KFC because you told them about the Bilderberg group. They've reached an endgame where they practically have the entire population of the west as not only accessible, but completely compliant as well. A bunch of dumb college kids waving around soviet flags isn't going to do shit about that, even in some magical Christmas land scenario where they're able to perform the violent revolution they love to talk about.

I buy Coke and Sprite with real sugar in it though imported from Mexico and other lesser known sodas that use real sugar. The free market lets me decide.

Im not talking about taking the rights people have to own personal property or trade, im mainly refering to big companies that are spread around the world destroying too many resources and explointing people and taking
direct influence in politics.

>spending a lot makes me happy
That mainly depends on you, do you think that your lifestyle of excessive consumption can maintain a prosper future?

>The thing is that I don't know what you can even do about it.

You can probably be right, but i think there is time for change and people need to realise those kinds of things, it needs to take its time.

>A bunch of dumb college kids waving around soviet flags

I do also think that shit is dumb, especially coming from collegue people that are most likely from middle/higher class families.
Like i said, i dont like communism, and i think people like this that support communism are not aware of the fact it would be literal suicide for them and their lifestyle.

Communism and extreme left always begins in the rich middle class people, but as soon as the "revolution" and their ideas come to the low class citizens this middle class students will be the ones purged out and seen as the bourgeois.

I'm not reproducing so I'm less of a burden on the environment when I die regardless of spending. If it's not sustainable it will collapse on its own. I don't have to worry. I like collecting things and if society wants to get all moral on me too bad. I like my special interests.

You have to stop giving them special treatment and letting them get away with shit. Basically take all the effort that feminism has put into giving women the same rights than men have and funnel it into giving them the same responsibilities and expectations that we have too. If a man can't do shit like degrading the opposite sex on a whim, picking fights with people without fear of reprisal, getting off easy whenever they commit a crime and generally having an attitude of complete and utter entitlement that is validated on a daily basis as society bends over backwards to accomodate them, women shouldn't either.

Basically the only way to fix it is either to revert to old school patriarchy where women are second class citezens or make an actual attempt at genuine equality (instead of the thinly veiled female supremacy dogma that masuerades as equality).

This isn't going to work unless women are called out on their shit every time.

Just because you are not having kids and die it doesnt mean you should not care about the future people will have.
Im also probably never gonna have kids since im a robot, but i do not want to do the same shit baby boomer's did to us to future generations. If you didnt enjoy the shit that they did to your generation why would you do to the future one and present them a even more fucked world? I mean you are free to do whatever you want, but i thinks it is a bit hypocritical of you to think like that.

trust me i saw that happen irl

Not really. My generation treated me like shit all my life and bullied me so much I can't function. So I could care less about what happens to them. Same if bad things happen to the Boomers. You're just going to create another generation given everything that will squander it and your sacrifice will be for nothing. I want to have a good life. Once this recession is over I want it all. You wanting me to have less is the same as Boomers wanting me to have less. I'm not having a miserable life just not to be like them or to learn some moral lesson.

Kek. Here's your logic. You're angry you have less because of the Boomers so you want to voluntarily have less to not be like them. Having less wouldn't solve my problem of wanting to have more. So it's stupid for me to entertain. If I'm angry at having less why would I voluntarily have less? It's cucking yourself.

Not him but since I have no kids i have no obligation to the future except for advancing technology. As long as we have advanced technology and space travel life will be fine. I was a computer science major so I'm doing good in this economy and love capitalism.