What changes would you make to your life if you went back in time right now Jow Forums?
What changes would you make to your life if you went back in time right now Jow Forums?
Use my knowledge of the future to become a billionaire, buy my private island, fug models on the beach, avoid Jow Forums like plague
Just win the lottery :^)
Otherwise, I don't think I could make any changes.
Maybe if I go back early enough I'd have nagged my parents to subscribe into a sports club, preferably a tennis club.
Go back to 2005. Order Ayahuasca and only do that drug for the rest of my life.
I would also never trust modern medicine when it shoves antibiotics ad nauseum on you. Be careful with that shit and only take it if you abso-fucking-lutely have to. Also, you don't have to exercise like a freak, taking long walks is more than enough.
Don't go to university, go into retirement immediately after graduation and have eternal TruNEETbux as UBI from day 1 of adulthood. There is no reason to ever work and there never will be. Just make your life a 24/7 healthy party with Ayahuasca and trekking in nature.
>I would also never trust modern medicine when it shoves antibiotics ad nauseum on you.
hurr vaccines cause autism
I will never understand the fucking retards that think modern medicine is some kind of conspiracy, I've taken antibiotics. They worked. I felt better and had no negative side effects. I wasn't taking a lot either, and I would've felt infinitely worse without them. I'll be careful when there's literally any proof that most modern medicine kills people or causes autism or whatever the fuck you brainlet idiots think it does.
>What changes would you make to your life if you went back in time right now Jow Forums?
I would end it.
Get into uni early and qualify with high grades. Then return to school to ask out my oneitis.
No crazy mom and alcoholic father.
>t. momcel
I wouldn't have cheated on my wife and destroyed our marriage.
stop playing online games
bigger waste than shitposting here
Don't go to uni.
Start working out at a younger age.
Use knowledge to become rich etc.
Invest in boipucci.
Would become a lunatic and forcefully impregnate as many women as possible
why cheat it?
As naive incel, I never will cheat to future girl.
bet on lotto shit i remember and get shit ton of money
Age 12
>Fuck my best friend Eric
Age 16
>Do advanced PE rather than weight training
>See chiropractor about lower back
Age 18
>Take up yoga as opposed to weight lifting
>Don't stop exercising
>Major in Anthropology as opposed to Biology
>Never go to psychiatrist and let them convince me I'm bi-polar (I'm not, I'm ADHD with a touch of the 'tisms)
Can't really move beyond that because those were the catalysts of my life being absolutely shit.
I'd go back to high school.
>study for exams instead of dropping out and hoping for the best
>keep my friends and make new ones instead of cutting off all contact
>join the D&D club instead of rejecting of fear of being called a nerd
>stand up for myself instead of being a little faggot
>go on that exchange trip to Europe instead of staying here
>accept that summer job offer instead of staying home to play vidya
>learn to drive early instead of learning at 21
>save parents marriage instead of letting them divorce
>(I'm not, I'm ADHD with a touch of the 'tisms)
Tumblr-tier self-diagnosis.
Was diagnosed with ADHD when I was a kid. When I entered university I hit a really rough patch in my life and my mother (Manic Bi-Polar) forced me to see her psychiatrist who made the assumption that because my mom is bi-polar and I was depressed from the rough patch meant I was bi-polar.
I took the medication for nearly a 2 and a half years and all it did was make my life dramatically worse. When I stopped taking the medication all my behavioral symptoms were one for one for adulthood ADHD. Went to the psychiatrist and called out her bullshit and she agreed and marked it in my records.
Touch of the 'tisms is mostly a joke about my general personality and certain behavioral quirks.
Put a condom on my fathers penis
Implying he wouldn't just take it off because
>muh creampie omfg drools
Oh boy. All sorts of things, but mainly: work harder in high school, study something like business or compsci, and don't go to the unversity that I went to.
i would do twice the amount of drugs
>age 10
Practice sports at school.
>age 12
Try to mantain my friendships and punch my bullies without fearing school suspension. Care to get good grades.
>age 14
Study college level mathematics.
>age 16
Don't dropout highschool.
>age 17
Don't be indecisive about what degree I want.
>age 18
Don't date the ugly mentally unstable girl who was my first girlfriend.
I'd stop trying to improve myself and instead become a useless NEET and never succeed in life. This way I get to not waste endless efforts, resources and years of my life resulting in 0 effect on the goal of getting friends just so I can wagecuck for LITERALLY FUCKING NOTHING FUCK THIS WORLD