Be 0/10 robot

>be 0/10 robot
>go on vacation to Asia
>live as Chad
>go back to loneliness after a couple of weeks
How can a brainlet go to Asia and stay there? If consider moving to almost any part of it but without a degree I'm not desired in any country.

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Usually as worked, some American company put you as manager, usually people don't like move.

Asian women aren't sweet and wholesome. They only want you for your money. At least white roasties consider your personality and looks because I know of broke Chads with gf's. Asians are all about money and power. Anyway, if you go over there with 1000 bucks in your pocket you're in the 1%

My looks seen to be more desirable over there, that's probably the difference from western women.
Most people aren't living memes. Out of the many girls that were interested in me, I could tell that there were several gold diggers but most seemed to be just regular people.

Why would someone with a mixed race baby be against mixed race couples?

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this. White women are actually the most tolerant to racemixing out of everyone, you can make asian guys mad though

they're not against racemixing, they're against being a single mother and having no-one to support their mutt after they've had their ride on the cock carousel and want to settle with a worker bee.

It's different combinations.

All racemixing isn't the same. Different combinations can give different reactions.

If you're going over there to stay, then fine. Stay. If you're scouting for women overseas, just realize their giving you affection for that nice possibility that you'll take them over to that nice cushy first world country you live in. After that, it's all downhill when she realizes how other first world women live like. She'll learn quick.

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They should be upset at the economic system that's forcing single parent households to live in poverty.

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>If you're going over there to stay, then fine. Stay.
The difficulty in doing that is what this thread is about. I don't have a degree so both getting a job and permission to work in their country is difficult.

Never seen a white woman mad at white men for dating latinas, asians, blacks or anyone else

why are asian women so qt lads?

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Welcome to the world buddy, If you don't have:
A. Cash
B. Knowledge on a specialized trade that people want
You're going to be waiting in line. Unskilled workers usually have to wait 40+ years to get into the good old USA, imagine a country that isn't as open to immigrants as burgerland. Good luck friendo.

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Who would choose chinese over japanese? Doesnt matter if its rice cars women or anything else

And OP do you speak the language?

If you're a white semi normal looking guy, you can be hired in China as a stand in.
In china, business' want to show others they are diverse and have white guys on the payroll. You don't need to do anything except be a model.

>falling for the race-mixing meme

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I see you don't live in an area with a lot of racist as fuck boomers. Growing up, me and my parents got dirty looks just because my dad is Mexican and my mom is white as fuck. This was primarily in Kentucky.

I've heard about these jobs on Jow Forums but never anywhere else. Do you have any idea what to search for to read about it?

It's better than being a robot.

>qt asian on left
>basedboy thats probably a bot on the right
>they had a kid
Maybe i wont be a genetic dead end after all, besides a generation or two of extra whiteness basically cancels out those asian traits

looks qt as fuck. What am I missing?

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Google white monkey job. Believe me when I say that China is a complete shit hole and you will hate your life.

So is it china or Japan i want to go to so i can live a good gook-style life? Im not into anime and weebshit so im not making any decision over those. Are Jap women hotter? I remember watching tokyo drift when i was younger and getting the hardest boner

ugly when it grows up, lower IQ, possible health problems

I dated a jap chick, she was a small town qt but it was impossible to get her to come live in my country. Any girl that isn't already 30 and failed at life and wants to leave Japan will never leave their country.

Chinese will leave in a heart beat, hard to find one that isn't just a gold digger.

Japan is a very nice place to live but it isn't easy fitting in if you are already a social tard. China is just a shit hole.

Best to learn Japanese, go there for a month or 2, find a qt and try to bring her home. If you want to live there I warn you it isn't at all what you think. Everything is expensive, its hot a s fuck, houses are small, jobs pay like shit and getting one is hard

I live in Japan.

Girls here aren't as ruined as Western women but the idea that you'll have girls falling over you if you're a white Westerner is wrong. If you can fluently speak Japanese and approach them and have a conversation, yes it's probably easier for you. If you can do that you're not an average Jow Forums poster are you? China is what I like to call a 1st world shithole. It's getting better but you better have some money and connections to live a nice lifestyle. Foreigners are more exotic in China definitely, but I've never been there and have no personal experience with how they treat white Western men. Being a "sex tourist" is pretty lame, you should probably kill yourself or move to Thailand where all of the other degenerates go.

>its hot a s fuck
Not in Hokkaido...

any big city girl is just as thotty as western women. Plus there are white women that live outside the west, slavic women to be exact. You only want asian women because you have a yellow fetish. Your kids will be mongos and goblins.

>any big city girl is just as thotty as western women
You have no idea what you are talking about. 34% of women are virgins in Japan.
>Plus there are white women that live outside the west, slavic women to be exact.
When I say the West, I mean Russia as well.
>You only want asian women because you have a yellow fetish.
I prefer someone that is white over someone Asian and don't have a fetish at all. I just have no problem with Asians.
>Your kids will be mongos and goblins.
Implying implications.

I mean white women being mad at white men for racemixing. It was your dad who racemixed

>If you can do that you're not an average Jow Forums poster are you?
I'm below the average r9k poster and have it pretty easy with Asian girls on tinder.

Sorry that comment was meant for just people in general with the idea of being with Asians over whites.

Just because a large portion of them are virgins doesn't mean the others aren't thots, which many big city girls are, anywhere in the world. The west infects

Also, virgins aren't always a good thing when it comes to women who are 30+. It is just weird at that point. I was with a woman who was 31 and never had sex. She had no sexual drive. I'm just trying to let people know that their problems won't be fixed with Japanese women.

I found many great girls in Slovenia and they are white.

any guy can get women, most people here are just to lazy to put in the effort. Then they use the idea that there are too many thots in the west to try. Putting in the effort to learn Japanese and get their women is even more than looking for good western girls.

Accurate. OP's cartoon is flawed. Average white SJW roast is pro-racemixing just because it means less white men being created.

Organically this

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I've put a lot more effort into finding a girl at home and as far as I know no girls have been interested in me here. There's a big difference in how interested Asian girls appear to be in me. I'm very white, tall and have blue eyes which some have claimed to like a lot, that doesn't mean anything at home since it's normal here.

>virgins aren't always a good thing when it comes to women who are 30+. It is just weird at that point.
I've been saying this for ages. What human who can easily get laid (ie women) would've not at least tried by that point?
>Putting in the effort to learn Japanese and get their women is even more than looking for good western girls
Based and accurate. Lifting is hard and futile but learning japanese and becoming an expat is simple? lol ok

Nothing against you yellow fever sex tourists, but if you think japan will be like one of your chinese cartoons you've got a storm coming.

this, as much as I hate white women they are the only ones that I would ever breed with. Dont want my future son to hate me and live his life wishing he was fully white

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Thanks bros
And no i wasnt expecting women to fall over me, i can talk to dudes easy as fuck so i guess im not the average r9k poster but women hate me. Im a 5-6/10 probably, decent build and dirty blonde hair and blue eyes
Hoping 2 find a decent wifey one day

good for u since u spread autism awareness

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What is slovenia like?
Is it snowy cheeki breeki squatting gopnik cops beat you dead shit or is there actual culture and a functioning government?

i always confuse slovenia with slovakia, are they even any different

Keanu's father was only half Asian thus he still retains mostly white features.

Not a clue friend
But i would like to have kids with a white girl over asians, i dont want to be the equivalent of a black dude in america with a white girl in the 50s
Its just white girls here in my medium/small town refuse to even give me a shot. I get ghosted when i text them, they look down when i approach them and mutter when i speak to them, its just frustrating, yet somehow im friends with almost all the guys in my age area, i dont know what im doing wrong, im so friendly and approachable and i have more hobbies then just "lifting and vidya"

Go watch a video with someone speaking Slovenian, they are far from Russian stereotype Slavic. Their country was never part of the USSR and it isn't a shit hole. It is very hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It is easy to get a job in Germany and live in Slovenia where everything is less expensive. People are very nice as long as you are white, it is very small town even in the largest city. Most speak English in the main cities. Peaceful and easy to live in, women are beautiful and the village ones love other European foreigners. It is a good place to at least visit, no political meme shit there, cheap, and easy going.

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learn to speak russian, russian women are easy as fuck for foreigners already, if you speak russian that's a 100% guaranteed russian qt for you

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Which place do you recommend? What job industry is booming there? Is it mostly a country of manual labor?
I already work a manual cuck job and hate it i would like a change of some sort

bro if you go to russia thinking you are going to pick up a qt with ease you are mistaken. getting the girl? not that hard. dealing with the guys from her neighborhood? not as easy. hope youre a good wrestler.

The language can be hard to learn if you want a job in Slovenia, there are plenty of manual labour ones that I know for sure. I would recommend visiting before even considering anything there. As far as open jobs, there are lots of programming ones, there aren't many programmers in Slovenia and there are plenty of small start ups. You can also work in other European countries nearby, like Germany, which has a lot more options. Slovenia is pretty inexpensive to live in so you don't need much. Internet is cheap and very fast, houses are normal size and cheap. You can bike across Ljubljana(capital), and you can easily get free bus rides if you understand how the system works. I would start in Ljubljana, it is as big as you are going to get.

never tried to pick up russian girls in russia itself but my city is filled with them anyway. I was hanging out with my friend once and a 3 russian girls approached us and started flirting with us, well mostly with my friend since I know but a few words in russian. He got their vk (facebook for russians) accounts. He said that they wanted to meet with him again be thought that they were kind of annoying so he ignored their messages

>lists actors/athletes

you can literally get the same list for both sides you cherrypicking faggot.

Thanks bro
Youve been very insightful
This is the reason i asked if slovenia was a country of culture, i didnt want to get mobbed for being a outsider

Filthy frank become a famous youtuber and went on to a not so famous but still popular rapper
Why the fuck is he included if you are trying to prove a point

Slovakia is West Slavic whereas Slovenia is South Slavic. Slovenia and western Slovakia are wealthy and well developed by Slavic standards. eastern Slovakia is Africa-tier

>feminist aproving anything that is beneficial for white males

Where abouts you live? Im in Nagoya.

your SJW's can date us asians. we got them beta bux

Kyoto, going to bed now..

you dont bring women from none western countrys as they will grow fat, lazy and greedy like western women. you want a place where women arent treated like royalty like the west, you want them to be kept down a little to keep them in line

I agree women become like what you say if given no rules but sure you can bring them anywhere. You just need to be strict with them, they will follow your power if you are a confident and strong enough man. It is a really shitty reality of life, you have to just deal with how women behave and force them to obey you. Just find a girl and dominate her.

Always keep an eye out for nice places to live. Canada is easy because once you are in the government you get free shit, good money and a huge retirement fund. Slovenia is nice because it is inexpensive, calm and the women are good. Good luck

>Slovenia is nice because it is inexpensive, calm and the women are good.
Are you a literal retard? In the ex-Yu countries "Slovenian" is a synonym for whore.

you can do that in most western place tho, once she gets some friends she will start to challenge that power, if she gets it in her head that she can survive in the west without you she will slow morph in to a western whore. fine a nice place in eastern europe or asia and settle their, its too much of a risk to bring them over here