No squats. No progression protocol. Just random exercises with random rep/set schemes cobbled together without a clear purpose or goal.
2/10 at least it's better than sitting on the couch stuffing your face with cheetos and masturbating all day, I guess.
Asher Rivera
0 gains u fuckn retard
Charles Long
Id drop incline and bump flat bench to 5×5. Flat and ohp togethor hits it all you dont need incline imo
Jacob Anderson
Also you need to squat at least once a week for injury prevention
Michael Watson
I stopped squatting and I increase weight on my weighted chins/ohp/bench/incline
Michael Green
That isnt gonna hit your posterior chain like squats will. If you fuck with heavy weight with a weak posterior chain its a matter of time until you snap your shit up
Isaiah Cook
You dont have to go hard on squats either like just do 3×3 once a week
Brayden Ramirez
I was squatting like every 2 days but my legs got so huge. I'll just do 3x3 I guess. Should I do it on push day every 2 workoouts like I do with deads?
Nicholas Thomas
bullshit, how much do you squat and post a picture of your legs too
your squat is shit, your legs aren't big, you're just a pussy that's scared of working hard
Gabriel Walker
Angel Price
Not everyone wants big legs. They dont even make jeans that look good on big legs desu. Girls dont give a shit about big legs anyway as long as you dont have chicken legs. Squatting once a week is fine for injury prevention if you dont want big legs
Easton Hill
My real problem is my quads don't fit in my 30x30 jeans and my waist doesn't fit in a 32x30.
Jaxson Rogers
Either isolate the shoulders or the triceps on A Also either incline bench or just do regular but not both Seated rows are a meme No squats It's a pretty fucking weird split, get another program 3/10
Hunter Allen
Also now give sauce
Leo Lee
>Not everyone wants big legs. no, but OP specifically said he got huge legs which is absolutely false >They dont even make jeans that look good on big legs desu. are you a faggot? >Girls dont give a shit about big legs anyway as long as you dont have chicken legs. yeah, you are >Squatting once a week is fine for injury prevention if you dont want big legs where the fuck did this meme come from
>having fitting jeans is more important than having strong legs why the fuck are you even on Jow Forums
Owen Kelly
Her name is mystickmoons.
Jack Williams
>>having fitting jeans is more important than having strong legs
They're strong enough fag. I'm not going to run around in farmermode dadjeans and gym shorts for the rest of my life unlike (you)
Parker Wood
>They're strong enough fag. never gonna make it with that attitude >I'm not going to run around in farmermode dadjeans and gym shorts for the rest of my life unlike (you) projection
Dylan Phillips
Thanks user I needed that laugh
Caleb Cruz
I love guys like you. 150lb twinks who think a 200 pound squat is strong enough and 20 info quads are huge. If there weren't guys like you I would have no one to mog, I wouldn't constantly be surrounded by little faggots who I could beat to death, and the confidence gains I get from that would evaporate. It's guys like you that make lifting so much fun. You're doing God's work OP, and I thank you
Nathaniel Perez
>If there weren't guys like you I would have no one to mog you're literally saying you're barely better than him you didn't quite think that through, huh?
Gabriel Peterson
>That fatstrong klinefelters guy who thinks that girls are mirin' Jow Forums is full of bucket crabs that are salty that they're at 20% bf because they can't keep their face shut within the vacinity of ho-hos. So then they say they're "mogging" anyone below 200lbs (of fat) and call them twinks despite the fact that they look like fatass pieces of shit
Misery loves company though
Josiah Perez
post full body pic, no flexing, no posing, and no lighting bullshit i can fucking guarantee you don't even look like you lift at all
Nicholas Foster
You first, chubs.
Grayson Cruz
Do AxBxAxxBxAxBxx
Aiden Foster
>y-you look like shit! >post pic >n-n-no u thanks for proving me right
Luke Mitchell
>lol I mog u xD >Post pic >y-you first!
You fat fucks are irredeemable
Landon Perez
that wasn't me, i only posted
Samuel Gray
You don't seem to understand the term, lurk more
Kayden Murphy
>No one can be bigger than 200lbs unless they're fat Imagine being such a small, feminine male that you have to cope this hard
Daniel Hill
>mine Day 1: HIIT alternate cardio, so bike or something low impact followed by legs usually (but light weight) Day 2: 10-15 mins ok treadmill to warm up followed by chest/triceps Day 3: long (30+ mins) treadmill run at moderate speed followed by (light) back Day 4: Leg day niggers Day 5: Interval cardio on treadmill for distance 2-3 miles followed by (light) chest Day 6: back/biceps Day 7: Sabbath
I also do "supersets" on all my lifts, so if it's legs I'll do a set for my main lift followed by say push-ups etc. Mostly to keep my heart rate up. And I do abs every day to finish.