>tfw eyebrowlet
is there a worse handicap for a man?
Tfw eyebrowlet
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being light blond
I thank god each day for my dark eyebrows
Even more so because I have red hair, and traditionally gingers have light colored eyebrows that make them look like they don't have eyebrows at all.
I tried coconut oil mem to get thick eyebrows
but all I got was ants
Haha, I am an eyebrowlet.
You know how Chinese are superficial and all?
Well, having weak eyebrows basically means you are a subhuman.
>wants women to have thick and nice eyebrows
>will not bother to dye them himself
Just take care of them and they will look nice. It's not something you can't change
Hit me up ladies, I know you can't resist these brows
I am not gay
actually surprised this wasn't original
>>wants women to have thick and nice eyebrows
I don't think this is particularly mportant for women. Thickness in eyebrows especially. I's kind of a masculine trait.
Yeah nice defining dark brows are really important for guys imo. Even if they have naturally light hair.
That's still weak though.
Stop being ironic.
Theyre very light and not too full. Not terrible but not good either.
Just fill in your eyebrows lmao
If the girl cares she's being a bad feminist, checkmate
my eyebrows are thicker than your bitch
10/10 would originally date
monobrow is worse
You guys are all gay. Why would a man about looking like a runway model?
You're all so feminine. This is probably why you're permavirgins. No one cares about this shit but gay dudes.
Wait what? I thought girls liked thin eyebrows? Have I been trimming my brows all this time for nothing?
>light skin looking
>decent brows
>dead man eyes
thick eyebrows on a ugly dude arent better
whats stopping you?
Shitskin nigger shitskin detected.
Being blonde haired is blessing. You have to be very ugly to screw it up. Luckily I have very good facial features and bone structure. So being blonde and blue eyed makes everything just better.
im a boy who doesnt know how to talk to people
If I had a life to begin with, I would have undergone a brow implant surgery.
Cost several thousands bucks
Browlet is the worst, nobody takes you serious being a browlet.
Imagine Bruce Lee being a browlet....you can't?
You get what I am talking about now.
>im a boy
A cute...feminine...boy...?
i dont know i dont have any confidence in my appearance
>is there a worse handicap for a man?
I can name a few.
Well that doesnt help me out
maybe it just isnt meant to be user
If you have a discord we could talk? might not go anywhere but whatever
Yes they are. This guy would look even worse with think eyebrows.
*with thin eyebrows
Fag. Gay fucking faggot.
i dont like talking. maybe typing.
Yeah typing is what I meant.
originally, get a room fags
>monobrow is worse
In many cases it works fine actually. Especially on Meds, Caucasus people, some Middle Easterners...
idk user im really boring and incompatible. what are your interests?
look its fine if you dont want to I was just offering.
fuck off faggots
careful though, or you'll end up as someone like me with way too much eyebrow going on
I love how this board and Jow Forums give me a new reason to hate myself every day.
Monobrows only work on very masculine faces(that aren't from sub saharan africa). A monobrow on a small twink of a man just looks ugly.
but you can always trim them to the size you want
This dude is hot.
Thats way better than being a so called eyebrowlet lmao.
True attractiveness in a man comes from his feminine beauty. Cavemen lovers are homosexuals.
I am glad I could contribute after all my time spent here
i have to pluck mine otherwise i get a monobrow. it's faggoty but what choice do i have.
Kill yourself for not being white.
I'm a Browchad and a lashchad. Always get compliments by the ladies. They all think I get them done professionally but I literally just wake up in the fucking morning like this.
i'm literally white you fucking spastic.
Dont overdo it.
>tfw big, bushy old man brows that I have to trim 2 times a week
>I'm 24
Best eyebrows, no contest
La creatura, el Goblino, la luz extinguido, dios mio!
I'm African American and Puerto Rican, born in PA. That meme only applies to white race traitors.
>racemixing 101
>eyebrow chad
>delts+traps chad
>five o'clock shadow chad
>strong jaw chad
Yet I am still a kissless virgin. Don't bother looking at the fine details that you do or do not have. Look at the whole picture of yourself and, more importantly, your social standing. That is what decides how much females care about you.
I mean, you're just ugly dude, sorry
Chinlet. Way worse. Receding chin just makes you look retarded. What's worse is u can't tell from straight on so what you see in the mirror looks alright, when actually u look hideous. Every time I see a photo of me side on I die a bit inside.