>be me
>be transgender
>starting to take hormones
>dont know if i will be seen as a girl by Jow Forums anons
Be me
I will never see you as a girl, you're just a mentally ill faggot.
>>dont know if i will be seen as a girl by Jow Forums anons
You won't. But these are not the kind of people you should feel the need to impress or satisfy. These are the worst people on Earth.
you are mad and faggot
I think of you as a girl, ts not really that deep. People think of it as me doing it for lgbt plus points though, I think trans girls give off the same vibes as cis girls do
you won't be seen by a girl by a significant portion of people and you're signing up for a life of pain. don't do it.
Yes I view you as a woman
now gtfo you roastie fucking bitch
HRT after puberty seems kinda pointless to me as body features are already developed desu.
Also, you can't demand that people see you as something you are not. No matter how much you want it to be true.
>insults me as a woman
>i feel butterflies in my stomach
>im genuinely happy
No estrogen doesn't make you a women. Producing egg cells does.
You've already perfected needlessly begging for attention, sounds like a woman to me
i won't see you as a man, that's for sure. that's what you wanted, right?
will you let your genitals get butchered as well?
Go to the hospital, you're mentally ill
What's up with all this trash shit today are we being raided?
user, trans girls need to have sex three times at day or their vag closes, let's support that shit and convince them or make themselves a pussy
Wtf is this? A thigh graft to make a dick? Why wouldn't they use a donor dick or like a foot graft? Why make it look like a fucking baguette?
I will see you as a girl.
Pls be my transgender gf.
thanks user
i will happily be
Dude, you need a psychiatrist attention.
Youll just look like a man wearing makeup.
Why destroy your body like this?
The irony here is you've probably seen a guy dressed as as girl and addressed them as she because you couldn't know.
>i will happily be
Cool, where do you live?
Yes i will, as long as you pass
How can I see you as anything if you don't post yourself?
This is the least you could do, for the sake of context.
C'mon, I'm the one asking.
I can't post photos on r9k
south america
i will do my best
No you wont. Now stop baiting, faggot.
Then i hope you make it user
I'll give you lots of headpats when you do
Also... Where in South america?
True, but I'll keep an eye out on boards like /b/ though. Or hell, even /lgbt/.
>be me
>ugly man faced biological born girl
>once I get plastic surgery ill be secure enough to chat with a robot
>until then ill remain a friendless loser, weeping over the fact that i have no one talk to
i see you as a girl user
that doesn't make me want to interact with you any more of course
Saw a tranny IRL before, but I could easily tell due to the voice and man hands. I was a cashier and just made sure I didn't address them as he/she. Since my job was on the line.
Online I've only been fooled by traps. Never a tranny though.
>be me
>be a woman
>decide to be a man 'cause that's what the cool kids on Tumblr are doing
>still get raped
>still can't get an abortion after Trump replaces Kennedy on the Supreme Court
>still treated like a woman in every discernible way
>yeah but some man who decided to be a chick for a few months is woman of the year
wow op i feel real sorry 4 u :(
But as a trans woman you can get sex more easily from men. Become a trans woman to get more sex from men.
i also want to be a patient version of a cis girl and give robots a chance
really? why?
>sent this to my friend
>she asks if this chick worked out extra hard to get big meaty legs to make into benis
>"never skip cock day"
>she points put this sausage dong will be too big for sex and probably will cause pernament injury to the leg
>"lol maybe they really are a man, after all who would take all that risk just for a huge dong"
Nice salami you got here
My thighs hurt from watching that
Because most men want to have sex with women so if you want to have sex with men you go trans.
They won't because you are supposed to be anonymous. Either way I wish the best of luck to you, femanon.
>Wtf is this? A thigh graft to make a dick?
Yes, basically.
>Why wouldn't they use a donor dick or like a foot graft?
I'm not a docto so I don't know. My best guess for the "donor dick" is that issues with the immune system would make it impossible.
>when I'm fooled I know I'm fooled
cross-gender genital grafting isn't a thing yet because the vascular tissue doesn't really match up that well
Closest trans people are likely to get is a mold-grown simulacrum made from cheek cells with growth factors for different parts.
Just remember, every letter is a mental illness
your idea to get more sex is to cut up your dick? great idea...
i like how it feels
haha tranner
You're not a girl and will never be one, but that doesn't mean theres not people out there for you. Someone will love you.
i don't mind seeing trans as whatever they want to be. but we'd be lying if we didn't mention that the vast majority end up looking like trainwrecks.
make sure you keep the dick btw.
>crazy lefties say this is not a mental illness
You will never be a woman. Give up that dream and do something about your mental health.
You know there's plenty of robots desperate enough to talk to you for hours despite never seeing you right? Just join one of those discord threads and pick your favorite waste of space.
>he fell for the tranny meme
kek, i feel sorry for you, user
You are mentally ill, no one will ever consider you a woman, regardless of how we're forced to call you "she" by the public.
But if you're "cute" and get rid of your cock and balls, maybe some desperate guys around here will be willing to fuck you in the ass.
Miss Spain was won by a trans-woman, though.
>be born female
>Skinny, not too short, pale, c-d cups, acceptable ass, good hips
>god decides to fuck with my brain for the lulz and I wanna be a big hairy man for no real reason
Body switching technology when
Not same user
Well she's the one in a thousand and she doesn't really pass either way
Sure user, sure.
Feels reals bad man
I mean sure when she cakes on make up she does but not when she uses minimal foundation.
no, probably.
in an actually very much originally way desu
i always think about it, but i think that if you switch with a transgender person you would still have dysphoria but now from the opposite sideview
you chose the right board -- the board of the depressed people.
fun fact: no matter how many fuckin' body mods and hormones and shit you take, you were born as a man, your chromosomes are XY just like any other man, you're definitely a man, even if you try to sound like a "female".
same as above. "gender" is not a choice. you can choose your shoes, yet if they're too small you won't ever be able to walk.
>>TLDR: trans = the epitome of faggotry
Body, not mind swapping. But it doesn't really matter, that shit is impossible and curing cancer and shit is where ppl should pour research and funds into. Half of trans ppl kill themselves so really, the problem solves itself for now
>I don't know if the sewer freaks are going to like me
4channers are the demographic you need to care about the approval of the least
I want them to make green text stories about me, I want that the moment one of those with no social abilities at all comes to me receives for the first time a decent opportunity, being patient, i want a greentext story with happy ending
and is not the reason i do it obviously is just something i would like to do
because ur not a girl and ur unstable human who is carzy
No matter how many times surgeries you get or pills you swallow you will never be a woman, you have two options moving forward : suicide or stop being a faggots cross dresser and embrace your true self, that is the only way you can continue your path in life, not changing what has already been predisposed to you.
This is the most reactionary shithole on the planet. Don't base anything on how people act here
if you put in effort and presented as female i would probably treat you like one. however if you didn't pass at all i probably wouldn't see you as a real woman. but i believe in you user!
You're already a girl to everyone that loves you.
Unless your family doesn't know yet lmao
lol you will never be loved, only a toy for degenerates with a fetish
suicide is imminent
Well, how they act here isn't really a good metric for how they'll react irl.
Just focus on:
A. not scaring them
B. not getting murdered
I've taken hormones for years now but I don't insist I'm a female because of it.
I think if you're goal is to get that dick and a nice user bf that is the better approach.
believe me, i will try with all my heart, what frustrates me are the things i need money for.
yeah, money is always an issue. maybe you could find a job to afford it?
Tranny culture is genuinely disgusting. At least gays and lesbos don't ruin their bodies (other than a faggy voice). Seeing a tranny is just the personification of mental illness. Why are we letting these people fuck up their bodies? We wouldn't let an anorexic person starve themselves to death
Watch out, you might cut yourself on that edge mate
why not support scientific advancements to make us more feminine then
i know - because you dont care about us. you think there's some conspiracy by da jooz or whatever to get as many people transitioning as possible. sure. that's exactly why Europe, a normally very socially liberal and progressive place, is one of the most gatekeeping, difficult places for trans people. you're an idiot. and a fascist too. if i were to kill myself you'd love it because you're a bloodthirsty monster.
Are you the OP? Dont let these posters get to you. So are you cute? Whats stopping you then?
you're gonna look like shit. ugly autist anons who fall for the tranny meme deserve the broken body they recieve
Most Jow Forums anons won't see you as a girl, but that doesn't mean you aren't one. Don't let them get to you.
jokes on you thats my origninal fetish
fuck off aero nobody cares
>seething this hard
I'm sorry, but i don't see why should we invest our money into mentally ill retards who want to slice their penis off and dress like a female too. Honestly, degenerate subhuman creatures like you should be wiped off the face of the earth, but good thing that most of them are already doing that themselves.
thats some literal retard shit