Daily reminder that if you don't look exactly like this, you will never get laid without an escort. Prove me wrong, robots.

>Protip; you can't

Attached: DOnKVr2.jpg (1080x1331, 135K)

I got laid in high school when I was a weak effeminate 17 year old with horrible grades

>>>> r/braincel

This looks like a caricature, is it?

Women can have ideals while being perfectly happy with the partner they currently have. Humans are pretty conditioned to accept that they will never reach their dreams. Besides, our "dream" partner may just be a false front when it comes to long term. Women will want the total package over time

reminder that this guy is shooped and looks entirely different in every picture he's in. like a second life character

Think of the hottest, most unattainable girl you can imagine. This is the female version of gigachad. Good for a wank or two, but subconsciously we already know it's impossible to obtain so why even try. I still think women can get attracted to regular guys with a few good traits like height or a good dick. Gigachad is mythological and mostly superficial attraction


Oregon shooting

Attached: get out.gif (800x200, 17K)

except,a regular 5/10 becky can actually get a 9/10 chad

> get
You mean a shameful ONS after a night of drinking and beer goggles?

no this is real life. this is what an average 8.5/10 guy looks like.

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Beer goggles come in femoid sizes too.

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no, get in a relationship with them. besides, women are not ashamed of ONS anymore, its empowering to them now

Tfw need to look like this to get a gf in 2018

Why even bother

He looks more human here. Still fawned over. These CGI creations look like overkill on attractive features

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I was saying that it was shameful to chad. He would be hush hush about it. Slow night at the bar, party or club

Nah that's a 7/10 at best, there are guys that actually look better but all women still want something bigger

That feminist probably talks about how she doesn't want strong men.

> soulless look with muscles and chiseled face
> so attractive.

> nearsighted universal math genius with acne and braces
> what a creep

I wish we could redesign humans, especially femoids

Ikr the worst part is the chad pic isn't even peak, feels bad man

I don't look like that and I got laid.
(That was before I had my first episode, mind you.)

>women are the beautiful sex
no roastie will ever compare to the physical prowess of a man who looks after his body
and no you faggot sodomites, this is not homosexual

I got laid and I don't look like that.
She wasn't an escort.
She was hot as fuck.
Also mentally ill.
Also batshit insane
Also stupid as fuck.
Everything has a price, OP.

>First episode

What does that even mean

Fucking gay lol.

mental illness probably

Are you a degenerate in the Oxford sense?

No, just a dude who doesn't spend so much time overthinking and actually take chances in his life trusting people. As you can guess, sometimes, things can get sour. The experience was actually worthwile. Learned a shitload of do's and don'ts. Next time I manage to have enough testicular mass to approach a cutie, things may have a better chance to turn better.


Exactly, your just another chad who sounds like a broken record chanting "just be urself man xD" like it's the law of the fucking universe. You have no idea what's it's like, now get the fuck off my board REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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I kinda want to see a normal photo of the Giga Chad.

5'3 inbred manlet. Stacy used to hit on me in high school but I rejected her cause she was a roastie. I think you're just pathetic dude.

Why do you have to go and lie on the internet?

Read the fucking thread you retard

I could most likely murder this fag in a street fight. Not even memeing.

pro tip suck my big fat brown dick

>>>/WorldStar/ dumb niggerrrrrrrr

Stop projecting my dude. You have no idea what the fuck my life is like I'm 30 and desu with you, I don't feel like I got it together at all. I just followed a path that I chose to make my parents proud after dropping out of highschool and having my family declare me a lost cause afterward. I worked my ass off for a decade just to make sure that they could look at me and not be worried/dissapointed all the time. Everything I did, I did for everyone else and I'm still like that. Deep down I'm a lazy piece of shit who wants to smoke weed, get shitfaced and further trash my life and health. In my natural state, I'm just a fucking worthless piece of shit, but I hate being judged by others. Hate it to a point that you cannot conceive. IMO, people should just leave each other alone, let them do what they want and fucking shut the fucking fuck up and mind tgeir fucking goddamn business, but we don't have the luxury of living in a fair world are we? So I constantly obsess over how my friends see me, how my family sees me and every of their criticism cuts deep inside of me. I want to be left alone to waste away at myself, but those who "love me" won't have it and constantly push me around to "get my shit together" and "be active" and since I have no spine and fear ending up alone despite all of that, I do 100 of things I don't wanna do just so that I can look like a normie. I am pathetic and spineless and everything I do is a facade. The girl I fucked was easy and stupid and that's how I managed to do it because any girl with 2 neurones can see through my appearances and see that I'm a boring asshole who would never take them to do anything fun. I vastly prefer when others organize things for me. I love a fucking lie my man, so get off your high horse. Can you fathom being someone who wanna be left alone, but is terrified by the prospect of actually BEING alone? I have no idea what I'm doing and if I could give you my life and it would make you happier, I would.

Too long didn't read LOL xDDDDDDDD

I'm a 4/10 fat slob and I've been with 70+ women. No escorts.

Fucking fat old hags doesn't count

Yes, hes not a real person. Hes made with CGI

Yeah try and not use a weapon and say that you stickman

Ok faggiolo.