Who else here genuinely waiting for a race war?
Who else here genuinely waiting for a race war?
I don't care if its because of race or whatever, I just want WW3 to habben in my lifetime
Nigga i just wanna fuck
I'll be ready to do my part and die trying brother
no i don't want bloodshed or even racism for that matter
you're not cool Op
I'd be down my craKKKA
>muh race war
This is going to be a nice addition..
t. Angry negroid
I want a war race.
t. Buttblasted black nigger
willing to bet a big mac and 50 bucks this guy is under 20 years old.
20 more bucks if he's underage
*click *snap*
Is this still a thing?
It's a young autist fag in the wild lads
Only if I get to do nothing in the whole war, get out alive and also have my race win the war.
Yes we do my friend, yes we do
Uhh I feel so insulted right now!
Go back to the ghetto.
Summer's not over yet
I prefer collecting for my libtard owned compilation
You're replying to at least 2 people if not 3 and im 21. White power
You type like a redditor too.
Hundred bucks, underage.
Hahah, not far off the mark.
Must explain why you are still here
>Implying 21 year olds don't fight wars
Also where's my 20 dollars?
>imma big boy
17 year olds fight wars in britain, doesn't make you any more special.
LMAOing @ ur infantile idealism
Oh no, redditor AND underage in the same sentence?
You have defeated me, I can only cry now!
So you should have more fear especially since whites defeated blacks in every war we ever fought against each other.
You talk to redditors every day
You might as well be one.
Race war between?
You know, that East Asians are already spread over the whole world and have pretty much infiltrated every other society?
We have default win, you better not hope for a race war , because you are gonna lose.
There's barely any in the US compared to nigs.
Doesn't matter, in case of a race war.
Many East Asians are in the US are highly skilled people and they would transfer that knowledge, wealth etc.
Brain drain would be happen.
Pathetic wh*Toid cannont handle SUPERIOR BLACK BANTZ
you will eventually see the true might of the BLACK BULL
surrender your women now
The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
Never talk about your master that way again you worthless downlow slave trash.
Northeast Asians are only 6 points higher than whites on average. The amount of average IQ points and tax dollars we'd save by removing all Spics and niggers would more than offset the difference but we could just as easily let Asians stay in America since they follow the laws.
>The black man is the epitome of masculinity and dominance
Good joke, nigger.
>East Africa
>Enslaved Semites and Caucasiod
I really can't be bothered to go into slavery it's stupid and everyone did it to everyone it's the shittest example of dominance they did it to the Irish as well which is quite stupid
Irish were never slaves. They were vassals of Britain.
>So you should have more fear especially since whites defeated blacks in every war we ever fought against each other.
Republic of Congo
The US got beaten badly and ended up retreating out of Somalia and never came back on a large scale into Africa again, fighting wars there is retarded
>Irish were never slaves. They were vassals of Britain.
Are you retarded user what the fuck they starved them when they tried to rebel
I'm sure afraid of a 5'4" army of incels that can't even control the 90% of their women that fuck a white guy at some point in their lives
>Median age of white people in America
>45 years old
>Median age of non-white people in America
>25 years old
I sorta want a short race war so the retard Confederates and their ilk get rekt when half their numbers are literal geriatrics.
Whites could take over all of Africa right now if we wanted to. Blacks are worthless bitches. Libtard cucks like you just want to protect your subhuman nigger pets. Nigger sympathizers like you should be killed too.
I think the first kill is the most interesting. My favorite weapon would be a knife, but a gun would do it too. When you shoot or stab the person, they either die on instant or you can look at them while die they die. That, what made the person, the person he was is then gone. Only a shell lies on the ground.
I think, personally, after my first kill I would let all my rage and insanity out I collected over all these years. Fuck I want a chainsaw and a throne out of limbs. Fuck niggers and muslims. Hail Messiah and Hitler.
>can't even establish an all white country
>w..we could if we wanted to!
Your handle on the English language demonstrates your level of intelligence. Thank you for your time here. I am sure Jow Forums welcomes you and your ideas so we will be happy to see you head there.
You were literally our slaves.
Shut up limp wristed left cuck. I would rape your asshole and leave you covered in my semen and your own blood. You little bitch. I would break your wrists.
This is what killed you with Mongela
Is this necessary? I don't want to see naked people ffs, I want to have a discussion.
have fun waiting
Yes. This is necessary you low test cuck. Kill yourself. We need to assrape all niggers
Bestiality is a sin
Leviticus 20:15
And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast.
>Couldn't even beat 15 year old African kids with soviet age weapons
What are you on about you can't do anything close to that
Your going to be a faggot and that makes you dominant you say
Why do niggers brag about being so alpha? A simple look on africans show us that their genes alone can't withstand a punch. They were slaves their whole fucking life.
Lets start the race war right now nigger. You'd get destroyed.
you'll lose against the
At least we have foreskins
Luckily it's a myth
>I prefer collecting for my libtard owned compilation
jesus this counts as proof of underage right fucking summerfags
Black Bois get rekt
i hope there will be a war between intellectuals and common idiots at some point.
They are unironically darker than the fucking night ffs
so natsocs and christians vs leftards
>A simple look on africans show us that their genes alone can't withstand a punch
Mind showing us from a official source buddy
More of this slut?
Faggots detected and you do realise we can find micro white dick porn right
Sure thing buddy what you gonna do put up a WebM of a random fight and call it a war
It would be great if all the 'race war' faggots killed each other in the streets one day. What an absolutely useless group of people.
>let's make a porn thread
Gayer than Elton Fucking John
I'm just bored so may as well scream small white dick to bait these faggots for a minute
Damn nigger. You sure are butthurt
>using a invention of white man to tell a white man he get rekt
talking about the penis size of races. this is like /lgbt/ + Jow Forums. yall gay
You're a small dicked nigger bitch and you know it
I'm glad Jow Forums is a containment board for niggers, don't shit up the rest of the website.
t. lived a sheltered life
Or it's white cucks who are closeted homos that like chocolate semen
>tfw kicked out of military so wont be participating in ww3
>tfw all the stacys left by their boyfriends to go to war will be all mine
You mean chocolate cucks who secretly want white semen
Or maybe we just hate you filthy niggers and want you all dead. Slave bitch. You will learn your place.
We want to fucking kill you. Enter reality.
Wait - english is not my first language. What said I that you all think I am a nig-nog now?
t. Vadim from Germanistan
Not for the war part but I just want to live in a homogeneous euro utopia with a nuclear family safe from shitskins
I meant basedboys are cucks who want niggerdick
Yeah bro. A sheltered life in NY.
Oh it's still censored. Mad mods are insulted for what they truly are
You're a nigger soiboi who wants white cock
>not reading the thread
>congo atrocities image
>types like an underaged redditor who has to go back to class in 10 minutes
>everyone in the thread hates him
Everything checks out so far
We're gonna kill you you dirty nigger loving runt.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm someone must be a nigger here
>white boy spends half of his waking hours posting interracial porn on Jow Forums
>cant even talk to a black girl despite his advantage of being white
>meanwhile this is happening multiple in every boxing club across america
What does this webm mean? Two people from different races represent everybody? Also wanting to race mix is almost as worse as homosexuality, but I don't say that niggers also rape little children like pedocunts
NY is a big state. Chances are you never met a nigger IRL if you still defend them so much, my little cuck. Go live in Harlem, and if you ever come back, tell me how good was your experience with them.
I flirt with women of all races just to have the satisfaction of feeling superior every time I see them smile at my beautiful white visage.
White beauty is a gift, what is a gift if not to be shared.
I'm male btw
I do not care for a race war. I just want a war big enough to reset all political shit happening in the usa
Fucking goofball. I live right outside the city, on the island. The only reason you talk the way you do is because YOU'VE never met anyone of another race in your entire life. It would be nice if acknowledged that fact. You get all your information about them from the internet on sites like stormfront and Jow Forums, meanwhile every race on earth (and a bunch of new ones that only exist here) all live together here in the melting pot. There's blacks all over the place here. Some were my best friends growing up were black and one is even a local weather man here on the island. An actual meteorologist too, not one of those phony pretty faces like they have on Fox.
Whites rape children all the time. That's why white farmers look so fucked. Also whites are physically weaker than everyone else
I actually beat up niggers all the time. I've beaten up 5 blacks this year.
I'm waiting for the space wars. I'm ready to be a space cowboy and shizz.
Welcome to reality dirty worthless nigger slave.
Black "men" be like
Bitch ass nigger slave boi
>but we could just as easily let Asians stay in America since they follow the laws.
But if it's a race war, then it's an all out racewar.
Wow, you mad?
Did some chink steal your gf right in front of your eyes?
oh wow a black man is a weather man!