Americans who are mixed with white (excluding Asians) always seem to identify more with their non white side...

Americans who are mixed with white (excluding Asians) always seem to identify more with their non white side. Why is that? Is it because of the one drop rule, that originally only applied to white people with African blood? I've even seen Hispanics who are obviously over 70% white who don't identify as white. I knew a Mexican guy who looked like Canelo Alvarez who got an Aztec warrior tattooed on his arm.

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Sometimes it's because they're rejected by whites, other times because they're in non-white neighbourhoods so they adapt to what's around them. Also because it gives them credibility in certain circles to be a minority.

>w-wait, why aren't you identifying as white?

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Mostly because of the fact that I was primarily raised around the back side of my family desu

Im a mutt who looks about as white as Camelo Alvarez if not whiter and I dont say Im white because that would be a shame to the white race and I also dont identify as Mexican because I dont want to score a point for them.

I am what I am, a amerimutt abomination.

30 percent spics always want to feel unique. I see this especially in women because they want to join the Latinas are this and that meme. Nobody wants to identify as just a white dude so people join any culture that will make them stand out among their friend group and act like they care.

Because there are benefits given to non whites that aren't available to white folk

They play up anything that distinguishes them from their peers. If they're around white people, they'll start to identify as the token hispanic. If they're around mexicans all day, they're the local gringo.

I identify with whatever racial characteristics my DNA codes for because that's what I am.

>if they're around mexicans all day, they're the local gringo.
Untrue. Half white mexicans in Hispanic neighborhoods will try even harder to seem Mexican. They'll fight you over calling them white.

So the message is finally getting through. Heritage goblins are finally recognising they're not white.

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They identify with their tainted side because they know that they're closer to the untermensch than the ubermensch. Whites know that they're mongrels but blacks are too stupid to care, look at Drake for example.

>there is no racial category for me
>just say im an american when asked

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Their household probably embraced one culture over the other. White (Americans) have virtually no culture

> the untermensch than the ubermensch. Whites know that they're mongrels but blacks are too stupid to care, look at Drake for example.
First off this is the most retarded shit I've read in a long time, was it with you faggots and racial theories

Because being white in the US means you don't get extra gibs like affirmative action. I knew a girl who was half Czech and half Spanish (looked 100% white) who identified as Mexican just because she had older relatives living there.

Half black people seem to be identifying more and more as mulatto these days than black. The problem with being a half-blood is that while they're genetically from two races, the resulting hybrid race is neither.

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How is it theory when it's a fact? Most mixed people already get along better with blacks than actual whites and in some cases prefer being around them.

This is true for me. I prefer being around other people who look similar. I dont instinctively dislike anyone though.

Unless its a nig loitering at a bus stop.

Because they don't look white at all

Exactly. I'm half-nigger/half-white and have no racial identity. I identify more with white culture because it isn't self destructive. Even my black grandmother calls niggers on the news "those people." Probably has to do with the fact that she and that side of the family is "high yellow."

>white culture isnt self destructive
>gave women rights so they can be of no use to society
>gave racial minorities enough power to outbreed the original population
>not beating trannies to death on site and giving them asspats for everything they do
Whites are literally the most self destructive race.

Also I forgot, they let Jews infiltrate their country. Have fun getting zogged, whites.

beacause white people actually suck desu, the only people who dont think so are full bred whites

Noone wants to be thought of as white around minority communities, though.