Never getting someone who calls you darling like she does

>never getting someone who calls you darling like she does
Why even lift?

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Is that show done airing yet?

Dumb Franxx in the cucking posters

not yet, 1-2 episodes


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If you can get a girl to scream your name in ecstasy like she did in episode 20 then you have definitely made it.

Literally why i lift

Life could be so easy...

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>wanting some lame anime binch and not the GIANT FUCKING ROBOTS

Fuck you Trigger I'll never forgive you for forcing teenager drama on us instead of giving the Mechas characters of their own

Not on my gay board

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Im bigger than you.

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Never look up reactionpics on tumblr when you dont know if the new episode is out or not... fffuuuuuuck

i lift for ichigo!

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>tfw girls like her don't exist irl

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Thank God

The thots we deal with in real life are bad enough

simply based poster

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No I'm bigger than you.

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>never getting someone who calls you stupid like she does
Why even lift?

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Hes just fat...

>tfw too genious to ever have somebody call me stupid and have it actually sting
>tfw every girl I've ever been with has told me that I make them feel stupid
>tfw all the smart girls are lesbians

She's not even real

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