Are you fucking reddit incels actually serious with this ''I can't date a girl she's been with others''?
Most pathetic fucking thing i have ever heard, unironically consider suicide, jesus fucking christ
Are you fucking reddit incels actually serious with this ''I can't date a girl she's been with others''?
Incels are volcels but lie about it.
Stop confusing Jow Forums with fucking reddit you idiot.
>lol what a loser he has less sex partners than ten XD
>get away creep rape RAPE
It's a retort. And a realistic one. Women won't date virgins unless they are a virgin too.
Yeah but what does it fucking matter? Do they not go to a restaurant because someone has been there first? Do they not use a plate because some other person used it a year prior? Do they not sleep in a hotel bed because someone rented that room prior to them?
It's the most retarded fucking thing i've ever seen
Volcels is an oxymoron
Translating OP's post:
"I want to ride the cock carousel all throughout my teens and twenties and settle down with a robot with a job at 30. I am extremely upset that robots are destroying my plan for refusing to settle for me later in life so I try to shame them into using my well used body while also knowing I would refuse to do the sexual things I did with others with them claiming I just don't like them so you aren't special enough to experience them.."
no, it's just redundant. celibacy is defined as voluntary abstinence.
incel is an oxymoron.
let the weak die. they just need an excuse to stay at home.
I am a dude you fucking redditor nigger
>incel is an oxymoron
You must be a woman. Is it really that hard to imagine that there are people out in the world that are considered so unattractive that they will never find romance?
Would you use a pre-owned fleshlight?
You are no robot. Go back to your incel cult.
Celibate means choosing to not have sex. It is always voluntary. Incels choose to not have sex.
Remember those memes where people would say something like "I'm a virgin by choice" and then someone else would say "It wasn't your choice"? Whatever happened to those?
ugly people fuck ugly people all the time. yeah i know you'll never find romance because you're lazy, but that's not the point. you're using the word celibacy wrong. at some point it doesn't matter because language evolves, but the phrase incel right now means "right wing sexist" to most people
Do you know what an oxymoron is user?
>It is always voluntary
No, it is not. Think harder. There are some people who are physically incapable of having sex. There are some people that have never had a person legitimately attracted to them because of physical deformities. Why do you think rape is a thing? Some people get so frustrated with lack of attention that they forcibly take it.
Just because you get a healthy amount of flirtation and attraction does not mean everyone does. Thinking that everyone chooses to be celibate just goes to show that you have trouble empathizing with others. Maybe you are autistic
There are cures for impotence. Unless your dick is literally cut off an adult will always be able to have sex.
>youll never find romance because youre lazy
I have found romance. I just know that there are men that have it worse than me and I can empathize with them. Nice strawman, get good at logic
Yeah, and I am disagreeing with you. There are plenty of people that are involuntarily celibate. Do you know what a rebuttal is?
so you're impotent, not celibate. fuck off pajeet
Rape is a crime of power. It has nothing to do with getting sex or not. Incels are too weak to be able to rape anyone, even if she showed up naked in their basement.
Yeah we already went over the rape route. I'm not ready for prison.
>I choose to not have sex
>it's an involuntary choice
>Unless your dick is literally cut off an adult will always be able to have sex
Or, you know...maybe no one wants to have sex with you and prostitution is illegal in your country.
Think harder user
>i have found romance
no you haven't. but you still have a chance if you want
What prevents you from getting laid?
I literally mean the definition of the word celibate, user. It's when someone willingly takes a vow of abstinence, so combining it and involuntary is an oxymoron. If you said involuntarily abstinent or involuntarily alone it would make more sense.
>that are involuntarily voluntarily abstinent
I am white but nice strawman, again. I have sex regularly but I know men that are virgins at the age of 30
>rape is a crime of power
Not always. Physical strength does not matter when someone puts a gun to someones head and says have sex with me
What part of some people have no interested suitors dont you get?
It's almost impossible to pair bond long-term with a woman who has had other partners before and I want to pair bond the rest of my life with a woman, so yeah, I can't date her if she's been with another man because she'll just leave once she finds what she thinks is a more suitable man.
You have confused an oxymoron and a paradox, user.
statistics shows that most rape victims were raped by sombody close like a boyfriend, spouse or family member
Quite literally autism
oh, you're gay. you fuck men all the time? that's nice pajeet
Sorry if I don't like used goods, enjoy kissing places where Chad put his dick
You're a retard lmao he means people rape people to feel powerful not that literally only physically powerful people can rape.
>no you havent
I have. What makes you think you know everything about my life? I have a gf and we have sex nightly. I am able to empathize with men who are virgins though
You are confusing the words celibate and abstinent. Abstinence is the voluntarily fasting from sex. Mister /iamverysmart/
this is the opposite of reality. almost nobody stays with their first unless forced, and then they just have lovers on the side
is it irritional if I don't care if a girls been in relationships but if shes done the whole hookup party slut thing I dont really want it?
at least you admit that you don't know what celibate means. just say you're a virgin next time lol
Took literally a second, mouth breather
>le master words man
>rape is done by people in positions of trust
Agreed. Incels do not rape
Again, I am white and I definitely get more female attention than you. Continue to cope
>samefagging the entire thread to save face
Tee hee. Since you are 12 here is how a woman tells you you did a good job
>i fuck all the time
>i have suitors
>suitor is a man
>i fuck men all the time
nice job pajeet!
>samefagging the entire thread
>only have 4 out of 41 posts
>usually for religious reasons
user, here is a little English lesson for ya. Sometimes words are created. Like, the word meme is new so the word incel was created because there are plenty of social outcasts that are abstinent not by their choice or for religious reasons
she sounds like a young virgin boy writing what he thinks girls talk like after sex
>hips and pelvis
Does it make you mad that I am chad and get loads of pussy? I can feel the jealousy emanating from your computer screen.
Did you not see pic related? I wrecked HER pussy user. HER PUSSY
>lol it couldnt be me samefagging
>switches from computer to phone to up unique ID poster count
I wouldnt date a non-virgin guy. Im not interested in normalfags.
>desperately coping
Keep it up user. I need more screen caps for my cringe compilation
are you really ashamed to be a pajeet? i thought you were trying to argue about a word, now you're attention whoring?
if incel is an actual word then the definition of robot in the dictionary is someone who posts on Jow Forums. Don't see what the problem is with it being an oxymoron, it literally just means that on a surface level two words are contradicting doesn't mean it's impossible.
If you honestly think I'm the only other person in this thread you're losing it, man, phones can't even post on Jow Forums
Why do you keep coming back to this pajeet thing? Since I expertly parsed your petty diction debate, now you have to assume my race and cling to it as your only hope to save face...
Honestly I cant expect much more from a nigger
>e.g. in a text
t. virgin
this is a pajeet sexting a cat fish
>phones can't even post on Jow Forums
What are you talking about? I am doing just that right now
Okay, degenerate
you thought celibacy can be voluntary and used the word suitor wrong too. you got pretty upset when i assumed you were a pajeet but maybe you're just really young lol. carry on champ
For me it is not about a few bfs. But about her being a disgusting degenerate whore
you as a degenerate deserve her though
Cope as hard as you want. I can hear you seething
>you got pretty upset
You sound pretty upset too you dumb nig. Go back to speaking Ebonics youll never talk like a white man
the second one literally says tyler im dead
>by your doing
>Kiersten Fischl
t. virgin
the girls name on this is Kiersten fischl
You just don't try
Is there something wrong with the font on mine then it always says the text is not allowed.
Fischl is a weird last name, you probably shouldn't post your gfs name on Jow Forums.
>file deleted
Lol too late dumbass
>what is contact editing
You dont really believe this buttmad virgin is texting a girl do you? Someone with a gf wouldnt try this hard
I think they're cat fishes
Incel means being celibate for religious reasons. The cult of incel.
too late ive got it. fuck normies
Yeah something is Fischy (KEK). There was a Tyler in there too
Either way hes a dumbass for thinking blacking anything out works on here
We know this is you user. You have not put a single apostrophe in your post because youre phone posting like I am.
wait hes the same pajeet posting the pictures of convos? haha holy shit
>there are only two people on their phones
Cmon man this board is full of normies fucking everyone is on their phones
I have no issues with apostrophes. I'm using a phone.
Her name is Kiersten Fischl from looking at the photo on the original text she usually uses the username Kiersten92, she's a speech language pathologist in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania
kiersten fischl
damn how'd you find the town?
Good work brah
LinkedIn profile has her current job
>be fucking creepy
>cry about being virgin
she's also retarded enough to have a POF account, where it says she's single lol.
>unironically consider suicide, jesus fucking christ
Who the fuck on this board hasn't considered it?
This is a dumb analogy. Or is sex not a precious, intimate thing like all the normalfags say it is? Is sex the same value as eating or sleeping, everyday things?
You know I actually was a virgin until I was twenty but I turned 22 last week and It's my one year anniversary with my gf today, I think my present will be not giving out her info on Jow Forums. She might not like that though what do I know I'm some virgin samefagging on Jow Forums, so at least only one guy knows Kiersten's name.
Remember modern toxics angry incels born because Reddit people start to bullies in Jow Forums some incels start to Reddit and Redditor incels become toxics.
Sex is literally one of the most mundane things, sure its good but it's just one of those things you do.
The emotional part is 100x more important
>common pepe
>generic bait statement
>has replied maybe once to keep his bait thread going
So then why is sex so guarded?
>inb4 it's not
Yes it is. If it wasn't, I could just walk up to any lady on the street, slip her like $20(including tip because America), and fuck her right there.