Claim your waifu

Claim your waifu.

Kumiko claimed by OP.

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>2017 + 1
>STILL no Nadeko gf to go shooting up schools together

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Natsuki claimed

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Rei. All of them.
Claimed by 4th poster.

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Ao is cute! Cute!

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My waifu has 3 dimensions but I still love her

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I'll claim Ritsu before the other guy does.

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claiming best girl as per usual
natsuki a cute cupcake!

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It really is no real contest. Dolphins are prime gf material

Attached: dolphin gf.png (1253x860, 40K)

>falling for the Aquajew

Attached: dolphinnigger.png (500x301, 175K)

>claiming a whore as your waifu

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no, enough.. the debate is over...

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>Picking 3D for a waifu

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Akari Akaza is mine!

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akarin a qt2pt

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Kurisu is mine

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ban yourself please

Waifus are for virgin losers who can't get a real girl like me xd

keep telling yourseIf that, buddy

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no its true, i'm also a girl so i would know

gentlemen,i claim this cute Alpaca as my beloved waifu
she is the most adorable angel i have ever seen

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Do not reply to b8. Seriously don't.


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its not bait, i actually am a girl and i deserve (You)'s more than you do, that's what r9k is about, worshiping fembots xD

pls no bully

not origg

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>falling for bait THIS low
what the fuck user?

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Kagari claimed by me

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She is perfect. I want to protect her smile.

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haha you're a man, you can't get bullied silly, that's reserved for girls like me


>Dolphin Pussy
sign me the fuck in

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yui funami is mine

Attached: yui.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

There is probably no one else that would claim her but I'm claiming Alice just in case.
I love her.

Attached: Alice18.jpg (420x236, 85K)

I do whatever it takes to keep the thread alive
even sinking that low

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Back off, Sayori is mine

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Kashii Yui

my 2d viet gf

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>tfw no obsessive yuri gf

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oh good, that means I can claim Kyouko and we can all be friends

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best doki, protect her smile

what a cute little muffin

Imagine having sex with a precure

Attached: 532774 - Cure_Marine Erika_Kurumi HeartCatch_Pretty_Cure! Pretty_Cure.jpg (900x900, 300K)

>sexualizing your waifu
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

kills me knowing there is no way to reach their 2D world in this life

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Hnnnnggg Philia claimed

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you can lewd your waifu but keep it to the privacy of your home, user...

>nu-/a/ actually fell for the waifu meme
oh boy

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I claim my wife touko

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Cute waifu, user-kun.


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Posted the wrong picture there huh.

In b4 literally nothing happens. Unpopular opinion inbound. Karin is 10/10 resident badass.

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I originally Thank you kind user

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My one and only, the star in my Cosmos, my Princess, Kikuchi Makoto.

Attached: Kikuchi Makoto.png (1600x2178, 683K)

once again claiming the one and only, our true lord of darkness and evil, Satanichia Kurumizawa McDowell-sama

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>going for the inferior akuma
get you life together mate

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vigne is indeed best demon

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Mio is hereby claimed by me and you can't have her!

Attached: mio_akiyama_by_exbu.png (1200x1219, 331K)

ok, you can have her. more Satanichia for me, hehehe. vigne is nowhere near as cute

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ye she is best demon unfortunately she comes second for taking the best in show to this angel, god i would let her bully me so much

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Homurachan is my waifu

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>wants to be bullied
oh anons...never cease to amaze me

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raharu is mine bros

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Who /unpopularwaifu/ here? Feelsgood

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Same, I've never seen anyone else post her

>all these absolute shit tier waifus
No wonder you guys are losers and virgins.

Ryuuko is mine stay away

Attached: Ryuuko_Matoi_klk.png (300x611, 251K)

Post a god tier waifu then

I don't care if you like Rei and think she's best girl, keep it to yourself.

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not the guy, but here you go

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Asuka is a total bitch, why would you like her? PTSD psycho bitch

Let's be honest all fategirls are shit but Rin is mine and she a CUTE

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haruko harahara is mine!

The only bad part is if your waifu is unpopular due to being hated like mine. It's a tough job but someone must defend him

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Originally kill yourself, of course.

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It's been over 10 years and I still love her so much

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Mine's just unpopular because she's from a shameless (but very comfy) 12-episode toy commercial and relatively unknown

I claim Monika

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I'm curious now, who is the lucky collection of lines

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She's right up here!

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She just needs a firm hand and a hard dick.

going off the wall with that Morgiana claim, Alibaba can get cucked the loser

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thats all the doki girls then
now the real question is who's best doki?

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All dokis are best doki. But let's be real it's natsuki

Very cute, good taste, my guy

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All doki are good doki
But let us not kid ourselves
Natsuki is a shit

Not that user, but I agree natsuki is fucking garbage

A true waifu for robots

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Yuri is the best

No wonder this wasn't original

Sayori is bestest but I want to help all of them regardless

I don't fuck with Monika or Natsuki. I really like Yuri, but feel the need to protect Sayori. I wish Sayori didn't exist.

Oh wait.

The waifu of the waifus coming thru

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You got cucked so bad, even the same pic

Attached: ayano21.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Nice try friend. SHE'S MINE

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go away brainlet Okabe, Kurisu needs an intellectual equal

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most kino scene desu

I wasn't the one who claimed her you dum dum

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Claiming Kumin

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I was talking to the guy who claimed her first.

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Then reply to the right one you autismo

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Hello could you not bully the retarded thanks

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