AND live in London? Drop your email, you can make some quick money for almost no effort on your behalf.
Anyone that's graduated from Kings College London within the last few years?
why don't you post what your proposition is first?
>posting on r9k for job offers
this better not just be soliciting feet pictures
im at kings and its full of fucking normies
try Newcastle
All you need to do is show me + a graphics designer your degree in person so he the designer can try to replicate it. I'll pay a good amount (no idea what to offer desu) if you have an offer make me one and drop your email and I'll contact you asap.
As for why I need the fake degree, it's an extremely long story but it is for personal use only. I won't be using it for employment or anything, literally just need to show it to my parents.
i've only signed up for a course this year, sorry OP
Desperate times lead to desperate measures. I assumed a few anons would be eager to make some easy money for their tendies.
Is there any chance you know anyone that's completed a BSc at Kings and is now doing further study? If so hit me up bro, I'll pay you for your time as well.
Holy fuck what an absolute loser you are, failing out of Uni and begging to help make a fake degree on r9gay
No problem bro, thanks for the reply anyway.
While I definitely am a loser I chose a rather unconventional approach on what to do with my uni years. I've made a lot of money from it but I'm left feeling rather empty. Don't judge me please :)
would you suck an asian dick for one?
Lol. You might as well welcome your moms boot in your asshole. You deserve nothing less for wasting their money. We all know it wasn't your money.
No bro but I'll give you the money to buy a 10/10 hooker that you can bang?
nah, that will not do. good luck though
None of it was my parents money. I took a student loan for my studies (UK guy here) and I've paid it all off already. (two years) I didn't attend university for my 3rd year.
It's cool. Thanks for your reply.
I believe you because you said it. If you're making such good money and it was your own then why not just say you failed out and are doing well regardless?
Asian family. They don't care about money but they will look down upon anyone that hasn't completed their education or if someone doesn't have a respectable job. And even if they were ok with it, I'm so deep in my lie I can't bring myself to tell them the truth. I'm just gonna go abroad and finish a nursing degree so I can help people. (I wanted to be a doctor but too lazy)
+ I made the initial money from gambling and then later on crypto shit. They're Muslim so it's haram and they'd be extremely against it.
Muslims aren't "asian", stop stealing that fucking term. Japanese, Chinese and Koreans are asian.
You're all cultureless shitskins.
Ok bro, you can call Muslims whatever you want. I don't really care.
whats it like? im on a gap year rn and im thinking of going there?
well it's full of damn pakis innit