
Genetically engineered cat girls edition

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potatonigger reporting in
why isn't this original

Least that lads got a car, I've been living in my bike for a year.

Some people are just so ungrateful.

I've seen this escort that I really fancy, did some snooping and found her other social media.
I want to shag her obviously but I'd really like to date her, is there any way I can ask her out or do I need to become a client for a while? Should I arrange to bump into her in public and just act like she's a stranger?

it's all a fucking joke
why can't I laugh?

Where (online) could I meet a big tiddie chubby mature type looking for a big young cock. Seriously lads help me out. Girls my own age give me too much anxiety, I need this.

you must have reported in before

you don't get with her by being her client. you need to meet her some other way but do you really want to date an escort

Hope this is a larp. She fucks men for money lad

prostitutes or match.com

literally any dating app now

She wouldn't need to if things got serious.

haha you think bennies or a min wage job can compete with that sex money she's getting

No but I think having a supportive guy and her not needing to worry about bills or anything will change her outlook on life.

Fuck me lads that's a lot of gammon!

Cat girls are best girls.

britnormie this larp is shit already man


the sneknest kicked me out
because I was mad at them for not watching the baby and she fell out the bed

your mum hahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Don't do this, you idiot. This never works out. Go to UKP and read the countless threads about it

Best version of this is from moulin rouge no joke

I've just seen a pic of the girl Poleaboo stalked and she's a proper minger.
Not worth ruining your life over.


>tfw I was thinking of that version when I posted it

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Is eddie one of the underage poltards who's just finished school for summer?

I'm too old to be posting here

dare i say it, they're purrfect

I-i was not expecting that response. Based tastes lad.

Not even a larp. I'm being genuine, she seems like she's doing it just because she doesn't have any other options.

Got any links? Do I need an account?

Is TenantAnon still alive?

>she seems like she's doing it just because she doesn't have any other options
even so it's not your place to swoop in and 'save' her. Just find a regular girl ffs

Yeah he still posts sometimes. Think he's doing alright

Fucking based edition lad

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Do you have any favourites?

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your mum opened her mouth last night ahahahhahahahahahaahahahahaha

it's pubes with a new trip just filter him

She would be perfect if she had a willy!

No the mongs replying to him are

Sometimes when I'm on a train I'll deliberately ask someone who's taking up a space with their bag to move their shit so I can sit down rather than sit in a vacant seat next to someone else.
It's the little things, lads.

Bet then it would be a catboy wouldn't it lad.
Equally as alluring though.

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I'm not pubes, but I understand the comparison

Looking at chinese breakfast stuff on youtube, looks very tasty but hard to make.

Recommend some tasty easy stuff to make lads?

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I've so rarely seen him get any (you)s though it kinda surprises me that he's lasted the past week or so. You'd think someone as wholly uninteresting as that would prefer to just melt into the anonymous crowd desu.

omlettes, can put anything you like in them or buy a sandwich press

Going to play Red World (Mod for HOI4), should i let the Queen complete her coup or lock her out?

Alfredo pasta,
Pie, again.

Specifically for breakfast or any meal? For breakfast I go:
a bagel and nutella
Couple of eggs omelette with cheese
and oatmeal with a cup of milk and water

Bowl of cereal lad

any of you lads want to play chess, I'm shite but still enjoy it

Not my place? I can give her a better life. Why wouldn't I?

The other night mongs keep replying to the cunt, ruined the thread.

Lad, just make scrambled egg

everyone's being a bit mean in here

Met a girl from school on a night out and she was very flirty & told me to message her. I used to be morbidly obese in school but I dropped about 60kg while I was at university.

Dropped her a message a couple of days ago and she's replied but every time I go to look at it my heart is racing and I can't bring myself to do it. I wish I was chad

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Oh lol I didn't even think of breakfast stuffs, scotch pancakes are super easy and very nice.

Message her now you fucking cunt

The EU censorship things happens tomrrow, will it fuck us up too?

>The EU censorship
quick rundown?

Who are you to decide what a better life for her would be?
You quite literally do not know her.
>Cue soiposter
But legit, stfu and leave this poor woman alone.

yeah, you already know, its ur boi. hansee.. i met the bitch from the project, i like her skinny like a cigarettes, she only see me when the sun sets.

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yeah until next year

Yep gonna start submitting claims on tripfag posts so that Jow Forums is forced to hand over their identity.

What EU censorship things?

I'm in a position to give her something more than a 1 bed flat and a life of having to shag filthy old men until she ODs.
So no, I will be going ahead with it with or without your help.

Article 13 is a censorship thing, apparently once it's voted mostly Yes, it will destroy European Internet and maybe ours

my car fucking stinks, I've been festering in it for hours

She'll just drain you of whatever cash you have and fuck off.

Thanks. Having chicken breast with mediterranean rice and veg rn, very tasty

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2 nights ago was the worst this thread has been for a long time though, sure it's just the kiddies from Jow Forums tbqh. At least it's mellowed out a little since.

*changes VPN to Malaysia*
heh nice try EU

get one of those pine tree air freshners to spruce it up a bit

give me 20 mins to work up the courage to open her message

I've got one
it's me that stinks

Legit I'd rather fuck old men for money than date someone who thinks he can fix my life and control me like that.

>tfw realised I haven't had a cuppa all day

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Gonna have to ask you to hand over your passport

Everyone point at the fluffy and laugh.

Sounds very nice lad, enjoy.

Does this stuff actually happen often, to robots no less? This would be like my fantasy :(

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Lads, I haven't been here in a while but misery loves company...

I am literally having the worst week of my life. It hurts so bad and its the first time in my life I've considered ending it all.

I mean I'm not going to kill myself because that's pretty stupid, but I can see why it's appealing.

you made me zozzle lad

Lmao no you wouldn't. You're just bitter that nobody at all wants you.


I look very different to how I used to: 130kg down to 72, I'm 78 at the moment. No exercise I just learned how to eat better and eat less.

I'm still the same person mentally though

I use a VPN so no it will have literally no effect on me

Hahaha if only you knew mate

how exactly?


escortlarp is really bloody depressing

It'll impact sites globally, not just within the EU.

What's up laddyboy?

Brainlet question: doesn't Jow Forums identify vpns and block your posts? Or is it just with shit free ones

Sorry to hear that lad. Dont wallow with us depressos too much.

why would sites that don't have to do it opt in, it would lower traffic and profit why would they choose to do that?

not sure if my old trip is unb&

pass allows you to post from a vpn and without needing to run googles botnet scripts

>literally making me have pubes on my filters three times

There are fluffies who fall for brasses, lad. I've seen this a lot over on UKP.

ive managed to get a cold lads, in this fucking heatwave too, i wish i was fucking dead

I don't want to bore you all with the details but it's just been the shittiest fucking week.

I'm waiting on an answer for something really important, but it's literally out of my control and entirely down to someone else. Even worse, things have happened to delay the answer.

I feel vulnerable and depressed and shitty. I can't even do anything to take my mind off it. So I came here for entertainment.