I love this guy because how much he upsets both leftoids and altrightists

I love this guy because how much he upsets both leftoids and altrightists.
If extremists of both sides are mad at you does it mean you do something right?

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no. it means you're a massive faggot shill

No. You can just be an annoying shit.
Why are these threads not banned as spam?

>muh safe space

Why don't you moan about all the discord shilling threads instead?

It upsets me that he calls himself a "scientist"

Peterson is the true modern cuck

I watched some of his videos and I liked him. Why does he trigger the right? I only saw him fighting SJWs

isn't he a psychologist or so? if he does research, he can do it probably.

lol, le cuck

>both sides
>implying extremism doesn't have more direction

Of course. Even so, alt right is a pol meme, the left is not.
Real conservatism is rare enough in the media now, it's just alt-right shit and liberalism

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He annoys the alt right because he rejects group identity for white people

Buy he is one, user. He has a psychology degree.

because he says bad things about hiltler and doesnt want to genocide jews

i don't understand who is the "entity"?

get a grip

jesuits, zionists, aliens, the illuminati, and the thing is, you will never know or find out who they are
people like trump and hillary and soros and any big players in this "game" and only puppets and do as they are told, or are replaced. the belief that "the jew" is the only thing fucking you over is childish. politics is a scam

meh, there is problem with replication now in every subject even stem. Because of influx of normalfags who want to do teh sciences all standards went to shit across the board.

oh, like the interdimensional reptillians that david icke talks about. yeah i like this concept

The society.

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One and done.

>If extremists of both sides are mad at you does it mean you do something right?

No. Centrists are always wrong.

could just be regular old humans

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kaczynksi-worship is the most post-modern shit ive ever seen.

maybe you are the centrist? and being both against communists and nazis is a fringe and extremist idea

not really
society is but one of the tools of that entity, they depend on eachother

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If everybody disagree with you for trying to jump off a cliff does it mean you're right ?

very low iq comparison.

Here is what Jordan Peterson does in a typical paper
>emails a questionnaire to undergrad students
>applies a basic statistical analysis to the results
>draws conclusions based on 50 participants

Lmao there is a degree for gender studies too user.

so? that's fine for some studies. or do you think you need a million participants to get results.
>applies a basic statistical analysis to the results
as opposed to?

No the difference with psychology and other science is that most of the experiment when they are replicated in other countries you get different results.

For low IQ brainlets.

Compare the methods to a subject like physics
You have a normie view of what science is

To be fair its the same principle, If everbody is mad because a pedo raped 2 year old does it mean he's right ? if everybody is mad because a politician stole 10 millions tax money does it mean he was right ? Being controversial doesnt necessarly mean you are right.

I suspect you don't have a science education or you studied a social """science"""

Meh, just a snake oil salesman

could you elaborate please? you sound like scientists who really know what they are talking about

Uses his credentials to push pseudointellectualism and covert politics. In other words a hack fraud.

Anyone who respects jordan peterson needs a fucking lobotomy lol.

Go clean your room kid.

penis status: unwashed

He is a low quality McKenna wannabe who is not as verbally gifted.

Extremists are bootlicking scum. Both left and right want an authoritarian paradise where their feelings are respected.

Thats the point.

Only those trapped in modernity can see modernity for what it is

Kill yourself, you ass fucking faggot.

>being this mad that you were too dumb to understand even the most basic of Jordan Peterson's lectures

no, its just roleplaying. just like the deus vult larpers few years ago.

>insulting someone because you dont have any counter arguments

You are clearly still in high school. I knew American whites were this dumb but fucking hell

Not always but it does in this case:

>INDIVIDUALISM? YOU JUST WANT TO DIVIDE UP COLORED PEOPLE. Only a white person has the privilege to ask people to just be 'rational'.

Other arguments include:
>He's banal
He keeps having to repeat statistics and what normal distribution means because people in the media are retarded.
>He makes money
His main content is free, he has been giving free codes for his personality test for years now, chances are if you were interested you have access to it now for free
>His supporters are cultists
He tells them to be individuals, you are retarded
>He's some kind of Jewish sexist subverter
How do you square this idea with the fact that he's mainstreaming and legitimizing the idea of categorizing SJWism as 'cultural marxism'? There are tons of college students now who immediately think of that term when annoying leftism pops up.

Alt righters like Enoch, the mother in law fucker etc have nothing positive to put forth, not even Dad truisms. They mostly cannibalize other e-celebs in a never ending cycle of ruin - this obviously makes no money in the long run.
Peterson has a better formula for message promulgation and money making and people are losing their minds.

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>he thinks understanding basic knowledge is something to be proud of
Lmao you're pathetic. How hard you'll cringe a few years from now

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As opposed to the great arguments you presented? "Get a lobotomy" LOL

so, no arguments? surely a university student from europe could blow my mind if he tried.

>he thinks NOT understanding even the most basic of knowledge is something to be proud of
We get it, you're a brainlet.

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> Jordanpeterson.webm

alright kid.

No he's just a retard that doesn't understand the idea of truth.

Hes not hard to understand. Its easy to see a pseudointellectual when they put as much emphasis on semantics as peterson does.

Large corporate interest like viacom, alphabet, and i guess, to some extent, disney. They use the media to stir up conflict between the citizenry so that we fight each other instead of them.

why is it so easy to recognize buttblased lefties?

im somebody else dude/girl

After reading his book I realized he's a quackjob. He has very little to offer outside of tired old paleoconservatism.

>Hes not hard to understand
True, and yet you can't do that. How embarrassing...

i didn't think clinical psychologists did research, he always seems to just be quoting studies that other people have done.

normally if you're someone who does research you never shut up about your studies.

go back to your basement kiddo, you have homework to do, everybody can play the same game as you

most psychology research nowadays are done by neuroscientists. You'tre right Peterson is just a tool that nitpicks any studies he can finds that confirms his political views

I doubt you guys yourselves understand anything he says, but damnit youre trying.

He's a civicuck and only appeals to t_d tier losers.

>he likes McKenna, the pretentious turd


>n-n-no you!
Leftbrainlets, everyone.

Just keep being a good ol boy and give peterson patreon money.

He's a jewish capitalist shill. At best he is babby's first redpill, at worst he is an apologist for the established order. There's a reason the Shapiro-types shill him so much.

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keep giving money to chapo to fight capitalism comrade

very nice. like clockwork

>he doesn't like peterson so he must be a communist

You got a lot to learn kiddo. Maybe disconnect and go do something productive for a while bucko.

Peterson, christian psychologists. Does someone honestly see him as a scientist ?


you are a leftist though my dude aren't you? dont worry, just one more smug video how "cultural marxism" is not a real thing and surely he will go away.

Every Peterson vid that isn't about women:
>So there's this group of people. These people, these neo-marxists, they don't want to maintain order. They are a cabal of academics that want to destroy and tear down. And the worst part is that no one wants to talk about it.
He then keeps talking for 40 minutes without mentioning any sort of solution to this problem. Also he freaks out if you ask him about the jews, even though they are quite obviously the real source of all this degeneracy.

He knows going after the jews would be a step too far and he's in this for the money.

ncie, few more of these guys.

I dissaprove of your prophet so as far youre concerned i may as well be "the left". Which is strange since the meat of what peterson says is apolitical, but whatever, as long as it floats your canoe.

I miss when new atheism was popular with the suburbanite set. At least then they were actually edgy. This peterson crap is just lame and sad.

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the only thing i like about him is that both leftists and rightists hate him, i don't care about actual things he talks about

He's great, like if Jung came back to life with 30 fewer IQ points.

How petty. Now go clean up after yourself bucko.

Why are they arguing over a glass of water?

>the only thing i like about him is that both leftists and rightists hate him
Mainstream rightists love him though. He is a textbook "cuckservative."

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I too enjoy spending 10 dollars just for some crusty old man to tell me to do common things, and I love spending $10-$20 on a book telling me the same thing. Absolute legend, and I sure love being spooned common knowledge I should've already known.

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wash your penis, bud

i am talking about altrighists

Peterson is biased, purposely missrepresent the greatest pilosophe to push his christian agenda. He uses drama to gain in popularity just like GradeAunderA. He's not a scientist but yet uses science in his debates although he believes in Jesus. He's just a tool that uses controversy to make profit from braindead people that need someone to think for them. Just like Crowder.

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the difference is that right wing racism is way more common than the ideas uncle ted presents (some of which are kinda right too)

Nice retort and youre a useful idiot

Im not the same guy but sciences uses the scientific method and establish theories that can be reevaluated anytime. if as a scientific you have a theory you need to provide an experiment to prove it. if everybody that replicates your experiment has the same outcome as you then this theory can be considered true. That's not the case for most of petersons claim. I want to add that someone that is unsure about whether jesus ressurected or not cant be considered as a scientist.

>the answer always lies at one of the extremes

Fuck off. R9k is not for feminists

>new means good
>social progress is always positive

poopoo peepee my man

your sentence structure and English is wrong.
>if everyone thought he was bad does that make it truly wrong.
is how you should have phrased it

>Implying JBP isn't alt-lite.
He literally pushes conspiracy theories about "muh cultural marxism" and the such. (Even if he says "neo-marxism" or whatever.)

It could just mean you're universally wrong about everything, which he is

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Clean your room and sort yourself out kiddo

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