
Any femanons here with big boobs? I want to milk you like a cow.

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36 J cup, they're debilitatingly big. Don't lactate though.

That's fine, you'll lactate one day when you're preggers. Do you like them?

Where you from?

Why are you on Jow Forums with the rest of us?

We don't have time to wait for her to get pregnant we have bowls of cereal than need filling

Because I'm a failure human bean.

If that ever happens. I don't dislike them, they're part of me and who I am. But they do cause problems.

Why do you think youre a failure? What do you do all day?

>36 J
why are you here?

are you fat or do you have a bad face or something?

>debilitatingly big
what? do they interfere with basic human functions or something?

I sit in my room on Jow Forums all day pretty much.

Not fat but I don't think I'm pretty.

Why wouldn't it happen?
You didn't tell me where you're from, femanon.

>all these thirsty betas swarming in my thread

Yes they do. Also the size and weight for the longest time caused me back problems and does still if I don't wear a bra or engage in activity without it. Also the amount of attention it attracts, though that's not all bad.

Because I'll never find mr right. USA.

Have you tried just getting good at putting on make up?

>mr right
Is that short-code for Chad?

I heard something similar, people with huge tits, can't run and stuff because they weigh too much.
Thought about getting a breast reduction then? If they cause so many problems.

why dont you go on tinder and enjoy the attention of thousands of dudes?

Be my self hating lazy friend

You're that one retard on every porn video that compliments the actors, aren't you?
"mmmm yes nice boobs"

Because I don't want the attention of thousands of dudes. Though this thread is ironic for that, I can't be the only grill with a big bust.

Yes it just makes everything harder. Anything I do is just that much more work. I'd never get a reduction though I'm afraid of scars.

If you want to think that way and it helps you to cope then sure ok.

I tried but I don't like it. Maybe because I'm not very good but it's a lot of trouble and I feel bad about being dishonest I guess. Also I remember getting acne from it. I'm sure a girl who's experienced with makeup wouldn't have any of these problems but I'm not experienced with it.

Daily reminder the only thing big boobs are good for is hurting a girls back and discouraging her from doing cardio.

"Wow she has such a pretty smile!"

Big boobs are disgusting.

What do you want in a boy?

I'm right here bb. Originally.

>If you want to think that way and it helps you to cope then sure ok.
So what kind of person are you looking for then?

>I'll never find Mr Right
>boo hoo why does no one ever likes me, im so lonely

>meanwhile, she gets her dms flooded with validation and attention

fucking roasties, I'm tired of your bullshit. And fuck everyone ITT whov alidates these cunts.

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>Because I don't want the attention of thousands of dudes.
what do you want then? Majority of the users are here because they cannot attract the opposite gender, you obviously dont have that problem

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You shouldn't feel bad about you look I use to do the same but than I got glasses and realised everyone ugly haha haha ha ha ha sad life

>im not fat I just have a J cup teehee

hey faggot, fuck off

ehehe don't hate the player hate the game. OP made the thread not me.

More than I could or care to get into in a thread on here immediately talking about tit size for starters.

I have this big fear actually of getting used and abused just for my body only, why I don't use tindr.

I'm not fat. Have a little jiggle from being sedentary but definitely not fat. I'd kill myself it I was.

I don't feel bad about how I look I just am very self-conscious about how other people perceive and react to it.



The user claiming to be a big boobed girl is getting all the (You)'s ITT, and i deserve them too for being another girl.

I'd be glad to know I wasn't the only girl desu senpai this thread feels weird alone

Girl power! xD

*high five*

Hey, you, fembot. Email me [email protected]

here you go m'lady :3c

fuck big tits i want chestlet gf NOW

Well, at least as OP I'm being honest. I like big tiddies and would like to milk you like a cow, given the opportunity. That said, I'm a pretty cool guy, though I don't know what you're purpose is ITT. Do you have discord?

Titcows are obnoxious and disgusting. Delicious flatties are so much cuter and sexier.

Haha I feel that people are the worst that why I stoped caring haha I wish you can never stop caring no matter how much you try to there will alway be someone or some groups who opinions matter to you haha haha ha ha ha sad life

>tfw chestlet
why even live

>What do you do all day?

Daydreams about getting fucked by Chad.
When she isn't actually getting pumped and dumped by Chad.

I'll bet she isn't even a virgin.

Hell, she probably isn't even a she and is just some fat LARPer.

What size, I like chestlets

what the fuck is wrong with you

nah I'm cool

Do you not daydream about fucking hot girls?

>what the fuck is wrong with you
haha this person is jelous that we're girls and he's not xd

Do you like vidya and thoughts on swimming?

>Do you not daydream about fucking hot girls?
Depends on the definition of hot.
Most of the chicks I fantasize about are chubby and have somewhat saggy tits. And most wear glasses. (just a personal kink of mine)

My days of daydreaming about super hot sluts ended when I was 14.

>tfw i have small boobs
>tfw no man would ever want me

you're more than your boobs
a halfway decent face and a good personality are all you need

do you have a big ass? 'cause I'm an ass man anyway

Is that because you realized it wasn't realistic?


>implying all men prefer big boobs because of one thread

Big boobs are worth nothing if the person behind doesn't deserve them


You're just saying that to make me feel better ;_;

I don't know, i don't look at my own ass user.

man oh man


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>chubby and have somewhat saggy tits. And most wear glasses

Um, not the person you were chatting with but... do you have any contact to drop?
for no reason obviously, there are no girls on r9gay

Have you a discord, my dear chestlet femanon?

>I don't know, i don't look at my own ass user.
lmao, fuck off, try better next time you dumb neckbeard. Clearly you don't understand how females function.

I don't know if you deserve it ;)

But i am a real life girl though!

>Is that because you realized it wasn't realistic?
Partly that and realizing that hot women who would be good mothers were as plentiful as unicorns.
I couldn't have the cake (hot women) and eat it too (healthy stable relationship and family).

As years passed I realized it wasn't just the hot ones who were shit.
Turns out I can't have the cake nor eat it. There's no cake.

>do you have any contact to drop?
No, but I bet you really want to show your feminine penis to a bald 32 year old NEET.

>tfw tittymonster

We're going to enjoy titty smothering your kind out of existence.

Gas the chestlets, big tits now!


Not that user, but how can I win your favour?

>I don't know if you deserve it ;)
I do though

Stop attention whoring and be my gf already

Male here. W-want to smother me with those watermelons t-too?

You should add me on Steam, we can play a vidya game and talk about your epic big tiddy fembot adventures.

Do you have a big ass, though?

Not by looking for girls on r9k haha

If you've bean dealt the girl card in life, why not play it?

Aw don't be mean, he's giving me validation which makes me feel good :3

Wow did mods really help me by deleting the mean posts?

Even mods like girls! R9k is heaven for girls like me :D

Why don't titty monsters just do dead lifts or drink more protein to make their back muscles stronger?

I dont care about you being bald and neet just means youd have more time to talk to me... but if you dont want to see my saggy tits that's fine

Not him, but what size are they fembot? As long as they're big I'm a-okay with that

These anons are doing it wrong. You should just message me instead, jbw#3272

whoa, send me a (You) please

Dino#6740 felt the need to message me on discord to tell me to stop giving girls attention lol


most women won't even consider picking up a weight that's over 10lbs.

Hey, I know you're just some fat guy LARPing.

But this shit (receiving a bit of attention) actually made me feel kinda warm and fuzzy inside.
Thanks for that user, you made a robot's day a little less shitty.

I can see why women can't understand the plights of lonely men. They always receive attention and every bit of attention makes you feel slightly less lonely and worthless.

> You're just saying that to make me feel better ;_;
Not really, just stating the truth. Good tits are plus but it's not the only to care about.

34C. Somewhat big? I make a few drops of milk, never been pregnant. Looks green-tinted though.
Boobs are fun to jiggle and squish.

> 34C. Somewhat big?
Great size, don't worry.
> I make a few drops of milk, never been pregnant
Sounds like perfection, but how?
> Boobs are fun to jiggle and squish.
They sure are.

Thank you that makes me feel much better :)

How to get autistic titmonster girlfriend

I'd be interested in pics for artistic reference, specifically front and side views.

Pic related.

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Why wouldn't you feel good in the first place, femanon? Nothing bad regarding your boobs.

OP here. This could work. Not titcow territory but it's still acceptable. Do you have discord?

Id try chatting with you to see if you were nice. Small boobs isnt a problem

by being a submissive lesbian chestlet

you fucking retarded faggot fuck

Is this offer still open? crystom#2135 on discord

You should add me on discord: jbw#3272

*cryptom not crystom

>ywn participate in the chestlet genocide and live your life in service of horny, big breasted milk filled tittymonsters

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>but how
Boob magic? I'm not on birth control so I don't see what else. Stained a few of my bras. Mainly only comes out if I milk myself, though.
No. You may post cawk pictures here and I may or may not masturbate to them later.

>Normalfag women come here for porn. >Lonely robot girls will never be real

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> Boob magic?
Best kind of magic
> Stained a few of my bras.
That must suck, especially when you're outside
> Mainly only comes out if I milk myself, though.
Ok, that sounds pretty hot, to be honest.
Out of curiosity, how old are you femanon?

>nobodies posting tits
shit thread


I am a christmas cake.
against teh ruuures

Mine are big but I get very uncomfortable with my nipples being rubbed or sucked desu