I have a wish

I unironically legit really want to be like Saint Elliot and praised after my death after bringing heavenly judgment to chads and stacys :(

oh, how this heart yearn for such glorious tragedy, adorned with such noble mission

Attached: dream.jpg (1400x788, 114K)

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Get to writing that manifesto, then. The only reason he's worshiped is because he wrote out his life story.

>Canada autism

don't let your dreams be dreams OP, follow those who inspire you and make us proud! If you talk about this thread on your manifesto I will make a thread about you everyday

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thanks!, will definitely do

and don't just try to imitate his steps, learn from his mistakes too and try to make it as best as you can. Also, don't trust the police and the media to spread news about you, post everything somewhere beforehand

no don't do it, what he did was bad

i'm a girl btw

Why did every shooter have so few kill count?
I mean it's kinda confusing to me how you could miss with point blank range

Elliot's mistakes are bad execution. but I just don't get why can't he kill more.

even the columbine kids and randy have so few kill

>killing people is bad
wow shocking!

Do it faggot. Literally no one will care.

You'll get a spot on the news for like 1 day and the incel board will clap for you and then forget about you.

You'll NEVER achieve the cult status he achieved.

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a guy can dream :)
we'll see user

yeah it is! and i'm a girl so i would know

Write out all of your plans, and then kill yourself first

Attached: 1529036981502.png (1490x1208, 754K)

maybe go to a crowded place and take them by surprise like this guy, you can't kill many of them on open spaces where they can run away, also there was some stuff on the deep web about it, i couldn't find it but this guy reads it at 5:54

in case the fbi is reading this i want to enforce that this is all ironic shitposting, we're not planning to do anything and we all good boys here

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OP will probably end up more like Randy Stair than Elliot Rodgers. Total fucking failure that even other school shooters laughs at.

Even if OP gets 50 kills, no one gives a shit about school shooters anymore like they did in 2014. Do something original or fuck off

Attached: stair81.jpg (700x495, 39K)

keep telling yourself that,
nobody expected all of them and laughed at randy, or bjork stalker, even elliot, but at least they get to be praised even if it is just for a day
when this guy finally did it, it will be real funny

What the fuck are you on about?
You do realize that your home boy was cucked by a door?

If all you want is attention for 1 day than do something original. Spray paint yourself blue, strap a bomb to your body and jump off a building, blow yourself up in mid air and rain your guts down on the peasants bellow.

Don't be a basic bitch and just shoot up a school.

Someone link his manifesto

ahhh the classic door argument

Nah Op thats fucked up dont do that
Beat someone you really dislike to death with a rubber chicken or something
That will get you fame forever
Remember those kids in school have yet to solidify their personas and even chad can turn into a caring loving father one day and stacy can turn into a fat depressed bitch

This guy gets it


St. Randy > St. Elliot >>> St. Chris > St. Alek

Hitting people running around can be harder than it seems. Have you ever fired a real gun before? There are several factors that make kills difficult.
>trigger pull
>shooting while moving around
>bullets are small, highly accurate projectiles which makes shots at close ranges more difficult
>knowing this is your last day of life (some people choke under pressure)
>general panic and disarray, people move erratically
>hits are not guaranteed kills

But do not be deterred if this is your dream, OP. It really does not matter how many people you kill. What matters is your message. Make people be afraid to leave their own homes because of the fact that the people trodden upon by society may strike at random at any location.

Randy didn't aim for a high kill count (pun not intended).

>not avoiding leaving any traces and just shooting up a lot of normies and leaving them scratching their heads as to why you did it
the normie fears the silence

>Murdered mostly asian betas and killed almost no women at all

A pathetic white knight cuckold to the very end, fuck this nigger