What's your favorite supplement, Jow Forums?

What's your favorite supplement, Jow Forums?

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Fried eggs with (Pace brand) salsa on them and then I put the eggs on a piece of wheat toast

500mg fire ant killer 2x a day




This+ peanuts+ creatine


Creatine hands fucking down.
I thought the shit was a meme, took it as personal test. My lifts went up and I had more energy but I didn't feel the impact until I cycled off (thinking I didn't need it). Without creatine:
>the difference in my lifts is literally 40lbs
>the difference in my recovery time (for a four hour workout) is an additional day
>my motivation during the workouts dips as I am no longer getting "waves" of energy back over the course of a rest period

The difference between using creatine and not using creatine is of the same magnitude to me as not using pre-workout/caffeine.

How much do they pay you?

Why take these if the ingredients in them can be obtained from eating beef, fish, and chicken?

I give a fuck about your gains user, I'm just telling you how to get them.
>why in the world do you think people would try to shill shit you need to pay for to notoriously NEET channers is beyond me

50,000 IU of Vitamin A for my skin.
Tianeptine when the feels hit me too hard.

Because creatine is found at super super low levels in red meat. Same reason you supplement fish oil, do you really wanna eat a couple cans of sardines and drink the oil every day?


Creatine, Chicken, Beef, Whey

He did not mention a brand moron. Do you know how many creatine brands there are? Why the fuck would you pay someone if he isnt going to mention your brand.

Tell me more about this food. Does it come on powder format?

All creatine brands are owned by (((them)))

Someone tried Beta Carotene and actually seen results in skin colour? What dose should I get thats safe. Dont want to go overboard.

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>whats your supplement stack

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A nice high quality protein powder and some Yerba mate

Creatine makes you hold water right? So would it not be wise to supplement with it and try to cut?

This but you need to get the good shit. None of that shit from walmart or it doesn't work.

creatine is not going to effect your cut. don't worry about it.

200mg caffeine pills. 1x daily. Don't take it after 3 PM or you'll fuck up your nap time

creatine makes you hold more water in your muscles which is a good thing. Never stop taking creatine.

>the difference in my lifts is literally 40lbs


I call bullshit. You're consuming toxic levels of vitamin A, you are killing your liver

>t.someone whos been lifting for 3 months

>What's your favorite supplement, Jow Forums?
Cyclist (road racer) here,
I put the following per bike bottle when I want maximum performance:
>50g maltodextrin
>half scoop beta alanine
>1 scoop agmatine sulfate
>25-50mg caffeine
>(optional) sodium phosphate
>(optional) phenylethylamine
>electrolytes (Hammer Nutrition brand, 2 capsules)
>stevia (covers the taste of all the above
It's fucking Rocket Fuel.

fuck nvm nice b8 u got me

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vitamin D, ever since I started supplementing it I never get sick

2 cups of goldfish crackers :)

Smooth Move Tea. About to consume a triple dose. Tomorrow I will empty my intestines completely. A 3 pound pudding evacuation.

Beta alanine, only supplement I notice when I don't take it. I train near my limits every day, so it really helps

>taking rest days at all

me too, after about 2 years, didn't notice until now


ur mums puss lol

Clenbuterol and Ostarine

redpill me on pic related. Going to take one pill (600mg) before bed

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Protein supplements are a waste of money, real meat is cheaper

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What main consumption are you supplementing with food?

What's your ostarine dose and cycle length? Just started and not really feeling it


Not here

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Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

Do a fucking blood test a few times and cover your deficiencies.

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It's much easier to get vitamins from natural sources than it is for prot though.