/fast/ #220 - Saltwater Edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, dry fasting.

>What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

>Why should I fast?
Read all of these, they might answer some other questions you may want to ask.

>Can I fast if I have ___?
See your doctor before fasting if you:
>Have any sort of chronic illness
Don’t fast if you:
>Have type 1 diabetes
>Are malnourished/severely underweight
>Are pregnant
>Are breastfeeding

>How do I safely do an extended fast (approx. 4-5+ days)
New snake juice recipe here (youtu.be/1onQ0nxgWFM )
Old snake juice recipe (youtu.be/2vz_U8kxDlg )
>2000mg of sodium (preferably Himalayan Pink Salt) max
>4700mg of saltless potassium max
Mix these in a liter of water and sip it throughout the day. The apple cider vinegar and lemon are optional.
You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

>Won’t I go into starvation mode?
No. It only occurs at extremely low body fat (8-10%).

>Will (something with calories) break my fast?

>Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
Artificial sweeteners and diet soda are bad for you and may fuck up your fast. Zero calorie black coffee and tea are generally considered to be fine.

>Do I need a multivitamin?
Not really, since the fat you are burning contains most of the vitamins you need.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Instead of meme juice drink natural medicinal water from a spa.

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anybody more gaunt than me in this thread?

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fucking based poles

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Not yet senpai but I will get there. For fucking once I wanna see what my face truly looks like.

(if dubs I'll look like a male model when I'm done)

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good luck brother

also dat homo would look 10 times better if he shaved his hideous vagina-tier armpits

>Fimmel headed overseas and was signed on the spot with agency LA Models in 2002 after walking into their office broke and barefoot.[9] He then became the first male in the world to secure a six-figure deal to model exclusively for Calvin Klein for a year.

I'd gleefully sport all the armpit hair needed if it meant making a load of money by doing fuck all.

wooo dubs, gonna make it lads, inna you're gonna be fucking stunned m8 I'm already en route to making it. Hang on I'm gonna post my face pics from when I was 260lbs to my current b/w at 210lbs. Hell, I might not even have to go all the way to 145lbs for peak facial aesthetics.

How many teaspoons of salt and no salt should I consume a day to avoid kidney issues? I was thinking one tsp of no salt, two of regular salt. I workout most days

ACV and lemon juice are for kidneys. Check this out


>24 hours of dry fasting = 1 lb difference on the scale

Well that's fucking underwhelming. But... maybe legit, I was already 24 hours dry at the first weigh in.

Thx user, I'll check tomorrow (no internet here). How much of each thing should I add?

ill be watching homie, join our discord if you want :)


No superhuman healing either.

Really thought blisters would heal faster, since it's full of fluid and I'm all dried out.

Never used the recipe. Watch the vid later, you'll see. It's not much at all.

Can't find an older pic from this angle so I'll leave this for the record, gonna keep fasting and see what I end up with.

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Is this the recipe to be sticking to from now on?

the beginning of the jaw!

3 days in and haven't had the keto flu yet

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Been doing omad for a couple of weeks.
Currently Just finished day two of an extended water fast and this shit's a breeze.

Completely ingorant and new to this but I want to do it and do it hard because not eating has been the quickest way to lose weight for me, maybe next to eating at an extreme calorie deficit. From my understanding of what I've seen its basically been.
>make snake juice
>sip it
>don't eat
>stick with it at least for the first 48 hours
I'm planning on starting my fast tonight after dinner, likely 9pm. I want to go till July 4th at the very least. Snake juice is generally going to keep hunger away right?

>Snake juice is generally going to keep hunger away right?
Haven't tried snake juice specifically, but every other similar drink doesn't do much to stop hunger. The good news is that hunger only lasts for like 15 minutes tops, and after the first 48 hours you won't even give a shit about it anyway.

Nothing keeps hunger at bay. Snekjooks helps against lightheadedness, heart problems due to potassium deficiency, headaches, stuff like that. It's only electrolytes, imagine going without them for days or weeks. lol

Is there a point in fasting for weight-loss without contcentrating on ketosis?

I did a 24 "water fasting" as my first fast. I say it because it wasn't snake juice it was just plain water.
It sorta went okay, but when it came to going to bed, every time I closed my eyes, the hunger intensified many fold.

Weeks later I've tried genuine waterfasting with snake jucie, for 48 hours and I fell asleep no problem

Maybe because if your electorlytes are okay, your body pesters you less. Maybe because I just got used to it. But at any rate, I would definitely recommend chugging against the hunger.

Is a ten day fast fine for my first real fast? Most I can honestly say I've done is 24 hours and that's pussy shit around here from what I've seen.

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gib update pls of your wanderings

Maybe it's because this is my third fast but I'm finding this one is a lot easier than the two I did without snake juice.

Can't fast for an extended period without going into keto. But you can keto without fasting. There are clear benefits to fasting especially longer fasts. It's at least partly due to ketosis but not entirely since more benefits appear during a strict fast than during eating keto. For example autophagy.

Does ketosis happen in 16:8/20:4 IF?

I got a first migrene in my life. Fuck you guys.

t. sugar addict

Wrong. I used Stevia instead of sugar for ages.

Lmao probably even worse

>all-or-nothing thinking
>the very hallmark of sub-100 IQ babbys who can't into personal discipline
>have to go to extremes, can't into moderation
You're all pathetic losers, KYS

>not knowing about hgh gains
>not knowing about autophagy
>not knowing about ketosis
>not knowing about raise in RMR
>not knowing fucking anything

yup, another dumb cuck eating 365 days a year. mods ban this faggot

Gee whiz mister, if I know nothing, then how is it I have less than 10% bodyfat, am in fantastic physical condition, ride/race bikes, and (!!!shocking!!!) have total control over my bodyweight and body composition, and I (!!!shocking!!!) 3 meals a day and 1-2 snacks a day?
>Could it be that he has (!!!SHOCKING!!!) self-discipline and self-control?
>Could it be he doesn't need to go to extremes to be healthy, fit, and have a proper body composition?
Yeah nyah you're all misanthropes and losers who can't control yourselves therefore you resort to utter extremes. Not impressed, fix your shit.

lmao nobody gives a fuck about your bodyfat you stupid cuck, pick up a biochem book and learn what the fuck fasting is about LMAO just LMAO at this braincel

>literally retarded
Go eat something your brain isn't working anymore faggot

On the 7th I began doing around 48hr fasts and then eating a healthy circa 500 calorie meal. I knew being obese 5'4" 248 although with more than average muscle. I would lose quickly the 1st month. I've been breaking the fast at around the 45hr mark not for hunger but I begin feeling a slight cramping in the tendons of my right hand and go OK eat. Down 20lbs so far trying to make 30 by July and get as close as I can to another 30 by August. Keeping to 48/1 with a low cal healthy low carb meal. What does the snake juice do for you? What is the purpose of the potassium and magnesium?

>go weeks without food

literally braindead

nothing special to report baby. i got a desk job and a nympho gf. that's all there is to report :(

and i own a car now if anyone wants to go hiking in the USA. otherwise i'm peacing out to a cooler country when i eventually get fired from the job im currently working lol

Wait so if I'm fasting can I just do snake juice? Or do I need that kidney shit too?

you only need snake juice. The new snek joos has the sodium bicarbonate in it already. Just dont drink too much
also lrn2red

Can I start long term water fasting right after taking antibiotics? Had to take em for 7 days and Sunday is my last day, so I'll start fasting on monday.

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So how MUCH lemon juice is fine? Could I make erythritol lemonade?

>water fast for 6 days
>break my fast with a pizza
>get diarrhea right away without my stomach even hurting
Is this normal, guise?

>desk job and a nympho gf ... :(
>humble bragging this hard
What's the problem, afraid you can't keep up with either one?

>own a car now if anyone wants to go hiking in the USA.
>in the USA
Pretty big place famalam. I'm going for another hike as soon as these blisters work themselves out. I made it halfway to the beach last time, as the crow flies. Might start earlier next time and go all the way.

yes, happens to me all the time.


You can always stop if you feel truly bad.

144 hours down. 24 to go. What's your favorite broth?

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Actually I was thinking of making a soup and earlier in the day just drinking the broth then eating a little bit of the veggies and meat later.

does it have calories

No but it's sweet, so will this raise insulin or whatever the fuck? It was hidden in a tea I was drinking

I honestly have no idea how these artificial sweeteners actually affect insulin levels and if it's enough to kick you out of a fast.

Well in theory zero cal coke shouldn't kick you out of a fast and that uses stevia which is natural but my gut tells me it fucks you up in one way or another. Anons help I'm 5 days in to my 7 day fast

I'm six days in and drank some diet soda yesterday and as far as I can tell, nothing changed at all. That was aspartame though.

27 hours in my dry fast. I slept 5 hours and woke up. The reason might or might not be the fasting.

24 hours in, once again. Not sure how long I'll go this time. I'm excited to hit that deep ketosis and have that fuzzy-head-feeling of lower blood pressure. .

You can't make those claims without posting a pic. For all we know you're a big fatty

Hippie scum.

If it works for them, why do you care?
Literally the only reason you would is to make yourself feel like you're better than them. If you were actually comfortable and happy with yourself, you wouldn't give a shit what other people were doing.

I'm following the new snake juice recipe as a new snake faster (fast all the time without). I bought all my ingredients today, and have a milligram scale to measure with. I intend to do this for skin autophagy, minor weight management, and gut health improvement. I could use some insight on a few questions, though:

1. Can I replace the magnesium sulfate with magnesium glycinate? Any dosage recommendations?
2. I've heard about people adding "a dash" of cayenne pepper. Why, and how much?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

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>I've heard about people adding "a dash" of cayenne pepper. Why, and how much?
1-2 caps of pic related. It makes snake juice easier to get down if it's normally too salty for you. The heat also apparently helps with the cold you feel in your extremities while fasting.

Forgot pic

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Some people just like spicy stuff. I added some apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice to mine.

Hope you're using a straw buddy, acv and lemon juice can fuck your teeth pretty bad.

Is it okay if I use plain cayenne powder instead of the concentrated pills?

I bought apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and cayenne powder. Do you think it would be nasty to mix all of these? I can just use the cayenne pepper in future cooking instead if so.

Also, should I make a batch of snake juice and drink some before sleeping, or just do it after I wake up tomorrow? I've been fasting for nearly 3 hours now, probably going to hit 5 or so before sleeping.

Will fasting reduce blood pressure? I'm on day 4 of a water fast. Going to the doctor tomorrow to check.

Go easy on re-feeding. Something small is better. I usually go for a small piece of watermelon

imma put sliced cucumbers and grapes in my water is that ok?

I have a home blood pressure monitor. My BP and heart rate go down a bit while fasting. Still in the low end of the normal/healthy range.

Anyone experienced hoarse or low voice fasting? I googled it and found other people having the same thing. Like it's harder to produce volume in my voice and it sounds raspy. Not dehydrated, drinking lots of snake juice had 2 liters of snake juice and 1 liter of water today. First time this has happened while fasting.

Yeah. You have to be careful when standing, you'll get a little dizzy when getting up out of chairs and getting out of bed in the morning. It's not crazy, but it's no joke.

Is 3.5 days water including a lifting gym day worth it for weight loss ? I've got a decent beer belly happening and need to reign in the bulk a bit.

It will make you ill and you'll shit your guts out.

wtf why
u taking the piss m8

i wish everyone could stop using these shitty inaccurate measurements like "teaspoons". they're not fucking common anywhere but america
what the fuck are the GRAMS of the new snake juice recipe ingredients? i have 3 actual teaspoons of different sizes, and every ingredient has a different weight. this fucking teaspoon measurement sucks and the Mg amount is useless cause he only counts the relevant mineral without chloride etc with it

I mixed 1l of cold water with half a lemon and some slices of cucumber. After a few /sips/ I was ill, was shitting every few moments and had to rot in bed for almost a week cos I was so weak. Fuck that bullshit, just drink normal water.

>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

Stop fear mongering

I plan on fasting Monday to Friday whilst drinking snake juice, on the weekends I'm going to have a ( 1500 calorie ) ketogenic meal once a day

My question is I do enjoy doing cardio is it ok for me to do a couple of hours of moderate or low intensity cardio while I'm fasting?

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When I shook hands with a qt yesterday she told me my hands where shaking. MUST have been the fasting for sure. For sure.

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Can anyone share stories of the good healing? I've got a chronic swollen ankle from a sprain a year or two ago, will autophagy eat that up?

hey lads
I'm trying to lose a little bit of weight because the past year my depression/anxiety caused me to stress eat and stop exercising at all. Gained like 20lb. I still really don't exercise regularly that much at all, what would you guys recommend as a minimum to do as exercise while fasting like this (and stuff that I can do without going to the gym?)

wow no shit, your energy levels are dogshit on a fast, maybe that's why.

what would happen if i fasted while taking a sarm like ostarine?

Bumping this post

Why are you such a faggot? You either roid or you don't. Wanna be a respectable homo? Inject yourself in the ass. Want to be a respectable straighto? Stay natty.
Want to be the biggest faggot to ever exist? Ask what would happen if you fast on sarms.

Go ahead fatty.

if you arent going to answer, why even reply to me? useless fucker

Okay homo.

I'm cycling 2h a day while water fasting. Your endurance will go down a bit once glycogen is used up and you're in ketosis, but otherwise it's fine. Just don't forget your snek juice.

It's because your brain can't use anything else but sugar to fuel itself.
When your body goes from sugar to fat; if you're not used to it; it might cause headaches.


RIP mucin lining. Slow down next time. Make sure you have plenty of phytos in your meals and probiotic, preferably from fermented foods.

i make a simple one with the trifecta (celery, carrot, onion ) and some grassfed beef bones. 18 hours in the crock. use a couple bay leaf, some star anise and cardimom pods in it for dat great flavor. Does everyone else here skim the tallow ?

Good Fasting forums to follow? Any Snake forums?

Been keto OMAD for 4 months now boyos...

45 fucking pounds down.

or reddit/fasting