Does Jow Forums drink?
Why or why not?
Does Jow Forums drink?
I drink every day
Hmm... I guess that makes me an alcoholic, huh?
I do not
Because I don't need, nor have I ever needed alcohol
I like smirnoff ice
Correct! 10 points to you user
Yeah i am addicted, sucks, i always feel like i need it, but i dont.
I'm actually the same way, but I've been feeling like I want to pick up social drinking.
It just gets a bit awkward when everyone's grabbing shots and offering while you're politely declining and pounding cups of water.
I don't have a problem with starting drinking, but it's more like... I've never done it before, so starting now is a bit... It's weird. Feels like I'm breaking some streak.
It does in America
In Europe that's normal
Because last time I ended in boxers in the street, getting hit by people with sticks and all purple in the arms and legs. Cant remember shit too.
As a NEET I can't afford it, and drink too much to do it all of the time anyway.
And the faggot relatives I live with give me an ulcer as it is, without drinking on top of it. It's their tradition to give you shit if they notice you drinking too often, to force you to stop, even though they're white trash that doesn't work to begin with and wastes everything on nothing but food and electricity. As in, no cars for the three of us, we rent an apartment, it's pathetic. No work, that's fine, lay in bed all day and play video games being obese like us, but, you're anorexic if you drop below obese BMI, and BY GOD STOP DRINKING *slamming through door at 3 am* when they notice you have been on a bender, even though you're a somber drunk.
t. 30 and drink pruno anyway (though vomited blood possibly when they were trying to make me go shopping with them while drunking one day because le takes four people to shop (they have a relative drive them) as they are too lazy to push a cart sometmies).
So I haven't drank any booze since the fifteenth of last month and whenever I drink too much soda or eat something spicy I can feel the ulcer. I'll drink anyway someday again, because I have no money to change my lifestyle, and will spend this time dropping weight anyway, so it's a phase I do. The stomach problems come and they go, as does my weight.
Don't drink alcohol, guess growing up with an alcoholic single mom worked as a good deterrent
Nice trips, weird story.
>in the US they have stomachs made of cotton and are cucked puritan prudes
> brb moving to yurop.
Which country would be most likely to take in a monolingual half Swedish germanomutt good at programming?
Moving won't magically mean you can drink more though. The injun genes contaminated their livers and turned them into the sort of people who end up upside down covered in feces and yelling at strangers after just half a bottle of whisky.
Just because our peers fuck with us over drinking doesn't mean we can't handle drinking.
It's a shit culture, fascist.
I drink too much. Not everyday but too much.
I feel happier in periods of my life when I am not drinking.
You are lucky though with weed in basically half the US states.
Gin and tonic every day keeps the suicidal thoughts away
Yeah, when I was broke and had to stop drinking for over a month I actually felt all right. Not sure why I came back, but I don't enjoy drinking as much anymore. I drink 3 nights a week, so that it doesn't interfere with my work too much, but it's 2-3 beers and 0,5l of vodka / whisky each time. I've chosen my poison, I guess.
i like to but it tastes like such shit it's hard to just gulp it down. i start drooling and it is physically upsetting to go down for like 2 minutes afterwards if i just go for it hard and if i dont theres almost no point because the taste still remains
Nah because poor NEET.
But when I do drink (so maybe once or twice every three months) I just drink vodka until I blackout.
>Does Jow Forums drink?
>Why or why not?
I'm not a degenerate normalfag
on the wagon. every time i get pissed i end up going daft and doing something stupid.
I jumped on the bandwagon when Whisky was becoming a meme and I still really enjoy it.
And beer is tasty and refreshing. Also the buzz is nice on a warm summer evening.
Since I found gainful employment I'm drinking a lot less. When I was between jobs I was drinking every night just to take my mind off life.
I drink a porter or stout every night with my dinner. I try different brands but keep coming back to Guinness. I like a good cold lager on hot days, usually Yuengling. Bud Light, Coors, and etc. all taste like piss. I don't like liquor. Never liked wine.
I think many people drink way too much.
I genuinely think people who order Bud Light at a restaurant are idiots. Just fucking drink soda. Fucking normies.
No, I don't want to waste any more money on the liquid jew
I do not because alcohol is fucking expensive here
>50 states
>like 8 have recreational weed
I'm no normalfaggot with money to buy it to begin with, nor a social life to get it, and dreammarket I'd not trust myself enough to figure out how to safely mail to self.
I live in FL and you can get five years for salvia here.
Boobop1987 advertising got to me
I do
My life sucks ass and I am miserable
t. alcoholic
Used to be an alcoholic until my friend died in a car crash when he was hit by a drunk driver. I stopped a couple days later and haven't drank since.
I enjoy drinking, it gives me something to look forward to and makes life easy for a night. One of my favorite things to do is driving to an empty parking lot and getting drunk inside my car.
I drink fairly often, on weekends and sometimes weekdays, monday - friday, if I visit a colleague, or go shooting.
I like drinking, it helps me relax and weirdly enough it gives me an energy boost, I feel like I can sit up all night if tipsy, it also helps to kill the time and makes me more sociable.
Don't really know if I might have a problem.
I only really drink beer and wine though.
Ha what a faggot
Drive while you are high the laws are for some reason more slack when you kill someone
If I start no way I don't become an alcoholic
literal poison with shit aftereffects
you're better off doing low doses of shrooms on the weekends
Dont drink really cause I don't like the taste of most alcoholic drinks. Prefer soda desu
t. Norwegian
Come to Denmark, here the alcohol might be expensive but it's cheaper than in Norway (^;
I used to drink a bottle of vodka a day and a few beers as well did this for about 6 years, moved down to just beers but smoked lots of weed.
This year I went my first week without a drink since 18 (30 in a few months). I still drink most days but not as much. Today I got tired of drinking for the first time in a long time.
It's hard to get drunk and once I do it's usually just black out with any of the food feeling you get when you have no tolerance.
I hate being sober.
It's cheap for norwegians lmao
Yeah boy, that's why I recommended it, you niggers got the dosh, but everything is fucking expensive.
I have been to Denmark many times. I'm always surprised at the prices
I do it extremely rarely, since I live at home and don't have a social life or reason to leave the house.
But it's fun, I like it. When I get a bit tipsy I can actually talk to people like a normal person, it's nice.
If you actually live here, everything is expensive as hell.
And if you aren't from Norway, boy, I sure feel sorry for you, Denmark is expensive as hell if you're from murrica or some other place.
Unless you're buying alcohol or cigarettes.
I drink heavily to make the lonely pains go away
getting addicted to brandy lately
i'll have a beer here and there but other than that i don't drink, i don't really like being drunk, i hate hangovers, and it all tastes like shit
If drinking regularly didn't ruin your liver and kill you I'd probably drink every day
Lots of things ruin your body though
It's better than not drinking, and it makes it easier to get to sleep. It tastes good too, that's another reason.
It makes me robotic
Hangovers suck, especially if you already have anxiety issues. It's like your heart hates you all day.
>not already being robotic
Trying to stop but I'm hooked. It fucks me up so much since I have severe mental issues. It always makes it worse - well, nearly always - and it also compels me to continue.
I once went on a drinking spree because of stress and depression. I felt very suicidal and just drank myself to sleep every single day, I've spent like 400 dollars on just booze.
After that I started to work out more, I stopped smoking and started feeling better about myself, it was all because of a girl that cheated on me btw.
100% European according to DNA test. Mom claims Cherokee waaaay back but maybe it was Solutrean or something because it doesn't show. Takes me 4-5 drinks to feel much and I've only been boozing a year. Went straight edge over 3 0 years but now I am up to 5 times a week
I'm a injun and i always drink around a liter
And I avoid as many of those things as possible, within reason. The benefit of drinking every day isn't worth liver failure in 30 years. Same with cigarettes.
>he's planning on being alive 30 years from now
If you're European there's nothing to look forward to in 30 years
im 15 in ireland so my mom does not mind me drinking that much if i fell good i might have a beer but thats like once a month i dont like beer that much but the buzz is good
typical Irish drunk
Don't you have a civil war to fight?
Drinking some jack tonight just got me some.
>announcing being underage
>bad grammar and language usage
>saying "mom" instead of "mam"
Utter disgrace to the country, lad.
dont drink everyday but when i do i binge it
I drove over 100km to see one girl, she dumped me right away and I drove home.
Now I'm drunk. It's my birthday.
used to, don't
resistance became retardedly high making it expensive
realised it was a waste of money for me personally
that really sucks user, happy birthday for what it is.
That's right Denmark is a lovely place. There is no legal drinking age.
Thank you user. Those little things really help.
I don't. Cause I can't afford it. I could drink shitty 3$ a bottle vodka but that shit us straight poison.
Cider when out.
Cognac when in.
Red wine if only wine available.
Rum and Whiskey are also good types.
Vodka is degeneracy unless in a mix.
Prefer drinks that taste better without additions.
I wish I could. my father would make me drink alcohol and then molest me, so that's all I can think of when I smell booze, it just makes me want to throw up. don't have access to anything else that would dull the pain.
Wine and Vodka are terrible
Gin is underrated
Hahahahahah man, this fucking post. I gotta visit Ireland one day to see what a shithole it is.
It burns my throat and stomach, even when I have food before like you're supposed to. I can only drink coolers.
you're welcome user. i recommend taking the time to focus on your self for a bit mate
Kill yourself, faggot. One underage retard and you just let yourself believe that all the british stereotypes about us are true? "OOO DEM LADS MUST LIVE IN A BACKWARDS SHITHOLE HAR DEE HAR", you're unbelievably ignorant. I can guarantee it's far more advanced and first-world than whatever shithole you're from.
>It burns my throat and stomach, even when I have food before like you're supposed to. I can only drink coolers.
Oh man, it must be even worse than I originally thought haha.
i drink vodka on it own, it good shit if you have the balls to drink it
My people have been slandered, oppressed, even killed by ignorant mouthbreathing motherfuckers who believed the same bullshit you're spouting. This will be my last response to your idiotic shitposts.