>spent 28 years as a kissless virgin
>get gf
>my entire world view and hatred of normies is put into question
>cant tell my wizard friends because they would never talk to me again
What do i do now? Nothing makes sense anymore.
>spent 28 years as a kissless virgin
>get gf
>my entire world view and hatred of normies is put into question
>cant tell my wizard friends because they would never talk to me again
What do i do now? Nothing makes sense anymore.
Wait till she dumps you.
Your hatred of normies will be stronger than it was before and you will feel vindicated
>be kissless virgin
>friend tells me he got a gf
>he doesnt realize ive had a crush on him for the last 5 years
Basically this. I bet you got an older/same age gf, and she's going to cheat on you with a long term "friend" she has.
She is the same age as me and she was a virgin. I hit jackpot.
Oh man fucking this
You think it was bad before? No matter what the reasoning (one of you moved for work, one of younwas killed by a mountain roc, one of you cheated, one of you lost attraction), one day you guys will be split up and you'll NEVER be able to interact with her the same way again. What's more is that she literally wont give a shit about you and will treat dudes that AREN'T you how she'd USED to treat you.
Its really fucked. Nobody wants to tell the truth but if you've progressed past 20 and never had a serious relationship then you will be worse off from having one. Normals are my least favorite group of people because everything is in their interest. Even advice.
FUCK. I don't want it to be worse than before.
>he believes her when she said she was a virgin at 28
She is a christian girl and also bled on my dick.
It's called getting out of depression.
For me I also had a sudden shift out of depression. I went from honestly believing I was worthless, cringe, unlikable, and unable to socialize to realizing none of that was true. It change my entire world view.
Good luck OP.
If there wasn't blood on the sheets she wasn't a virgin
Maybe because he isnt a faggot
Enjoy it moron. Build yourself up while you have the goodwill to do it so that in case it doesn't work out you won't slide back into being a bottle pissing recluse
This is right, you worthless, cringy, unlikable and unabled ass BITCH!
Why are you attempting to hurt my feelings?
I hope you get well soon too, user.
You're just a failed normie, like most of this board. Now get the fuck out.
i knew that wouldn't hurt your feelings
Unless you can get another gf or have sex with girls again it will.
Thats what makes a failed normalshit. They were able to get sex once or twice, bit never again. The worst thing is lack of sex won't kill you like lack of food. A man could live 50 years and never even have his hand held by a woman.
I can barely imagine myself but I hope I just die before then
it's true, haven't fucked in 9 years and now everyone is married
I think i can get another gf. I only got this gf because i tried actually getting a gf instead of just whining about it.
>he gave up his purity to a succubus
Weak. Worthless. I can't wait until she leaves you and you learn to regret your actions.
That being said, how'd you do it? just curious lmao
All i did was go on tinder and chat to girls and force myself out on dates. Eventually i found this girl that i actually liked and she liked me. Instead of pretending to be somebody else i just told the truth about my life(live at home, virgin, socially awkward.). I just told the truth didnt lie. It worked out even some normie girls seemed to be interested in me. Once i got over getting rejected it wasn't so hard to talk to girls.
Come on, it can't be that easy. Are you good looking?
I don't think i am but my girlfriend now thought i was a player who slept with lots of girls. So i don't really know. I think i have an okay face but my body is skinnyfat.
Ignore these faggots OP, they want you to fail because they think that makes their own life fuckups less bad. Get into normie life, it's comfy as fuck. If she dumps you, all you've done is prove you can get a gf and go do it again. Godspeed, user.
You best keep it that way.
I used to hang out with a bunch of early 20s virgin nerds on the internet and after they luck out and lose it to some skank taking pity on them the suddenly start strutting around like confident pseudochads even though they have nothing backing it up.
I cut those fucking normalfags off and rarely speak to them.
Oh no, you might have a good life with someone who loves you. You better try and fuck it up by not committing to it and trying to stay in a world of miserable losers.