just lied my way into a job as a bouncer, what am i in for
Need some help
Jaxon Johnson
Jaxon Nelson
>suck your asshole in
>stare into the distance
All you need
Tyler Watson
hopefully ss has prepared me....
Jacob Bennett
It has, just channel Mark Rippetoe.
Bentley Nelson
i mean im a big guy (4 u) but i dont know what to do if some drunk guy spits in your face
Adrian Gray
You just need to have an alpha personality and be able to trick drunkards into leaving on their own.
Kevin Reyes
you follow policy, if the policy allows you to deck him you do that, if not you escort him out.
Charles Bennett
if you act like a pussy, they're gonna know you're a big fat phony
David Jackson
Punch anyone who disrespects you, immediately.
Leo Ross
Act like you own the place