No! Some women are pure! You can tell who is and who isn't just by looking them!

>No! Some women are pure! You can tell who is and who isn't just by looking them!

Attached: haha why though.jpg (668x858, 95K)

They're all super sluts and a little fucked in the head. If you ever meet one and she shows any interest at all, she's dtf.

is it me or when women commit crimes, the 'she' pronoun is barely ever used, but the 'he' pronoun is used repeatedly when men do something?

that's incorrect, but society does find is abhorrent when women commit them

Do you really want to compare the crimes of women to men?

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I find that incredibly sexually arousing. I love cruel, evil women, and I mean, that's pretty damn evil. I want to marry her and have her come home after work and tell me all about the babies she killed today while we cuddle on the couch.

Why am I like this.

doing god's work imo she did abortions?

I really hope they were non-white babies

i hope she was killing nigger babies at least.

>people shocked that sometime they're acquainted with would do something utterly reprehensible
>ah yes this must be because it was a woman

>letting strangers near your food

>You can tell who is and who isn't just by looking them!

Literally who says that?

those chipmunk front teeth

for Christ's sake dude

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i do wonder what her criteria was ? Was she sexist and only killed boys ? Was she racist ? Since its the UK its probably 'illegal' to say.

Coworkers might have had it coming. Babies though? That's just evil.

Came here to post this. Purge the West.

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>They're all super sluts

fuck that shit enjoy you full blown aids.

If that were the case you'd know already. It would be the crisis of our time.

Anyone have any more photos of her? I want to see if there are any telltale signs of her being crazy.

probably kind-hearted and only wanted to spare them of a shitty existence