There's nothing wrong with pic related

There's nothing wrong with pic related

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Other urls found in this thread:

Au contraire

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Aside from the price you mean

fuck off with your jewbeverage, faggot

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The original monster is garbage. Its your average Red Bull clone. /sip/ or "The Doctor" is superior

Wrong board, nigger

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hey Jow Forums I even chose a white man so I won't trigger you fine gentlemen

it's one of the cheapest big brands energy drinks

The final redpill

not original
not original

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>the price
>the sugar content
>less caffiene than one (one) fucking caffiene pill (one bottle = $3)
>all the other chemicals that guarantee you'll gain weight if you aren't actively dieting + exercise
A cup of coffee or two in the morning, water for the rest of the day. Caffiene pill substitute if you're in a rush.
Anything else is just declaring to the world that you're a teenager.

wrong flavor sip fampai

Attached: Monster-Energy-DUB-Ballers-Blend-Punch-Energy-Cans-16-fl-oz-6-ct.jpg (1000x1000, 104K)

>The price
Under 3 dollars and you can get 2 for 4
>The sugar
Monster zero has zero sugar
>All the other chemicals that guarantee you'll gain weight
Patently false. Caffeine if anything boosts your metabolism and ginseng can also speed up your metabolism and boost muscle growth. B vitamins also have health benefits.

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I present you the objectively best drink

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Read the book "Salt, Sugar, and Fat" and learn how to spot chemicals that subsitute in for sugar and fuck your body up. The paltry amount of "ginseng" in a fucking can of monster means shit when the rest of the drink is poison for the body.
>2 for 4
When you're a big boy and you have bills, real world respsonibilities, mortgage, you don't think that's a good deal.

can't start my day without my boomer juice

>When you're a big boy and you have bills, real world respsonibilities, mortgage, you don't think that's a good deal.
dude im basically a neet and i can afford it, what the fuck are you doing, picking strawberries every summer for half the minimum wage?

Lol imagine bragging about being a pathetic poorfag. That's less than a half hour of work even at minimum wage.

>What is saving your fucking money
There's a reason why people become and stay poor, they develop these bad habits rooted in things that require fucking money.
If you have to, and I mean have to, have monster, get it in bulk and stop getting fucking played by gas stations and marketplaces.

It's not a bad habit though. It's good for you. The orange one has lemon juice, b vitamins, and ginseng as well as a couple other supplements.

t. an immigrant who fell for the american dream meme

Pathetic shills, just pathetic.

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Coffee is cheaper

Coffee doesn't have b vitamins, fruit juice or ginseng extract

The boomer meme is real

>the 30 year old boomer doesn't know that rockstar and old glory is cheaper.

>tfw 32 yo who love monster drinks
I was so young not so long ago and now im a boomer

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The doctor monster is just a Fanta with cafeinn

>"I was so young not so long ago"
>This is what oldfags actually believe

Thats not how it works user.
You're a millenial.

Reminder that they recently found out that these jewtoxins cause mentaI retardation, brain damage, damage to the nervous system and monster recently got sued because two kids died from drinking this worthless laboratory made jewtoxin.

forgot image

Reminder that they recently found out that these jewtoxins cause mental retardation, brain damage, damage to the nervous system and monster recently got sued because two kids died from drinking this worthless laboratory made jewtoxin.

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at least im not as boomer as this guy

>Trusting (((Yahoo)))

>I was so young not so long ago and now im a boomer
oh my god this is the best post to come out of the boomer meme

The inside of the can is coated with bisphenol a.
Enjoy your tits.

>The original monster is garbage. Its your average Red Bull clone.
I don't think so my dude. Red Bull has a shit sweet taste and it feels like you're melting away your body with chemicals while the original Monster has some nice sweet taste to it and it feels like you're drinking an actual nice drink.

I genuinely like the white ultra one above the others

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Orange is superior you absolutely pathetic cuckold plebeian.

Better pic related

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all these memes made me want to try it not gonna lie

I haven't tried it you nigger I rarely drink the stuff and I haven't seen it in the shop yet

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Except for the fact that it's fucking poison.

Oh, and the ridiculous price for what essentially amounts to sugar water and caffeine.

You should its the least sickly tasting one and doesn't feel like it's burning your teeth out like some of the others do

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>the virgin health-conscious zoomer
the chad boomer

Actually it has b vitamins, caffeine, taurine, ginseng, lemon pulp, l cartanine, guarana, and inositol.

Stay strong sip boys stay strong

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Sorry dudes, patrician tier sips comin thru

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Wrong flavor, cuck. Ultra sunrise is the master race.

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I mean, energy drinks are pretty bad for you, and his moustache is pretty gross looking, but it's a free country. People can have gross mustaches and drink unhealthy drinks if they want. So yeah, there is nothing wrong with that picture.

We're friends on the same team shit head be nice.
And youre wrong either way although it is good.

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>Prefers a flavor other than Ultra Sunrise
>Same team

Attached: Monster-Energy-Ultra-Sunrise-Drink.jpg (600x378, 78K)

Buddy theyre all good, and sip boys have to stay strong and united. Relax.

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>Drank one just to see what it was like
>Tasted awful and gave me runny, watery shits

Fuck that thing.

Are you a skeleton or a woman?

Sipboy reminds you that you can have a personal preference but ultra is still the best flavour

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Buddy as a sipboy you need to step up your game.
>mobile posting
>saves an image for ants
Cmon dude

A slightly fat dude.

Ultra Sunrise*

I guarantee the shits werent from the monster dude. Whatever junk you ate caused it.

>It has no sugar!!

This is evil jew code for "It uses an artificial sweetener known as Aspartame" which is known to cause strokes, lower intelligence INCREASE fat production, and affect the nervous system.

This is just another form of THEM working their asses off in labs to keep kids retarded for life as it makes the mind malleable and easier to manipulate.

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red bollocks is the iphone of energy drinks, overpriced normalfag shit

>make jewtoxin
>kilI kids with it
>literally gets proven that ENERGY DRINK CAUSE LITERAL 24/7 BRAIN DAMAGE
>stroke each others jew noses while you try to find more ways sneakily trick idiots into consuming your laboratory made jewtoxin

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Well, it suggests than you somehow need tuarine, even though you can totally synthesize enough of that on your own.
Apart from that, there's just the "I'm a 14 year old on the inside" flag that you raise with everyone who sees you.

>This is evil jew code for "It uses an artificial sweetener known as Aspartame" which is known to cause strokes, lower intelligence INCREASE fat production, and affect the nervous system.
It actually isnt known to do any of those. Post your junk study so I can embarass you.
That kid was a dumbass. Its his fault. Dont you believe in personal responsibility?

And here's something I bet you didn't know existed:

It's a collection of lawsuits against energy drink companies, mostly in the way of their jewtoxins crippling or killing the people who consume them.

Energy drinks are like the tobacco of the modern age, only worse because there's no buildup to your death. No tumors to develop. You either become retarded or you die. No in betweens.

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can't even spell polystyrene correctly in their shitty facebook meme

>had a heart condition
yeah we should ban candy to protect diabetics

Use these threads (there will be many more) to spread awareness about these evil drinks.

>pretend jewtoxin is nice refreshing """""drink""""" (it's just a lab crafted poison with food coloring and sweetening agents)
>kids buy it, thinking it's a beverage
>Energy drink jews just pay up after lawsuits and continue turning kids into bodies or wrestling fans

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Where my military dudes at? Everyone knows rip-its are the superior /sips/

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>globally, causes 70,000 (SEVENTY THOUSAND) hospital visits for seizures every year
Yeah, nice "drink", kikes.

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you realize that 70,000 is like .00001% of the planet's population right?

Yeah, and every person on earth drinks this colored vomit, right? You wish. Fuck off, marketer.

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Enjoy the diabeetus.

They've stopped selling it around here
It was my favourite flavour

>No sugar

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Sweeteners can also lead to type 2 diabetes

Same, I can't even get mad at the meme but at least I'm not an murrikan boomer.

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>with pic related
>contains 54 grams of sugar

Attached: monster-energy-drink-160-fl-oz-walmartcom-min.png (1800x1800, 803K)

I've drunken fuckloads of energy drinks, when they first came out I switched over from regular soda. I've never had any problems other than being a fat cunt and sore teeth (that I don't brush). I'm starting to think all these mental disorders are being put there not through drinks, fluoride etc but the idea that that's what causes them.

That being said I'm gonna try quit along with alcohol, all I need is Meth, Weed and Water.

That's why I drink the Ultra Sunrise with zero sugar.

zero sugar... but tons of artificial sweeteners. Yeah, great trade off.

You ever wonder why it's necessary for energy drinks to contain so much sweetener? Because without a shitload of sweetener, the base flavor is similar to gasoline.

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>Big boy
Jesus Christ user get a real fucking job. If you make

"energy drinks" are pure water + 20gr of sugar. Coke/Pepsi sugar-free cans are cheaper and better.

I remeber seeing a pepe /sip/ being posted a long time ago.
Does anyone have it

Ultra is literally the only energydrink worth drinking. I SIPP few cans a day.

ahahahahahahah what the fuck am i reading

THIS is the final redpill but burgers will never understand

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Get ginseng and B vitamin supplements then.