>100% science based and natty
>sick gains, everyone's true goal bod
>has 10/10 gf with long hair
u mad bros?
100% science based and natty
How tall
This tall
>goal bod
Ohh user I am so sorry. Thats some mad cognative dissonance though.
what the fuck
>voice sounds like a cuck
>his previous girlfriend cheated on him
>implying his current gf is gonna stay with him
>implying having a gf means being a manlet is ok
>he counts the manlet hair
lmao probably on his way to the mines of moria
>real life vs. What people post on social media
>jelly anons without long haired gfs
I recently found him
Liked and subscribed!
post his gf
I don't usually rag on manlets because I'm 5'8 myself but fucking hell dude he just looks stupid at that height
If you're a manlet, your gf will only stay with you if SHE'S TALLER.
Take it from a manlet who is currently in a stable relationship with a taller girl.
If the woman is shorter than you, height will always be an issue, but if she is taller than you, you made it.
If you date a taller girl, from the beginning of the attraction she saw your manletdom compared to her height.
If you date a womanlet, you'll be "bigger" than her in the beginning but the novelty of the start of the relationship will wear off and she'll start having an issue with the height
Cope as much as you want.
I'm 5'5 as well, btw.
or you know she'll just stay if you're in anyway a decent human being.
>science based
Not really, he just posts studies that support his conclusions, and regularly interprets them incorrectly. Science isn't the be all and end all anyway many of the studies are flawed and there are multiple ways of interpreting them. He doesn't even have any scientific education so I don't think he can call himself 'science based'
He's also a fucking dwarf, small even among manlets.
I'm talking about you being a normal partner that someone would actually like being around, not her. Are manlets actually this insecure about their height that they think it's all anyone gives a shit about?
show pic of his previous gf
copelet, there is no way he is 5'5
*tips hat*
You autistic faggot.
>He doesn't even have any scientific education
Incorrect, although he was only studying to become a dentist at a fairly decent school. Also, shitty fallacy.
>He's also a fucking dwarf, small even among manlets.
Only a fellow manlet would give a shit about that. No tall person actually gives a shit.
Jeff plz go
Manlet crab in a bucket, please neck yourself. You people shit on everyone, even decent Youtubers making informative videos.
Here's an idea, start your own dyel "science based" channel, assuming you can keep quit breathing through your mouth long enough to make a video.
Yeah maybe if he was 6ft or taller. But on a real note has some of the best content for fitness on youtube and hes not a pos.
Enjoy no gains due to listening to his shit advice lmao. I'm 6'1 btw
No you're not. I'm actually 6'2", which is why I understand that tall people consider anyone shorter than them a manlet. We don't create a manlet hierarchy where normal manlets are fine and turbo manlets are detestable. Only an insecure crab in the bucket manlet would do that, you.
>Enjoy no gains due to listening to his shit advice lmao
Post body.
>ugly face
>primitive proportions
>small brain
no thanks
Why would you intentionally drive an SUV when you're a literal midget
I'm not even trying to be mean but he looks like a literal child
>shilling for a roided midget
It's like you want normies to think you're overcompensating
@robingallantt on instagram
she cheated on jeff with the CEO of gymshark lol
The most awkwardess thing I've ever seen was when I was in college. Some literal twig 5'3 girl weighing 80lbs soaking wet walking to a H2 hummer and trying to climb into the bitch. It was sad.
damn if he shagged this I ain't even mad.
You first lmao
His new girl is hotter and smarter
i havent laughed this hard in a long time, thank you
keked so hard
k e k
She cheated on him.
I truly don't understand what y'all would have him do. Yeah, he's basically a midget. He's clearly made the most of life despite that. All of you manlets should. I'm 6'4 but I really don't get the manlet hate. Like, if you're born short, just fuckin make the best of it. You shorties out there should emulate this guy, not rag on his ass.
They are coping. The dude has a great physique, natty or not, manlet or not. It’s not like he built it in 6 months. That’s years of work and everyone knows it. On top of that he has a mildly succesful career centered around his hobby, and he seems to fuck really nice looking women in spite of all the memes these dyels post around here. I don’t even like his personality or his videos but I still see the amount of work he puts in.
they're just memes you fucking manlets
none of those posters actually have anything against the guy
Poe’s law is in full effect here.
>science based
>all studies regarding powerlifting are extremely small sample sizes
>inability to be properly replicated due to long training spans to determine the effectiveness
Where were you when you realized the buzzwords are supplement tier lingo
I don't dislike Nippard, he does look a bit silly with his proportions but I'm always going to support someone lifting over not lifting.
Take his science based articles with a grain of salt, just as you should take all fitness advice with a grain of salt.
Exercise science is not that large of a field and there's a lot we don't fully understand/is contradictory to other advice.
As a person, he seems nice enough so I have no problem with him.
5'5 manlet here
women of all heights loathe me
how did you get a gf
Kendrick is that you??
In his wildest dreams maybe.
He's not. Fucking Alex is 5'5 and he mogged the shit out of him.
u forgot
>rightful heir to the Arkenstone
more like 5'3
alex is 5'7
no he's 5'5 and wore shoe lifts
can you imagine how thrilled alex must have been to finally height mog someone?
Alex himself said he was 5'5, so he's probably 5'4.
no, he clarified that he translated inches inbto feet the wrong way and hes actually 5'7. makes sense when you look at his pics next to jeff, scott and omar
Alex has lift shoes
Didn't face mog him though. Jeff's got that cute babbyboi face
>eyelids exposed
I think I know what you're trying to say but what a fucking bizarre way of phrasing it.
>Y-y-you first!
user absolutely BTFO'd you
Just be good looking, bro. It worked for me.
alex is 5'6 and was wearing 3 inch heels
Honestly, high matters but it isn't everything as evidenced by OP.
I'm just glad I'm at least 5'9" and not 5'5".
I know some short guys from my college who I hang out with from time to time and they really take life by the horns, are shredded, rock climb, everything. Their shortness perhaps has made them struggle and through that struggle they bettered themselves to the point that they are higher value socially and academically than average, more than me in fact.
You can have a happy life at 5'5" no doubt, but it is easier the closer to average height (or above average height) you are, but you aren't challenged to prove yourself. It ultimately comes down to the individual.
Genetic determinism does not real. It is all about the mindset and spirit of the individual.
Again, don't get me wrong, I rather be normal than short, but it is important to recognize the precedence of "alpha" mentality.
nice blog, faggot.
perspective is magic
>Alex is 5'5 and he mogged the shit out of him.
not really. he was closer to the camera
when side by side, not much difference
They hate you because you’re an autistic fag, not your height
This. Also don't be thirsty.
I'm dying up here
you are actually delusional
automatically read this in Gimli voice kek
How the fuck could anyone be mad to him?
I mean hes literally fucking hobbit with voice of a sterilized boy choir singer
Check em
Haha fag
Fucking retard. I take it you don’t know shit about analyzing papers.
its fun to make fun of him but deep down im jealous. im a depressed gym cel who has done nothing of value nor worth. most of you guys in this thread are the same don't lie
short hair qts > long hair qts
look at dis dood..
I'm also 6'4 and you don't get the manlet hate because you're 6'4 you fucking doublenigger
imagine having to go on your tiptoes to reach the top shelf of a cabinet l m a o
His gf is ugly as hell with a really weirdly shaped face
fuck, lol
I'm also 6'4" but I kind of get the manlet hate. Maybe I'm just jealous of their easier gains (200lbs lanklet lol) but I do think I like the superiority that comes from the extra height. I feel like I'm being mogged when I see some tall freak who's like 6'7" or something. Gives me confidence which girls definitely like.
Shame this guy's so short though, seems like a lovely lad and his info is very good. One of the most evidence-based youtubers out there
Alex is clearly a step back here and visibly still taller.
Go to bed, Alex.