Walk in gas station with my gf

>walk in gas station with my gf
>bum ask us fpr change
>i say no
>gf pull out change from her purse

That's it. I'm breaking up with her.

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Oh if someone asks me for money it's so hard to say no.
100% of the time I give it to them.

If nobody asks then I'm safe.

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If someone asks me for money I say, "I only have this" & take out a few pennies

Oh great, It's this homeless hating faggot who avatarfags a shitty one season anime girl, just fuck off faggot, the board would be better without you

Oh great its that one nigger that follows my everyday life because he has shit skin lmao

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A dude once asked me for 10 euros for the bus.

I was like jesus crist to myself. Thank God I had 2 euro changed in my wallet.

Leave nigger! Yui poster is best poster

Everyone knows Yui poster is loved here.

Shut the fuck up. I fuck chink bitches every day and they lap up my affirmitive action bux like it's gold.

I'm not even black, go kill yourselves if you think this poster is good when all he does is post about homeless people and has no relatable photo so he resorts to a girl from a shitty anime

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No he's not, Yui is worst girl

I hate tge homeless too, so I love his posts

No you shutup, mayate faggot

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She instinctively reacts to the opposite direction that you do basically punishing you for taking action? This won't end well. If something like that would happen more, I'd let her go. It will be impossible to raise children with a broad like that.

he's better than the gay trap posters and the orbiters

Why didn't you make better choices in life so you didn't end up homeless?

Because hes a dumb nigger lol

Isn't avatarfagging against the rules?
I've already reported this faggot but dont want to spam mods

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Based, put that dumb bitch in her place

Nope. I'm friends with WTSnacks and moot. I'm untouchable.

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at least pick a better waifu you insufferable nigger

wrong hes worse than those posters

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