How do you dress when you lift? Do you treat it like a fashion show and brand match, or wear anything and look pleb like pic related?
Lifting clothes
Suit and tie
Lululemon. I have more of their shorts than shirts, but if I run out of the shirts then I wear a t-shirt.
whatever makes me look the biggest
loose tshirt if its legday tho
I usually look like a tard. I wear anime tanks half the time and i plan on getting that to all the time.
I have about four black jiu jitsu rash guards with blue sleeves that I wear for about three work outs before changing. I pair these with my black work out shorts and my blue running shoes.
My reason for doing this is that my autism would be triggered beyond recovery if my clothes weren't adherent to a specific color scheme, and blue is a very gym-y color imo
Also thread for chuck Taylor hi top gym shoe appreciation
3" inseam shorts, string top, trainers. The way the good lord of gains intended.
Unironically basketball shorts.
>he isnt using whatever clothes his mom bought him back in highschool
great proportion
shoulders capped as fuck
>unironically wearing a stringer
I legitimately thought only women wore Lululemon.
What's your opinion on it, in comparison to let's say Nike's gear?
nice fitting cotton shirt and any pair of shorts
>outgrew them
>stretched and ripped at the seams
>fucking contortionist to get out of
Not broke but I just can't stomach spending 15-30 dollars US (times x-amt items) on new gym gear. Seems like if my balls hang out my shorts that's more your problem than mine.
Holy fucking based.
dress like an 80s bodybuilder
feeling jelly bud?
It's comfy. Relatively expensive, but worth it, if you can afford it. I oftentimes wear their clothes outside of the gym; they look good just for regular streetwear.
Nike Dri Fit T Shirt (Running version that hugs arms tighter)
Plain Black Target Active Shorts
Nike Flyknit Trainer / Adidas Ultra Boost
No, you look like a kid. How do you expect to be taken seriously?
thought I recognized that guy... here's his steroid transformation
OP here.
I wear cheap clothes to the gym, $4 singlets or whatever I can find on upper body days as shown in first pic, and shorts I can swim in post workout at the pool in the same building.
On lower body days I wear a T shirt, something old that I used to wear and shorts again for an aqua jog post workout
you dont even look like you lift, OP.
OP here, post pic.
Can bench 112.5kg
i can only bench 225 for 1 rep
Great physique though, solid. I respect that you fronted with a pic. I started at 60kg, at 80 now, during semester break I bulk and that's just started so I'm at my least muscular now
sorry for talking shit to you man, it's all in good fun. just saying, that pic in the OP isn't very flattering for your physique. it's probably the pose and lighting. find a way to maximize both for superior selfies.
All good bro it's all banter, I don't take myself too seriously, photo was just to start a thread, the cardio bunnies get the poses
i wear whatever i see first, usually some t shirts
normies stare when i wear wife beaters and i'm still a dyel
That's good bromanship
Here you are for an a physique pic
Fair enough man, used to buy that shit for my ex as a gift from time to time because it looked good, didn't even know they had male shit until recently. Might give it a go.
Based Australian shitposter.
looking strong, bro
I'll wear shorts or sweats depending on what's available.
Rugby shorts and a singlet with my adidas power perfect II.
I just wear some cheap ass gym shirts and shorts from Walmart. There's no need into buying anything expensive if all you need them for are for lifting.
I make my own stringer cutoff things, and wear *basketball shorts* or jogger shorts with a baseball cap. Also, manlett.
I always wear jogger sweatpants and some cool shoes and a hoodie
comfy tshirt (the baggier the better), hoodie, basketball shorts, and a shit ton of chalk
Any of a few old usually stretched and faded cotton t-shirts in some sort of black/grey/brown (virgin colours) and my one one pair of exercise shorts.
Probably need more shorts since I have no others that are comfy for squats and my old ones split lmao. But I like neither the cheap ones that feel like stale cum tissues nor the $100 cost of Nikes.
I bought underarmour running shorts that breathe and they've served me well for 6 years now, no problems and no need to replace them
Surely you can bench more than that? Manlet?
Underwear. Home gym has it's perks desu.
the same shorts and grey shirt for 1 year so far
they are getting ripped and have holes in them but they are comfy
Pretty much wear this during the summer, maybe another pair of shorts.
T-shirt during the winter instead, same grey tone.
I'm a creature of habit.
same shit im wearing any other time, work clothes or lazy sitting around at home clothes
>spend money on clothes
>drench them in sweat
>wearing clothes
Where's your dick?
chucks, running shorts, tank top
The gym is pretty much the only time I ever leave my house so I try to look cute and presentable. Not fashion shit but just well-fitting shirts and shorts that are clean and not torn to shreds or whatever
I unironically wear my middle school PE clothes. I am 22.
Sweatpants to protect the shins during deads; can pull up the legs for light knee wraps when squatting.
Depending on the workout, Reebok Classics or Adidas NMDs.
Under Armor tank top or Nike Dri-Fit shirt.
Nice. Good for him