
flying ants edition

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!st for stop replying to Jow Forums triptwats

I look good in clothes but nude I'm a mess.
I've started feeling even worse about myself since I started watching what I eat and exercising.

life sucks and i'm gonna nightwalk off a cliff


No one has ever loved SCEA.

Women only spend time with him for money. The most important moments of his life were spent with whores, and for them he was just another transaction out of thousands.

in the court of the crimson kiiiiinngg

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hehe this one tickled me

hey, it's better than goalposting at least

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*and larpers

sacked civil engineer user's making a lot of lads very jelly! what a wind up merchant

What would you lads say is the single trend in britfeel? I'd say loneliness

>tfw I love being naked
no better feeling tbqh

rate my setup

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let's not reply to nobody

>guy at work invited all the grads around for the evening
>except me
>second time he's done this

It's not like we don't get on, just don't know why I don't even get asked.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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acting like a cunt doesn't get people jealous

he's 5 foot 5 and ginger lad, i doubt anyone would swap places

no wonder he goes on about money

>Tfw no big tiddy girls to have sex with on the public nude beach
Why even exist?

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great little band, hope they go far

you have to make up for being a ginger manlet somehow

A wee, dmanon is a nonce post

looks about 12 what the fuck

If I ever met you I'd break your jaw.

The funny thing is. 300 quid a day isn't even good money for a contract engineer. It's bottom of the barrel.

what about this then loddy?

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I'm not being funny here lads but it's 2018 and I have not yet sat on the sofa with a cute girl, after a long day in the sun, and had a wee sniffter of her armpits.

Am I asking too much from life? I think not.

Post the chatlogs and prove me wrong. I'll wait

Don't think I'll ever truly enjoy academia.
Shame we usually need to follow the uni route in life to get somewhere, especially if we're unspectacular people. Necessary, maybe, but a shame if you're going to go through it all fairly unhappy deep down

haha ikr in that video he does look really young.

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It isn't necessary is it?

still 3 times what I'm on doing 12 hour shifts

That'll do, thanks based big boobs poster

>All my windows open
>Leave the house
>See the ants
>Huge worry about a potential ant infestation in my flat

what, flying ants about? shall i close the windows, i hate those fuckers.

Theyre fucking everywhere outside lad

close your windows if you can stomach it

your taste in women is so bad. you keep posting 3-4/10 girls

How many people are actually born spectacular? Most people work for it.

Yeah but there's plenty who make 3x more than him. Relatively it's nothing to brag about at all.

Only on the 1st floor, they can't fly high

I am 174cm (5'8.)

Today I went out for a 50 minute walk around my middle class region in South London.
I counted how many people I was mogged by and I can tell you I was mogged by about 85% of men. Interestingly around 70% of women were my height.

post me a 10/10 woman then, i'm open to new ideas.

Average height for men is 6'1 so makes sense.

dmanon and andrew are both fucking weirdos. Even if they aren't nonces they are acting like one which still makes them oddballs.

No idea who these are. Fill me in.

>How many people are actually born spectacular? Most people work for it.
I never said they didn't. Just meant people who do succeed at something less common then they have something about them, maybe it's that drive

tfw no gf is very strong tonight lads

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T B H lad - working construction means no lasses. I don't maintain a social life either so never meet 'em. That's the main problem. I get attention when I go out to Wigan centre at the w/end.

10/10 would dab with. Where the fuck you getting that shatter lad - please respond.

>5 foot 5 and ginger lad
Do the length of my legs look like those of a 5ft 5 tall lad............. ???

300 quid's not mega bucks. That said I don't spend a fraction of it - so more than enough for me. It's over average and more than you earn yourself my very best, very good simple lad.

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third floor here, seen them flying right up in the sky, seagulls were having a tasty meal.

that's the first and last thing HC said to them

>tfw anime trap uwu nonce
>tfw 5"11
ahahahaha you little pint size pip squeek just transition

i do have a very fem cute twinky body hehe

you a nonce lad? they look underage

krystal swift is the one and i don't care what you lads say

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No they don't you fucking eejit.

dont be one of them faggots that constantly complains about their height

uWu w.w what is this?


I agree lad, a big boob beaut

Had a girl tell me she couldn't date me because we'd be the same height when she wore heals.

It's not a meme, women care.

N-no lad I swear they're all legal

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The ONS said the average man in England was 5ft 9in (175.3cm) tall and weighed 13.16 stone (83.6kg).

>that's the first and Iast thing HC said to them

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they should've nuked us in the 80s along with the rest of west, modern life is rubbish

Ackley Bridge is disgusting lads

if you find this unattractive, you are a paedophile

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shut the fuck up dreary cunt

is this some sort of recent a phenomenon ? my dad is only 5'6 and he never had any of these problems growing up.

Lads, does anybody know of any service online where you can speak to somebody, who won't just ask for photos or show you their dick?

I really need to vent.

try a chatbot :^)

Yeah if you include all teh deformed and little pakis.

wtf I love nonces now

Your mum never had access to internet dating where she could find a 6'2 chad at the drop of a hat.

>tfw have asian male body type and hair/eye colour

alright you're ok lad

Does replika work on pc, just a chat thing but always asks how you are. Perfect for venting
Good shout

>people born in 1998 are now 20

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True, but all of my manlet mates dont have any problems. my 5'7 mate used to be shagging a model and all of the 5'7/5'8 lads i knew in uni had gf's

face the facts, if you are attracted to any woman below the age of thirty, you are a paedophile.

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No I need opinion too.

Many a flying Ant out in Bromley tonight lads. Might Grab the Lynx and lighter and head outside into battle

>pissing my prime years away in my room
i really don't want these feels

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Are there still people who dont go to uni

perfect i'm only into 30+ anyway

>But today, the number of children having sex with adults is beyond belief.
>If you define a child as anyone under 30, the figure is over 86 per cent.

Time is so fast

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Where in Bromley you at? Fancy a pint in the Maxwell?

whew good job im only attracted to bois

it would be a waste of time for me to go

I legit cried for a bit when X died lad, I'm still not over it

me too that's why I was wondering. hopefully university as a norm dies out because it's stupid

Lads I'm 28 and have a few shit Alevels, definitely not enough for a decent uni, and 5 years work experience in a shit job.

Is there actually any way to turn my life around or is it too late. I feel so ready to kickstart my life but I honestly can't think of anywhere to start. Fucking wish I'd sorted my mental health out at 18. Would rather top myself than commit to a lifetime of stacking shelves with teenage colleagues.

Will take any legitimate advice.

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>Are there still people who dont go to uni
Yeah most posters are, but it's nothing to brag about so it we feel under-represented.

Become an apprentice in a field that interests you

Have you thought about going into some kind of support worker role? They're not always terrible salaries and the work itself is rewarding. If you're willing to specialise and train on the job, you can really open up options for yourself.

>they should've nuked us in the 80s along with the rest of west, modern life is rubbish


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>definitely not enough for a decent uni
Then don't go to a decent uni. Go to a shit uni, get a 2:1 then do a masters at a decent to good uni. Or do a foundation year at a decent uni then a proper degree, you usually don't need more than 3 Ds

Teach English abroad.

You can see why i didn't go, too dumb

We should threes up on Lauren Tomlin from Orpinton desu

I don't think its stupid but the introduction of all the meme degrees has significantly reduced the overall standard