Since Jow Forums is a Trump circlejerk, I want to see your thoughts...

Since Jow Forums is a Trump circlejerk, I want to see your thoughts. Is there seriously nothing the USA can do about Trump? It is unbelievable to me that one person could so thoroughly destroy the USA's reputation around the world and mess things up so badly with all our allies in under 2 years. It seems unfathomable to me that this is being allowed to continue. I honestly hope there is some kind of "deep state" that is making plans otherwise we are fucked.

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he fixed America.

It's time for the west to end user. Trump is doing what needs to be done for the good of humanity. Just let it go.

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That a single man is so vehemently and constantly demonized by every mainstream source of information and government surely means he is doing something right.

closer to Jow Forums's thoughts, sorry. have you considered there's something wrong with the EU and the massive push for "diversity" at the expense of culture and history? everybody is not the same, and everybody should not be the same. the only way to fix it at this point is to burn it all down.

besides, in 2024 or whatever, we'll go back to stooge A vs. stooge B and be sold back out for cheap foreign labor and multinationals.

should we really care about our 'reputation' when pic related are the kinda people we're pissing off? nah.

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But the EU honestly isnt that crazy about immigrants, either, they should had a government crisis in Germany over it, and the EU just agreed to limit immigration.

after watching msnbc enough I know he is a racist homophobic transphobic anti semitic xenophobic bigot and as a jewish MtF transgender it scares me to see his nazi supporters in public. Anyone who supports him is literally a bigot and after he gets impeached for collusion or his affair with stormy daniels I am hoping his supporters go to prison too.

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He is destroying America, or at least the American world order. That's why the MSM (except maybe Fox news) hates him so much. This is a good thing.

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Trump is the man. I love him like a father figure.

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Why would we want to do something about the guy who
>defeated isis in months
>brought peace to the Korean peninsula
>created more jobs than there are citizens
>lowered unemployment for blacks to record lows
>repaired the damage to our international reputation where everyone thought we would spread our cheeks for every demand
>enforced and revitalized our borders after years of neglect

And did all this while the world media did everything it could to smear him, Democrats refused to work with, and his own party tried repeatedly to block his nomination in the first place

I don't think we have seen abetter us president since George Washington.

Inb4 "all the good stuff is Obama because my budgets" because Trump was making deals left and right before even taking office, and was able to EO a bunch of things right out there gate.

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he is destroying mongrelized America, yes.

He's "destroying" America in the eyes of cuckold faggots who like to film black men fucking their wives and wear chastity cages. Which is most likely you since you're an anime poster.

>>brought peace to the Korean peninsula
North Korea is actually building more nukes. Trump made the situation WORSE by agreeing to their concessions

>defeated isis in months
By allowing Russia to move in and actually do something about it. Trump himself simply told the US military to stop cockblocking them. He also sent more arms to the literal communists in Rojava, which is why Turkey is so insanely mad right now.

>proof of pol invasion

But anyway,

>caring who the fucking president is

Go back to pol idiot.

Electing a geriatric media whore was really what the younger generations needed to become politically active, in that sense he may be beneficial.

He is however, the only american political figure that other countries pay attention to. So, other countries are going to be seeing us as a bunch of senile incompentents with little regard for human life for while.

>Is there seriously nothing the USA can do about Trump?
No, he'd have to do something illegal that other politicians care about for that to happen. He himself has not done anything of that level and nobody gives a shit what his staffers do evidently
>It is unbelievable to me that one person could so thoroughly destroy the USA's reputation around the world and mess things up so badly with all our allies in under 2 years.
Our reputation was already shitty enough that it doesn't really matter and other world leaders realize he's a populist autist like every other populist autist. World relations are pretty immediate and they'll recover as soon as we get a more usual dipshit in office
Keep in mind a good 40% of the people in this shithole country connect with him pretty well, so it's not like he's much different from other recent presidents in that regard (it's probably even above average)

No wonder you leftie fags are on r9k, maybe if you weren't such crybabies you'd be out there getting pussy. Grow some testosterone factories.

>not liking anime
>obsessed with cuck shit
Go back to r/T_D.

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As a non-americlap, Trump hasn't destroyed the US reputation. Right wing people have a varied opinion of Trump and America and left wing people hate Trump but they've always hated America and right wing presidents so that's to be expected.

Prove me how Trump meeting Kim, the first time a US president meets someone from NK in like millenia, is a bad thing?

I voted for trump in the hope that he would destroy the society I hate. This world is just too far gone. We need a purge, and his actions, whether by design or accident, will facilitate the cleansing.

>muh reputation
t. somebody who wasn't old enough to remember george w. bush's or Sr's presidency

leftist tactics never change, trump just has them in more of a fever pitch. they call every right wing president a fascist and baby killer.

The work isn't done, but you would have to be a fool to think the peninsula isn't significantly safer than it was before, or that it's future prospects of lasting peace aren't better.

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North Korea having nukes is actually the good for the region, since it means that the US won't try to turn them into a new Libya.

i would argue trump isn't even right wing, the western world has just gone so retardedly left and "global" that even moderate people are now being considered nazis.

based political cartoons

Trump is going to be in prison by the end of the year. The GOP is going to disown him once the Mueller investigation flares up more, the stock market inevitably tanks, and he loses control of the Senate and the House. Trump and his associates are guilty of an insane amount of illegal bullshit and their time is coming.

You heard it here first.

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>r9k is your safespace

no? go back to lgbt

Eurofags, leafs, and Mexicans have always been salty towards us, now they're just being more open about it. He'll be forgotten the second he's out of office the same way Bush, Obama, Billy Cunton, and so many others have been.

>thinking trump will save/destroy america
god damn.
the msm only hates him because they're drama queens and these alt-right fags only support him to fuck with the SJWs.
anyone who gives this much of a fuck about politics should neck themselves.

>he didnt save America

non voting KEK detected

Arnold actually dislikes trump, brainlet

>i would argue trump isn't even right wing, the western world has just gone so retardedly left and "global" that even moderate people are now being considered nazis.
America is one of the most right wing nations in the west. Also it's ironic that Americans are whining about "globalism" when their government is the reason globalism exists in the first place. America is the primary beneficiary of the current geopolitical order. If Trump succeeds in destroying it, then America will diminish. That's why the other elites are freaking out about him.

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The republicans drank the kool aid therea not much that can be done until midterms. Lets see how much he fucks shit up with his braindead tariffs.

>tariffs protect America
>cant access American markets without paying the toll

keep your garbage out of the U.S.!

i don't disagree with you actually. i just think most of his positions are moderate. i don't think we should be sticking our nose into every little thing either. it's fine if we diminish and isolate a bit more. there are plenty of things to fix at home while we're off in syria for some retarded reason, as if toppling and destabilizing secular governments in that part of the world has yielded any benefit in the last 2 or 3 decades.

>their government
>America is the primary beneficiary
>the other elites

You're so close... Just open your eyes a little bit further.

Trump has been far more agressive then Obama in syria

I don't think trump is that bad in the long run. A candidate successfully breaking the current 2 ideology monopoly is something people have wanted too see for a good while, and now we have it. Not to mention, some of his policies are relatively moderate in comparison to his alternatives.

Until you can give me a logical reason to dislike him and not HURR RACISM HURR SEXISM then shut the fuck up.

>You heard it here first.

You sound exactly like every other left-wing crybaby on the internet.

t. Sissy anime boi

>complains about pol
>is leftypol
why do that?

I don't care what Trump says or does.

But by lowering my taxes 5%, he basically gave me a raise at work. My checks have been about $75 higher. Definitely getting and 2nd vote from me in 2020.

>America is one of the most right wing nations in the west
You realise we're talking about a country that invented a million new genders and sexualities, cuck fetish, the gay pride parade, political correctness and tumblr, a country where "blacked .com" is a popular porn site and where "gender studies" is an actual university major?

I mean, it's no Germany or Sweden, but...


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>making everyone upset automatically validates you

Wrong kid. Honestly Trump isn't even that bad since he's more obsessed with posturing than policy but the fact that he provides no real leadership means that establishment republicunts can push world-destroying policy with corporate backing. Democrats would and have done the same, so I'm sure things would be similarly retarded if Shillary were in office, but as an America, I at least prefer to have a president that isn't Putin's bitch.

hilary is russia's bitch. she sold lethal uranium to russia and iran. weapons to hezbollah in saudi arabia

There's more to politics than social issues. America is right wing because it has absolutely no labor party and it's two official parties are both explicitly liberal capitalist. Also
>has no healthcare
>soon no abortions either lol
>almost no unions in the private sector
>always trying to privatize shit
>crumbling social safety net
>and more
America is right wing but also dying. It's a positive feedback loop. The more it dies the more right wing its population becomes. I would not be surprised if Trump or his successor(s) went full 1488 before the end.

>created more jobs than there are citizens
>lowered unemployment for blacks to record lows
That was fucking Obama how are you giving him credit for that
>brought peace to the Korean peninsula
The Koreans have thought about piece multiple times then they call a meeting and shit and then it all falls apart and the fact that, that faggots friend even mentioned the Libya model and this idiot never told him to shutup and instead agreed shows he's an idiot
>defeated isis in months
All thanks to Iraq the Kurdish and Russians
>repaired the damage to our international reputation where everyone thought we would spread our cheeks for every demand
Your delusional your country was already an asshole when it came to deals but this shithead is destroying relationships with allies by these shit trade wars he believes are amazing

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Don't worry, Ameribro. There is absolutely no way I could ever hate the country that created Cadillac and Pontiac.

TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!!!!


unironically the only reason i care about trump

sweet, succculent sjw tears uwu

Well stated and 1000% true

North Korea hasn't used a nuke on civilians. I trust them more than Amerifats who'll go to war with any Country McDonalds and Walmart want to expand into

Same here. I get more money each paycheck just because of Trump. Fucking Hillary wanted to steal MORE money from each of my paychecks. Fuck the commie Democrats. TRUMP ALL THE WAY!

post yfw trump approves federal decriminalization of cannabis near the end of his term and everyone forgets about everything else

Plus she caused the destruction of Libya, which you will note, became the LAUNCHING PAD for millions of Africans to invade Europe. Coincidence? Fuck no. All part of Killary and the Globalists plan to destroy Europe.

North Korea has no jew central bank thats why we are being brainwashed into wanting it gone.

Also a reminder that no other country or ideology has killed as many people as American imperialism, be it millions of Iraqi citizens who were in the way of oil for boomer mobity scooters, millions of Vietnamese citizens who dared to not have certain bankers control their country and many more countries who suffered under them

>blue boards
>implying in all my years of 4chen I've shitposted on some normalfaggot tier ethics board


i truly don't care about politics, it makes absolutely no difference in my life who the president is. oh well, keep crying about it, im sure that will do some good

This is a waste of time but I'm going to give you a serious answer.

Trump is the inevitable reaction to the neoliberal order. He won election as a populist. People had the sense that the elites were screwing them over, and when offered the choice between an outsider and an establishment figure, voted for Trump thinking that he would finally change things. As it turns out, his common touch won him the election but the fact remained that he was by definition an elite himself. He surrounded himself with family and business cronies but when they proved insufficient to staff key government positions he turned to the usual suspects: Goldman Sachs executives, former Bush administration figures, and even some of his rivals for the presidential nomination.

The media's reaction was to normalize a decidedly unstable and unintelligent man, as if him taking on the title of the Presidency made him at all presidential. They are financially motivated to act as if the current situation is normal. In many ways it is, in terms of the corporate incentive structure they operate in. They might be able to gaslight most Americans, but from the outside it's clear that our democratic traditions have unravelled. The damage to American leadership in the world from loss of credibility in trade and diplomacy is going to be irreversible. America First in effect means America Alone against a very pissed off world, traditional allies as well as adversaries.

The Democratic Party was concerned about maintaining its donor base and Trump made for an excellent foil. Obama made no effort to dismantle the surveillance regime before handing the keys over to his successor, because he knew that one day Democrats would be in power again and didn't care to rebuild it from scratch. The intelligence community, or so-called deep state, was not indifferent to all of this, but again, from their perspective administrations come and go. I prefer to refer to them as the "permanent state."

>doesnt deny being a faggot


Her Libs, enjoy drowning in the RED WAVE coming this November 6th!!!! You are about to get BTFO at the voting booths again! Can't wait to see all the tears you faggots will shed.

And once Ginsberg dies in a few months, SCOTUS will be 9-3!

Fuck all you communist Libtards. This is America!!!!

hap py bomer day

like and share if u

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You forgot you mention that Trump is doing a fantastic job and is the only person with balls if enough to stand up to the commie globalist Jews trying to destroy the white race.

lol not even close there che

I was going to get to that but I hit the character limit.

Trump is a puppet controlled by communist globalist jews our only hope is Kanye west

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Kill yourself nigger lover

What a brainlet
Trump is a Jewish puppet controlled by the deep state

people all over the world love Trump, the media just won't report it. As a European I am glad to see him taking a firm stance against weak leadership in the EU and Canada

We are so extraordinarily luck he won.

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Trump will isolate the US financially and militarily. Fitting for a nation that is no longer part of the first world.
Which is great for the EU, since they need their own army and can do business with true first world countries just fine.

How is Fox News not mainstream?

Lol Eurocuck Bois are retarded.
Whiter than you Muhammad.

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>I honestly hope there is some kind of "deep state" that is making plans otherwise we are fucked.

They are and it's to make him win the next election. All the presidents since FDR have been decided well in advance. Trump is the best person to have in office to fulfill their plans. They wanted people like you to make posts like this

retard who does't understand tax hikes.

have fun footing the bill in 8 years.

>America is one of the most right wing nations in the west
spotted the yuropooria cuck lol

>destroy the USA's reputation
He's only a national embarrassment if you listen to the MSM and Redditors.

>mess things up so badly with all our allies
Most of our allies are generally safer now than they were under Obama.

everyone hated us to begin with and theyre all mad king nigger isn't president and hillary didn't win like they wanted