What makes you get up in the morning?

what makes you get up in the morning?

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>what makes you get up in the morning?

Anime, internet, thoughts of you.

>thoughts of (you).
here you go pal

You know when you can't sleep anymore and just twist and turn around in bed for an hour until even that starts getting old? Yeah.

having to pee really bad

My waifu
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I get up in the afternoon

My mom will get pissed at me if I stay in bed forever
I could probably sleep for days but she hates when I sleep longer than her, she barely sleeps 6 hours since she naps on the couch all night before she goes to bed

Jow Forums and hentai

The Sun coming through my window

And my imaginary wife.

den wecker

not being able to sleep more. i just want to sleep.

If not weekday (work) then back pain from my shitty bed

work... or my alarm if you want me to be even more of an smartass.

Vyvanse - 60mg

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If I stay in bed too long I get aches and pains.

I eventually can't fall back asleep

the alarm clock

if that doesn't wake me up then my phone starts ringing 30 minutes after my alarm clock goes off

The fear that if I fall back asleep I'll have another nightmare.

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the feeling that my LEGOs have been alone for nine hours

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The hope to one day see a race war, or nuclear war.

Not even joking, I got nothing else.

Just wait 18 months, and you will see even more... if you're so lucky to manage to keep alive.

My gf and the future we planned together

If a race war would have started it would have been in the 50's

he added "or nuclear war".

Well, it's about year 2020 - there are three options (not mutually exclusive):

- a celestial event (Sun related; more probably asteroids)
- an Earth-related event (probably the Yellowstone Caldera going apeshit, but there are other options because of "earthquake weapon", the "draught weapon" and similar ones)
- a human-induced event (a worldwide financial crash is less probable than NASA "celestial weapon" or a pandemy scenario).

While the third is sure to happen (because "you know who" have been planning to exterminate 85% of Earth population), the first two may or may not happen.

>- a celestial event
>- an Earth-related
>- a human-induced event

that's good to

I still got my LEGOs from the 80's when I was a kid, pic related

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A chemical response in my brain.

Need to piss. Originally and totally

The hope for a better future. It's ridiculous how many opportunities people have that they don't take advantage of.

My fucking god, that room earned a (you)

I literally hear a knock on my bedroom door and no one is there.
I know it's my mind playing tricks on me.
But it's startling enough to jolt me awake.

The numbers going up on my bank account at the end of the month.

my body forces me to, and i wish it didnt

At this point, I honestly don't know. I don't have anything in specific that makes me get up, but I feel like if I were to give up now I'd be a waste. It's important to me that I improve myself.

this but i don't wake up in the morning ever

when i can no longer sleep

My alram clkocke.

OCD the original kind

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Anime, vidya and my writing

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I normally wake up in the afternoon

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going to bathroom to pee takes less effort than changing my mattress and sheets

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the desire to do drugs

My girlfriend telling me she loves me.

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Obligation at the expense of my income.

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based malk poster

Hunger and the ambition to get shredded. Probably not gonna happen tho lmao.

Not really having a choice
More autism

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More like money for new switch vidya