One week without pic related

>one week without pic related
S-she's coming back right guys??

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Other urls found in this thread:

Afraid she's gone for goodd

Don't encourage roasties. Let them be themselves in the paradise of normiedom.

Who is this thott?

I see no thot, but the beautiful maiden in my image is Muffy.
I have faith she'll come back. Her heart is too pure to abandon us forever.

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I love her so much, I need her back in my life.

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Muffy please come back ree

Attached: c2c2bc6f99421d0477a95bd21020088adf06e1013d49badb967151d7284ee7c9.jpg (900x1125, 99K)

who is she new to 4cahn

Wow I didn't know you guys dipped from orbiting crack whores like Ciara to literal traps.

Funny meme, lad. Did you hear that one on reddit?

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Why do you guys think it's okay to orbit ugly bitches like this?! Just shut up!! Muffy and every other fake quirky girl is ugly and gross, case closed.

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Where is brooke

She is the perfect girl.
In the trash where she belongs.

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Who the fuck cares

>perfect girl
Maybe in your dreams. She only shows what she wants you and every other orbiter to see. Get a life.

Attached: 06340907-b2e5-4266-a655-27332983c072.png (951x960, 433K)

She is flawless in both looks and personality.

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i want to watch franz glaze her muffins does that make me a cuck?

Attached: muffy gives hugs to the ones she loves.gif (340x200, 1.83M)

>ywn be the nazi chad who pounds her loli ass
feels bad

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WhaTever you say bro

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I wonder what she's doing right now...

Attached: dd436db3de5fbb6f9a9a9749025e7087dfaac4aba86a4bab88cc13279a0cc8cf.jpg (767x1280, 235K)

>I wonder who she's doing right now...

Dumb question, Muffy is asexual.

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fembot called Muffy that is collecting orbiters


Attached: 1529796207830.png (1500x1000, 1.48M)

>no friends
>never leaves house
>never had a boyfriend
>possible autism
Yes, fembot.

take your meds mate

You fuckers need to leave this board you beta orbiting cancer shit skulls

i want muffy to crush my worthless peepee

calm down user

i think we both know your the orbiter here

cool user, thats interesting I am Hikki as well so dont leave house.
umm ind adding me on discord and chat?

I'm not her. Sadly she has left the internet.

This thread is STILL alive?! I hope every single one of you get permanently banned for being the most pathetic human beings in existence.

>Sadly she has left the internet.
i wasn't aware discord was not part of the internet

Well unless you're one of the 4 people who has her discord, it doesn't make much of a difference.

anyone have gatter or franz discord? i need to talk to muffy

Just talk to her on tumblr.

she wont talk to me. i need gatter or franz to talk to muffy so i can talk to her. please guys i need to talk to her

Lol imagine a pack of niggers cornering muffy and ripping her expensive lolita dress to shreds and raping her until her asshole started bleeding and then smashed her head in with a hammer leaving her naked corpse in a trash bin

>please guys i need to talk to her
Why so urgent? She's not going to date you lad.

Nigga she was last months flavor of the month, she even left the internet already because of orbiters.

We have to settle this lads. We HAVE to find out what kind of panties she wears. I propose we put a bounty on her panties.

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i just need to talk to her. please give their discords

>never had a boyfriend
She's dating a Chad user

Stop posting this fake news.

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Jfc you lot of orbitcel creepy fags

He's right though, she's dating me. We've already had cyber sex many times, forget it bros.

blyat i chad fucking your goth girls!

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Operation prove your waifu isn't as pure as you think commence.

>This steals your waifu
Just fuck my shit up

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She doesn't even talk to Franz. He just orbits from a distance.

Please, Muffy, come back!!

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She looks like a boy in a wig

>looking straight into my eyes
So ronery

She has the most beautiful doe eyes

Looks like it's just not possible.

She is so fucking perfect

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Just imagine those big beautiful eyes looking up at you and she takes you inside her mouth.

Lewding Muffy is prohibited.

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Jesus those bangs are awful

Where can I find more about her?

Just imagine those big beautiful eyes looking at you as you cuddle up in bed.

She deleted her instagram and curiouscat unfortunately, but her tumblr is still up.


literally means jack shit. bet she is cuddling with brad right now after a steamy session of fucking

Muffy would never ever have sex unless it was with me

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*deepfakes your internet attention whore*

>agatha 2.0
Where did that deepfakes user go on /agatha/?

Near impossible without any videos of her.

you make all the slavic men laugh

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The only peace I have with her being gone is that she will never fall in love with an orbiter. So it's not like I or anybody had a chance.

>So it's not like I or anybody had a chance.
don't say that to you know who

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Except for those 4 people she added on Discord.

I was so close to being happy you fucking asshole

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>implying she's suddenly going to become more attracted to men
>implying that it's going further than friendship (she added four different guys-what do you think is going to happen) and that she isnt aware of that fact that these orbiters want to be more than friends

It's already been confirmed she's dating one of them. You faggots are clueless.

>coping this hard
It's okay user, I wasn't one of the chosen few either. this is just our fate.

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Probably got a boyfriend or something I bet. This skank is done with orbiters like you

different user post proof plz so I have suifuel

Is her face supposed to be drooping off the skull like that?

She has cute chubby cheeks!

Attached: 78nU.gif (480x270, 498K)

Nice proof faggots. So like I mentioned above.

Many of the toxic anons have driven her away I'm afraid, and I don't think she's coming back.

Muff is not ugly Boris, go eat semechki somewhere else

I have faith she is coming back. She wouldn't just leave us forever.

>She wouldn't just leave us forever

I thought the same about Marky.

Marky is a slut who showed her tits and got her pussy blasted by sam.

>Marky is a slut who showed her tits and got her pussy blasted by sam.

Maybe. It's your opinion. But the point is I orbited her, I talked to her from time to time and then she just she left forever. Never assume anything with these chan girls.

Maybe? She objectively did the two things I mentioned. Do you think she even thinks about you anymore while you still remember her? Orbiters are a dime a dozen.

>She objectively did the two things I mentioned
Doesn't make her a slut, and it isn't necessarily a bad thing to be a slut either.

>Do you think she even thinks about you anymore while you still remember her? Orbiters are a dime a dozen.
That's what I'm trying to say.