One thing I've noticed about normies who try to give us advice is that they assume we, like them...

One thing I've noticed about normies who try to give us advice is that they assume we, like them, were also normal at one point, or not losers, or whatever. Like, they talk as if what we are experiencing right now is a phase, or a temporary lull in an otherwise happy life. I don't know about you guys, but I never had friends, and I was never normal. I was made fun of and rejected the moment I tried to interact others at a very young age. I have Aspergers, and so I was never able to understand others, I never made any friends, I've never even talked to a girl outside of my family before, aside from elementary and middle school bullying. Once I was in highschool they went mute altogether, I tried occasionally to talk to some girls and they would ignore my presence. I never developed the skills for even talking to other people, let alone maintaining a relationship. I did poorly on my schoolwork, had a weak body, and have been sick 75% of the time that I have been alive. I'm 21 now, I've never worked in a job, I failed out of highschool, I've never had a friend before, and will be dying before 45 from a combination of medical issues. Now I know not every robot is quite as much of a loser as I am, but I imagine for a good many that they do not possess the necessary ability to interact with other humans properly, even if they did "just get out there". I know, I tried. I was laughed at and humiliated, time and time again. I tried so many times, and I never got anything. Face it, some people are incompatible with society. We are the dregs that would have been culled in the past, so leave us to rot away in hidden peace.

Robots are born, not made

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Suck my dick you normie faggots.

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It's not fair how little people care about kids with special needs. Not one bothering teaching kids about how other kids do things differently. It's like they don't care about how much we get left out and how hard it is to socialise and what it feels like. Why can't people just understand we'rw not that bad and we can make great friends

You don't understand, user. We're deformities, we aren't supposed to exist. Morally they may feel like helping us, but their instinct is to reject us from society, or even destroy us. The nail that sticks out will be hammered down, and if you believe they ever cared you are mistaken.

Agreed to be desu, I'm in my mid 20s now and I've been like this since I was a kid, there's nothing physically wrong with me but I was always different which led to me getting bullied throughout most of my childhood, somehow I developed OCD somewhere along the way too, I only learned how to talk to socialise without making a fool out of myself in the last few years, luckily I have had 2 friends before as a teenager but I just can't maintain relationships with other people which is part of the reason I'm so lonely today.

Normalfag advice is useless because I feel so utterly indifferent to the rules and expectations of the society that we live in, our lifestyles and the way we think are polar opposite.

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Did something happen today to trigger this thread? also I agree. I still believe what one user told me about how people are born to fail at life and I thibk that's sort of true desu with how shit I'm doing

Because they weren't supposed to exist in the first place, being literal mistakes. Which is why in literally any other time period in history they'd be culled saving them what would be a life of literal suffering and meaninglessness. Some of us were just destined to be cannon fodder but for some fucking reason everyone now suddenly pretends to care when they clearly don't.

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you have a mental development disorder, that's not really the sort of people this sort of person this kind of advice is aimed at.

This. It would same life is some kind of pain factory, in all its forms. If you don't believe me, just watch aquatic predation in ANY form, its fucking terrible.
Humans that have thise "perfect" lives serve their part too- they live as comparison to our lives, so we might know exactly what it is that we lack and/or desire.

That's basically what I said, get some reading comprehension. Normies posting here think these are all just "late bloomers". The vast majority of anons do have or would have been diagnosed with aspergers/autism. I was not diagnosed until I was 21 years old. This advice is aimed at other normies who are in a rough spot, or normies that are low on the normie food chain. They are literally incapable of comprehending what a robot actually is.

For real though, death to the norms. We will inherit the earth.

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I think that's the key thing, always being different. When you're like that, it's impossible to assimilate with society. Can't fit a square peg in a round hole and all that.

How can we beat them though? They're better than us in everything

We don't have to fight them to win. Eventually when society collapses they'll all kill eachother first while we're safe in our caves. All we have to do is pick up the pieces, it's more likely that we'll all starve to death though, but at least we lasted longer than them.

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>That's basically what I said, get some reading comprehension
So, why do you take offense at me repeating what you said?
I repeated it, because despite you saying it, you're not understanding what you are saying. How do you tell someone has a mental disorder or just a little odd? Where do you draw line? How does someone who doesn't really know anything about psychology tell the difference.

I can see that you are somewhat autistic, because you either refuse to or are unable to empathize with these people.

>The vast majority of anons do have or would have been diagnosed with aspergers/autism
I don't think calling everyone here retarded is appropriate, but I forgive you for saying these things. You don't know any better, after all.

>I was not diagnosed until I was 21 years old
I am not surprised since the criteria have become far more lenient in recent years, as a child I wouldn't have gotten diagnosed 20 years ago, but I would have been if I was the same back then.
You shouldn't take these sorts of opinions at face value, because what forms them is influenced by the sign of the times

>They are literally incapable of comprehending what a robot actually is.
I think it's highly presumptuous of you to equate being sad, hopeless and lonely with being retarded.
I still feel this way, despite being functionally neurotypical.

did anyone actually find who this guy irl

Who's the anime girl you've been using? Just random or is she from somewhere?

This is how some oldfag (also meaning age) can tell you are almost underage or in your early 20s.

You don't even know the DESU meme probably.


Well, actually, I know normies can't tell that about robots, that's why I made this thread as a sort of way for normies to actually understand, at least on some level, what a robot actually is. Being sad, hopeless, or lonely doesn't make you a robot, any normie can be sad or lonely or hopeless. It's what came before and after that makes the difference, and why they are sad, lonely and hopeless.
>So, why do you take offense at me repeating what you said?
The implication that most robots are relatively normal.
>How do you tell someone has a mental disorder or just a little odd? Where do you draw line? How does someone who doesn't really know anything about psychology tell the difference.
Luckily, I do know quite a bit about psychology. Having dealt with undiagnosed autism for all my childhood, I made it a point to read up on what I probably had and know how to deal with it. I have a wealth of knowledge of all the behavioral patterns that have remained consistent in diagnoses of autism. Unless they are outright lying completely, the majority of these people without a doubt are on the autism spectrum, and far enough on it to be incapable of interacting in society properly at all.

I understand, though. You are normal and don't know what you are talking about. You have not only a flawed understanding of robots, but also a misunderstanding of autism. Perhaps this thread will shine some light on it. I mean no offense by the way, as I am sure my autism will make certain parts of my post insensitive.
She is from Rosen Maiden.

I'll spoonfeed you just this once Mr. Newfriend. It's Suigintou from Rozen Maiden

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>Rosen Maiden.

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Thank you for telling me and viewing me as a friend :0
I wish I knew what else to say but I never know what to say that people might want to hear about

Also thank you everyone else for helping me. I appreciate it

Yes. They might have made friends but don't realize that some can't make them in the same way as they did.

I personally never made friends in school. A neighbor that a family member knows the child of, I would hang around, though not for long. Being in foster care is the only reason I made friends ever because the peers are forced into your life. What school member, or as an adult, coworker, or random shopper, I don't know, would randomly force themselves into your lives? I think plenty odd people here forget they had the friends introduced. From then on you use what was given to you, if nothing was, no confidence can give you momentum, nor actual friends that slowly leave you will carry your forward either.

I'm glad you're at peace with your situation, but it's a bit false to say that people with autism don't have friends or can't be fun.

R9k is long gone, OP. Its all normieville now.

>being this new
Faggot. Get out, this is an animu shitposting site and you must watch all famous animu before posting.

I resent being called retarded for being autistic when I have a high IQ score. Normies want everyone to believe different = stupid.

>Well, actually, I know normies can't tell that about robots, that's why I made this thread as a sort of way for normies to actually understand, at least on some level, what a robot actually is
No, that's not your intent. Your intent is to proclaim what you associate with the term "robot" as the only truth there is. What you say is right and what everyone else may say is not, that is your intent. How typical that you do not know what you are saying.

>It's what came before and after that makes the difference, and why they are sad, lonely and hopeless.
Can you be more accurate, before and after what, exactly?

>The implication that most robots are relatively normal.
I never said or implied that, you believe that I did, because you try to force the way you yourself are onto the collective. This seems rather typical of someone who doesn't understand basic social conventions.

>Luckily, I do know quite a bit about psychology
Who cares, I am not talking about you, couldn't you tell?

>I have a wealth of knowledge of all the behavioral patterns that have remained consistent in diagnoses of autism
Yes, that may well be. However, there's this thing called "severity". People have become much more sensitive and decided that things that used to be ordinary quirks are not pathological.

>Unless they are outright lying completely, the majority of these people without a doubt are on the autism spectrum, and far enough on it to be incapable of interacting in society properly at all.
interesting that you so firmly believe that autism, a fairly rare condition is the only reason people might withdraw. It's not like there's a whole treasure trove of disorders, with a vast variety in their manageability, right?
No, it has to be autism, because you have autism. You feel justified in being a failure a recluse, because, of course, everyone who is, is like you, at least to some extent.

You seem a bit upset. What was it that annoyed you? Do you not like being told that your wonderful posts full of "advice" are useless?

>too intelligent to get a job
>too intelligent to get a social life
>too intelligent to have sex or a gf
>too intelligent to be happy

Protip: They mean you're not wise.

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I'm just trying to have a conversation here. I am not interested in giving people advice or anything.
What concerns me is this obsession with telling people that they are mentally ill, so I tried understanding why someone might do so. Why would you take this as a personal attack?

Don't be shy now, let's talk about it.

You could also be a covert narcissist

I believe OP is right in saying that we aren't supposed to exist but he's going about it the wrong way. We aren't supposed to exist YET. I believe we are the next evolution of man, a superior human slowly coming into existence otherwise why would the rates of autistic people etc. be rising? Society simply isn't ready to adapt or accept this new breed of Supermen at this point, once the normies die off and newer generations are born, we will slowly come to power and change the way we educate our young, and live in general to accodomate our new evolution, humanity will reach the stars.

Autism, uh, isn't a mental illness. It's a physical and psychological variation, inherent to someones genetics, that makes people inable to communicate properly and become very physically sensitive to light, sound, objects, etc. It doesn't matter what you call it though, people with those traits cannot assimilate properly, or at all, unless they are the highest of functioning. I'm not sure why scientific definitions of what is and isn't autism would matter when people with certain traits wouldn't be accepted whether they were called autists or not. I'm simply trying to explain that robots possess mental variations incompatible with normal human society. Autism, personality differences, quirks, whatever you call, they still exist. I guess I want normies to stop assuming everyone is on the same level, that everyone is equal.
I'm definitely narcissistic, can't really help it. Traits of autism and narcissism are pretty similar, and autists do tend to be narcissistic to some degree.

Well, when I said that we weren't supposed to exist, i meant that society was not created and formed with people like us in mind. We were not in the plans for society when it was designed subconsciously and consciously by thousands of years of development by the average peoples.

Tbh I'm 25 and dunno that girl. But I do know the desu meme. Well, I think it's a fucking retarded meme, but maybe it was funny back then.

I fucking hate when people do this. It's text, you can control the pace of your thoughts, these filler words mean literally nothing and are not supposed to be there.

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>Autism, uh, isn't a mental illness
Call it a condition, if you like, it's functionally a mental illness.

>I'm simply trying to explain that robots possess mental variations incompatible with normal human society
That's an interesting sentiment, however, where do these variations come from and are they manageable or not? Surely, not all of them are as debilitating as yours.

>I guess I want normies to stop assuming everyone is on the same level, that everyone is equal.
That's nice, but people like you are in the extremely minority even here and as I said earlier people can't really tell that you are like that.
I know that you are really full of yourself, potentially incapable of expressing your thoughts sincerely and all that, but try to understand your position a little better.

Uh, like, YIKES. You really need to, like, chill out man, you know what I mean?

Uhmm dude, like, really?

You can either endure the pain of trying until something works, or you can endure the pain of being a loser. Or you can just end it all, and let your pain become your parents. The choice is yours.

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Normies give advice taht doesnt help.

We are broken
we are robots
we are fucked...

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The rates are probably rising because of better diagnosis and people being more willing to get themselves and their children diagnosed. If every human in society will be as self absorbed as you are then I fail to see how we will work together and reach anywhere.

No, I'm pretty sure most of the posters here are autistic
>sensitive to noise to the point that it angers them
>can't understand how to interact with other people, never have been able to
>have very particular tendencies and ways of doing things, like OCD but less about order and more about routine
>inability to empathize with other peoples situations when they are different from theirs (their inability to understand normies on any level)
>lack of self reflection
These are traits that I have observed being present in around 90-95% of posters on this board. You can argue about definitions, but you can not tell me that i did not see what i saw with my own eyes. Hence my note in the OP "unless they are lying about everything". The facts speak plainly, and they say that people who call themselves robots on this board tend to possess symptoms of autism.

If you tried to get under my skin, you failed miserably. You just wasted your time.

As for me? I post in the thread because I agree with OP, us robots are definitely fucked in the head.

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It's just bants m8, no hard feelings intended

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They can't understand user.

From birth their experiences have been different than ours. Imagine you're back to your kindergarten class. You got bullied all the time and you had no idea why. From day 1. The other kids rejected you. For most people, when they start school, the other kids are fundamentally nice. They might have some minor spats, but they get along in general. It's hard to believe, but that's how it is for most people. They all naturally want to be friends with each other, and a healthy framework for viewing others and the world is created. This early experience is deeply fundamental in how people view the world, and the vast majority of people have this view. This then extends into future social interactions. Because of this, most people are conditioned to seek out others and naturally become friends with them, without any real effort. They are liked and appreciated for who they are intrinsically, while we were reviled and hated. This starts from the beginning, and the rejects like us are separated pretty fast.

If you were to meet someone now they would feel deeply uncomfortable and dislike you. Initially, they would attempt to be friendly with you, and give cues to indicate that. Being the completely rejected loser you are, with no social experience, you can't even begin to pick up on these cues, and you would also be very defensive or fearful towards them. They'll assume you're unfriendly and some sort of "creep". You're effectively being penalized for being rejected as a kid.

The reality is, that people like us are defective, and would have been killed if we were alive in an earlier time. We are a blight on creation.

curious, do you know what confirmation bias is?

Oh, I see how it is. Well, if you and I can not agree on what the facts of reality are, then there is no conversation to be had. Unfortunately, you chose to be purposely obtuse. This is my last (you) I give to you.

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normie here
normie there
normie GET OUT

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Also, normies assume that you were like them, because almost everyone is like them. People like us are not terribly common.
Most normies have never seen someone like us, met someone like us, and probably have no idea that people like us exist. Even if they were aware, there is no way they can understand us. People have always been nice to them and liked them for who they are. They'll have to go against everything they believe to even begin to understand your situation.

To the normie, of course depression is just a temporary dip. You have numerous people who really care about you and don't want you to suffer, and lots to look forward to. Eventually you'll realize that again and be happy.

If you ever take a psychology class, you'll even learn that depression is a "time limited" disease. Because for normies, depression is just a little dip. Of course, for people like us depression is a lifelong companion. If you go to see a psychiatrist or psychologist they will most certainly have serious trouble understanding your complaints.

Normies are the ones who care about how you socialized but not how productive you are. They are the ones who abuse productive people minding their own business. I don't want to be social with these NPCs who hate passion and love the worst entertainment.

Brother you are so right. We will have a technological paradise when autists come to power. We are the logical and passionate ones. In 1995 we were only 1 in 500 people. Now we are 1 in 68.

What is the story behind this abuse you are implying.

Keep trying your best and I know it's a cliche at his point but really(it does help):
Be yourself

in school now i get picked on alot but i just started to see the way they act and now i can be a "normal" person and be myself when im not in school i dont get social cues but im not autistic so i cant see it from ur eyes but if i were u i would try to get a friend that is not toxic and they to act someone like him or her then if they fell like it they might have other friends like them that u can talk to.. idk i fell stupid sometimes this is aswell im just going to stop

Autism is the future. It has to be. We were meant to be a part of the new wave of humanity. Autism used to be 1 in 500 in 1995. Now it's 1 in 68. More of us are arriving to the planet.

You are not old enough to be on this site. Begone.

That was a nice cirlejerk, guys. Thanks for all the jizz.