Make LARP thread about mom finding my piss bottles

>make LARP thread about mom finding my piss bottles
>Aunt actually finds them in real life
They are on my desk. She would have seen them 100%. She hasn't said anything though.
I was thinking of getting her to think it's a prank, but I'm too cringe to mention it to her.
What am I supposed to do?

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IF she asks, just say you woke up int he night and had to piss badly and couldnt make it to thebathroom

fuck her raw, OP


>mummy found the poo bag

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I could but there was a pile on the floor that she may have seen if she went in far enough.
Pic related. I took it during SGDQ and it was the same one she would have seen. I cleaned it up this morning though.

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my mom has cleaned up my cum tissues while I was away and probably seen my piss bottles in my closet. who gives a shit. what's the worst that they can think? youre a loser? well if youre actually not a loser that thought wont last too long so in the end who cares

Why the fuck do you have piss bottles OP?

We are missing information here

Fucknig normalfaggot. If you have to ask you're not a robot

I am a normalfag because i don't fucking piss in bottles instead of the toilet?

No, you're a normalfag because you can't understand why someone would piss in a bottle instead of the toilet.

I am pretty sure there are many reason,

>Actually wake up in the night and can't make it to the batroom
>To save for later?????

I am just curious what the reason is.

Because I don't like leaving my room.

becxause we are autistic and avoid social interation. pissing ina bottle eliminates the chance when you dont have to open the door. now get the fuck off my boatrd

I am pretty sure you have to go downstairs to get food or drinks or whatever. EMPTY THEM THEN

I buy fast food and avoid the kitchen unless everyone else is sleeping.

Put some cider in a bottle and drink it in front of her, ask if she wants to try some as you've been dabbling with homebrewing.

what kind of fat tard you must be to have to pile up bottles of piss because you are too lazy to walk to the bathroom?

>sister found the cum cucumber
Are you too retarded to go to the toilet?

Make larp thread as a lottery winner now user see how it manifests irl

I'm actually what you would call a normie, not OP but I have a closet full of piss bottles and I have been fucking a pretty fine black girl three times a week. When I wake up in the morning and I have to piss, I can just roll out of bed, pick up a piss bottle, pee and fall back into bed and go to sleep. If I get up to pee, I get up, walk to the bathroom, pee, and walk back, which really kinda makes it hard to go back to sleep after

>actually having piss bottles
Nigger what the fuck it takes less than 1 minute to go to the bathroom
Get up your fucking ass for once

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i used to have piss bottles!!

Fucking NORMALFAGGOTS I don't do it because I'm lazy I do it because I don't want to leave my room. Fucking hell it's not that difficult of a concept.

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I got an idea, how about instead of autistically screeching about your secret club, you actually make an effort to improve your social skills?

Why? For what purpose?

I only use em at night when my parents are asleep, don't want to risk waking my dad and getting into trouble. I'm 24 BTW.

So you can be a semi-functional human being instead of some rabid animal? If you have virtually no social skills and one day your family decides to kick you out, you're basically fucked.

How about you leave our board and go catch another std. Don't you got loans to pay off? Get outta here

Professional interaction is not hard at all. What needs to be said is obvious because you both have business with each other. Paying a landlord to rent an apartment would be nothing.
Being around other people for no purpose is annoying.

I have neither of those things and I'm actually diagnosed with Asperger's, yet I can function pretty normally because I actually have a brain.

An annoyance that needs to be put up with. Sure, you can get a job and rent an apartment or something without much trouble, but if you actually want to get people to do things for you, you've got to learn how they work.

I don't want to control people. That would require me to be responsible for others' behavior. I'm not going to associate myself with someone else like that. They should leave me alone.

Did you not read what I said? If I wake my dad I'll get in deep shit. Don't wanna risk it, so I piss in my room and empty them in the morning. I still feel shame if someone was to ever see them. Also these threads are old as fuck why are you acting surprised about this? Unless your new here. Is that it?

i dont know why you faggots think people haven't been doing this shit for ages.
you do realize people used to straightup shit and piss in buckets and basins in their rooms and then dump them later as a normal thing dont you? you neither invented nor popularized this. you just want to do something to shock normies but youre just making them think youre pathetic invalidic faggots instead.

Cry more faggot. People didn't used to wear diapers and piss in them

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Not new here, just not keeping my mouth shut as per usual. Not feeling the best today so I don't care about holding my tongue. Also, I'm not sure you responded to the right person.

Some caffeine would pep you up.go buy a energy drink or drink a coffee

Nah man, by 'Not feeling the best' I mean I've come down with a nasty summer cold and I feel like crap.

Sorry Fren. Take some opiates and nod off into bliss

that pic is mental illness. Clean up ffs dude. how do you ever expect to feel better in that kinda environment

Clutter is comforting. Having a clean room means obligation and stress.

What are you, some kind of insect? That's literally a prey mentality, feeling safer in very cluttered spaces because it's harder for predators to see you.

That's a pretty insightful comment thanks.
I have not had a pleasant life so that makes a lot of sense.

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That's the difference between alphas and betas. Regardless of your upbringing, one makes a constant effort to improve themself and thinks like the apex predator we are, the other just wallows in their self-loathing and thinks like the prey we were.

Intellectual abilities are more relevant today than being Chad. If you are able to form professional connections and show people that you're competent you're far better off than the Chad who is trying to climb the office ladder.
Being a social recluse means you get to spend as much time as you want watching lectures, reading books, and studying.

drink more water fucking fatty

again, every fetish you can think of has been done to death by the normies you despise, they just dont have the hangups you do about it.

I never said anything about climbing the office ladder, what I meant was the difference in social attitude. Ideally you should find a balance. When do you plan to stop being a social recluse? Do you plan to actually do anything with your life? If you don't make an effort to improve you'll either end up offing yourself or wasting away.

>Chad who is trying to climb the office ladder

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It's not a fetish, normalfaggot. They give comfort and are utilitarian.

I'm studying quantum mechanics and mathematics. There are plenty of a-social recluses in these fields.

If Chad were only CEOs then you wouldn't have a problem finding a girl who wants to fuck you. Chad is common, CEOs are not.

if you arent talking fetishes then you think you invented shitting and pissing yourself? lol k

I didn't invent anything but normies don't wear diapers past the age of 2.

plenty of adults wear diapers for health reasons and sexual deviancy user. stop being such a retard.

Who the fuck said anything about CEO's. Chad has rich parents, is a male model, and is an instagram "lifestyle influencer".

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Only old people. Normies who have to for health reasons hide it.

dude just get a similar bottle fill it with oil and engineer a situation where you use some of the oil. make sure you say some bullshit about some oils give you bad reactions so you keep the oil to hand incase you decide to cook somthing.

thank me later

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Just say its juice, I promise cognitive dissonance will kick in and her memory will skew to make her think she just saw it wrong. It's so outlandish she probably has already written it off as something other than pee. Stop doing this though you absolute nigger just walk to the bathroom

Wow you are just human filth lol. I don't understand why you live? I guess never leaving your room you don't have the basic worldly understanding that you're a pointless succubus preying on innocent hardworking people (your family, govt, etc)

We understand why, we're just telling you its not a worthy reason and you're an absolute nigger. I'm about as chad as it gets to still go on this board and I still hate leaving my fucking room. I still do it though. My house on the other hand, i dont leave that shit

gonna need a story on that pic, boss
this but no so in depth, only answer questions if she asks and dont overdo the acting.

Do you live with family?

I'm a junior foreman at a warehouse.

The best thing to do is not to mention it, but then I won't know if she knows or not.

Urine changes color based on how hydrated you are, so the bottles would end up being different shades.

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No, I'm referring to when I did. I am horribly afraid of my parents, have CPTSD like responses to speaking with them. I still leave the bathroom even though I dread it. To be fair I pissed out of my window a lot.

But yeah mate don't mention it, people remember things based off of two things: emotional impact (especially sudden spikes) and also prevalence in their life. Let it keep sailing down her river of consciousness idly on its way

Why do you live with family if you have a job? Is this just a cultural thing outside of California I don't understand? California really is a different country than the rest of America, just like Florida is basically America's Puerto Rico (besides actual Puerto Rico)

Should I move out?

My life wasn't typical. My family isn't either, and the family I live with now would basically disown me if I moved out. They are currently doing this to my sister.

That's very strange and unhealthy. Somebody who would disown you for moving out sounds like somebody you want to disown you. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's the wrong thing to do. I recommend moving out, though I haven't had the traditional experience as I live with my girlfriend and have been deathly ill/ have no friends the whole time, so I'm totally dependent on her. It's pathetic and it sucks, but I'm taking the 5 days I have away from her to hopefully get over this.

>I live with my girlfriend and have been deathly ill"
Yeah stop lying to get attention. I doubt that you are sick that i'd even bet my own limbs on it.

> the family I live with now would basically disown me if I moved out.

I'm guessing they're the reason why you're pissing in bottles?

Do you have cancer?

No, I piss in bottles because I don't like being around other people.

they are still doing it. you dont have a very sound argument here user.

ok, thank you for sharing your baseless opinion

There is no word for it as it's essentially just me having let my digestive system rot for 5 years after almost making it fail completely via suicide w/ homemade poison. It doesn't actually poison you in the traditional sense, but makes a poison inside you so caustic that you basically corrode from the inside. My mom found me and I was brought to the ER and then years later got very sick, hurt my stomach again and it gave me a mix of gastroparesis/IBS essentially that there is no real name for. I wake up every morning at 4 AM having slept like shit, then I shit and vomit for a few hours until I can open my mouth enough to smoke weed. REcently since my new diet i can finally go back to bed, but before it was just wait 6 hours for my girlfriend to get up to curb the loneliness. I used to be introverted and enjoy time alone, I truly genuinely confidently never thought I was the type of person who could get like this. I can eat gluten free pretzels, crushed peanuts, tofu, and white rice. Nothin' else or im sick all day. Had to cancel a flight because i drank onions milk once, and a doctors appointment over a tbsp of peanut butter. Pretty fucking degrading, the mental aspect is the worst. I'm so alone here, I don't know anybody and everyone is younger or older than me.

Why I say deathly is I consume ~150 calories a day and until today really didn't think it was going to turn around at all, and if it hadn't well,

Eat Buffalo Wild Wings tomorrow

That would probably be the death of me

Are you new here? Fucking normalfag

Okay, I don't either, but you're not around people when you're in the bathroom. It's just for a second while you transition from your room to your bathroom, and you don't have to talk to anyone.

Holy shit tho, please talk to a therapist. This level of aversion of other people tells me that you have some major problems that you need to work out. Like even people with crippling social anxiety usually don't go that far.

>Still saying this in 2018
>Muh robut

You're autistic, it's not cool even on r9k

Therapists don't know what they're doing. I have a better understanding of my mind than they do. I consciously decide to stay in my room.
Society hasn't adapted to the modern cyber hermit.

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I just want a place to talk without normals being like "why don't you want to leave your room?" or "why do you piss in bottles?" and "you're never going to be happy if you just live like this forever". This place used to be that. Now there are a lot more people just belittling people like me.

Yeah, fair. I don't actually care how you live your life, more trying to understand.

OP here. They aren't exactly wrong. They deserved to be shamed for coming into our board and trying to tell us how to live our lives, but they do it because it's how normal humans interact. Like it or not we're different and don't fit into society.

Oh no you don't. Trust me. You may know what's going on in your mind consciously, but understanding what's below the surface requires a good understanding of psychology. And even then, it would have to be from a third party, because when you're trying to figure out your own subconscious, you're going to be subject to a wide range of biases.

The trick is realizing you can't know anything. If you start thinking about knowledge as you believing your representation of something is accurate, then you start to realize how your brain skews your perspective.
Sure it took me all my life to get to this point, but I can honestly say I'm happy with my living condition and live-style. Interacting with people online is more convenient and allows for higher level conversation. Sure it's not as engaging, but voice chat is a good enough stimulus for that.
The only reason I avoid people is because of the terrible anxiety I get when I'm around them. My brain constantly puts me into flight mode around others. I can deal with it, but I prefer not to. Psychologists haven't been able to help, and the farthest I've gotten professionally is getting anti-depressants, which help kick me out of depressive episodes before they consume me.
What you consider a mess is just nature working. Things have a natural place based on how often I use them and how accessible they need to be. There are far more many ways to order a room naturally than there are to construct a system where "everything has its place".
I'm eccentric and have issues with my emotions, but that doesn't stop me from living a fulfilling life.

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That's fine. I don't think you specifically were belittling me.

If someone brings it up say you were making homemade apple cider, sadly you messed the batch up and had to chuck it.

Lol almost weirder than pissing in bottles, would make me think you were covering up a domestic terrorism plot and not just too lazy to piss on a toilet

Wife and i make our own mead, have five six gallon carboys working at all times. If the winter is cool enough you can take them outside to freeze distill to ~35% and have apple jack.

say its apple juice and take a sip in front of her

>becxause we are autistic and avoid social interation. pissing ina bottle eliminates the chance when you dont have to open the door. now get the fuck off my boatrd
this is my first time on r9k... was wondering what this board was for...

this is some solid advice, don't see the point in turning it down unless you enjoy living in pitty and filth. which i guess the piss bottle crew prolly do

>user, we ran out of oil
>dont you have a pile of bottles filled with oil up here
>mind if take some?
>OPs face when

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> The trick is realizing you can't know anything.
You can know things. You're just choosing not to because exploring your issues is scary and hard, and then using mental gymnastics to wave it away. Even scientists admit that they can't know everything, but if they avoided pursuing knowledge because of that, we wouldn't be talking right now because the technology we're using to do so wouldn't exist, and one (if not both) of us would have probably died of the common cold or something because medical science wouldn't exist either.
> The only reason I avoid people is because of the terrible anxiety I get when I'm around them. My brain constantly puts me into flight mode around others. I can deal with it, but I prefer not to.
It's likely that you're only like this because people hurt you. Also, by isolating yourself, you're only reinforcing that fear.
> Psychologists haven't been able to help, and the farthest I've gotten professionally is getting anti-depressants, which help kick me out of depressive episodes before they consume me.
You have to go to the psychologist regularly. It isn't just a couple visits and you're cured. Also, if the psychologist was prescribing you meds, then that's not a psychologist. It's a psychiatrist. All they're good for are conditions relating to chemical imbalances in your brain. They're not gonna be able to help you with the ways you mentally screw yourself on the brain's "software" side. Only on the "hardware" side.

>You can know things. You're just choosing not to because exploring your issues is scary and hard
I'm not though. I know what my issues are. I may not know them completely, but I know them well enough to cope. The fact I'm at this point is proof I'm pursuing knowledge, not avoiding it.

>It's likely that you're only like this because people hurt you. Also, by isolating yourself, you're only reinforcing that fear.
I know. I choose to do it because it's comfortable. Many people do not like driving, but it's a modern fact of life in many places. I don't like socializing in person, even though it's a fact of life. Both of us are able to cope.

>You have to go to the psychologist regularly. It isn't just a couple visits and you're cured.
I've seen maybe 9 or 10 psychiatrists/psychologists over my life. The shortest was maybe 6 or 7 sessions. The longest was maybe 5 or 6 years. 3 mental ward visits as well. The most constructive thing they taught me was how to breathe to calm down.

>Also, if the psychologist was prescribing you meds, then that's not a psychologist. It's a psychiatrist. All they're good for are conditions relating to chemical imbalances in your brain. They're not gonna be able to help you with the ways you mentally screw yourself on the brain's "software" side. Only on the "hardware" side.
Yes, and I used the word "psychologist" very carefully. I was prescribed medicine by my family doctor, not a psychiatrist. They didn't help much. They give meme advice for the most part. Even with their help the only person who can help me is myself. The only thing they can do is guide me in the right direction.

That's cool then, but nobody does it in water bottles is all. Just immediately seems like drugs or something sketchy when something besides water is in a water bottle

pretty sure they assume he uses the oil as lube to wank off or some shit

Sorry for the delay. Watching fireworks
> I'm not though. I know what my issues are. I may not know them completely, but I know them well enough to cope. The fact I'm at this point is proof I'm pursuing knowledge, not avoiding it.
Not really. You can know what your issues are and still avoid solving them.
> I know. I choose to do it because it's comfortable.
Exactly, marinating in your own sweat, surrounded by piss bottles, playing vidya while the world moves on without you is comfortable. Because while you're doing that, you don't have to address any deep seeded issues. You can just focus on vidya.
> I've seen maybe 9 or 10 psychiatrists/psychologists over my life. The shortest was maybe 6 or 7 sessions. The longest was maybe 5 or 6 years. 3 mental ward visits as well. The most constructive thing they taught me was how to breathe to calm down.
Yeah, that's the sad thing about psychologists. You have to be really careful to find a good one. There are a LOT of quacks out there. And especially when you're growing up it's tough to differentiate between a good psych and a hack. I've been through a similar situation. A good psychologist should ask you questions about your life to try to psychoanalyze you so that they can find the best angle to approach you about your problems. However, a lot of hacks out there just act as a shoulder to cry on and give basic bitch advice like "try taking deep breaths" or "here, squeeze this stress ball when you get angry".

> Even with their help the only person who can help me is myself. The only thing they can do is guide me in the right direction.

That's true, they can only guide you in the right direction, but meme advice like "deep breaths" isn't doing that at all.

I'm already solving my issues though. I've been forcing myself to be more social online. I even went on voice chat yesterday.
The world isn't moving on without me, because I'm part of it. I buy new products, consume new media, discuss things with other real people through the Internet. It's not as if I'm isolated. I'm talking to you after all.
I just really like being comfortable. Socializing is not comfortable for me. I could fix it, but I'd rather do the bulk of my interactions online.
If there's anything that I need desperate help with it's how to cope with PTSD.

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