I haven't left the house in 2 weeks, I sit around playing unturned and fortnite all day. How do I escape?
I haven't left the house in 2 weeks, I sit around playing unturned and fortnite all day. How do I escape?
literally go outside OP
Go for a walk
You don't even have to socialize. Change your daily routine, you might feel better
only 2 weeks? lmao get out of here normie
What's ur streak?
The games are just keeping me hooked. How?
Just do it right now. You're not playing right this minute, are you?
Clean your apartment
Right now is past my bedtime, I'm supposed to be sleeping.
play oldschool runescape instead
Stop being a zoomer
I'm too gay for osrs
play hoi3
not him but two months
I don't need games I want to get rid of them
Where are you from, OP? And why do you have a bedtime? Is it self-imposed?
OSRS had a pride event and we have a gay mod called mod wolf
How old are you fuck
Private stuff..
If you're happy, this is not a problem.
The outside world is for normies. You are here. You are here forever.
stop playing vidya
if you can't trade your graphics card (or whole computer if integrated) for one that doesn't work with games
shitposting all day (stage I'm at) is a step up from gaming I think
Underage b8 confirmed, get out before your life gets worst
Fucking plebian. Kill yourself.
not necessarily. better become redpilled about what will happen to him once he reaches his 20s and 30s if he doesn't become a normalfag
"Private stuff" meaning your mummy won't let you stay up past 8PM you dweeby cocksucker summerfag?
Correct! How did you guess?
>playing unturned and fortnite
I'm a hikki and I'd rather fucking go outside than play that trash.
24, when i stayed for two months in my room i was 22 i guess, wasn't even showering regulary, and i wasn't shaving at all, i remeber the first time i got out after those two months my eyes burning, also neighbors thaught i moved out.
i still from time to time lock my self home, but because am in college i need to go out at least once a month
I have to go to school but other than that, this summerfag stays home.
well if you spend enough time as a shut in you'll go crazy and give up all hope
Unturned 4.0 is almost out, can't wait.
Delete all your gaming profiles, or better, destroy all your gaming consoles. I just spent last month playing DarkSouls1 again and again for some reason, to the point that it became a chore, but I just couldn't stop.
Then last day I just got up and deleted my profile. It felt so liberating, as if something was lifted off my back. Now I walk my dog and go to the gym. I'm still a friendless loser, but I feel better than before.
few years now lad
>2 weeks
You are like baby, try 2 years.