Is all this transgender nonsense the end result of capitalist Protestant culture in America...

Is all this transgender nonsense the end result of capitalist Protestant culture in America? We tell our children that they can be anything they want when they grow up even though we know that's a lie. Family values don't exist anymore. We kick them out the moment they turn 18 or expect them to pay rent.
In the past people would pass on the family business to their kids but now everyone has to fend for themselves.
Kids are told that they can be anything. So what's stopping them from changing their gender or some other degenerate nonsense?
This is the end stage of capitalist retatdation.

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>ooga booga people trying to have an enjoyable existence in a way that is not similar to mine bad, ooga booga

don't you have some ebin maymays to be posting somewhere

you're really fucking retarded if you think being a transgender abomination is paramount to an enjoyable existence

The vast majority of faggots are well to do rich kids with no responsibilities. They crave conflict, but can't get any in their lives due to living in a bubble, so they turn to stupid like that.

It's the opposite to what you say. People who have to straighten themselves out early won't have the luxury of indulging in unsustainable behavior.

The problem is indeed capitalism but the family unit you describe, the nuclear family, was also a capitalist construct. It might have seemed better, but it was the same problem really, it just wasn't as clear.
Now we live in neo-liberalism, and the economic unit is the individual not the nuclear family. This is why we've shifted towards a more individualistic culture, though trans stuff is a weird thing to focus on desu

>ooga booga if me insult he, he wrong, ooga booga

so you can't discuss what OP is posting or answer the question in OP, or you just don't want to?

So you would much rather have me saying the same thing, but without the mean words?

>oooga boogaa

It's the end result of a long line of events leading to the empowerment of women, legalization of homosexuality, legalization of lighter drugs such as marijuana, and a hundred other things. Simply put, it's kinda like when 300+ years ago people were tight ass fuckfaces who'd hang and burn someone as a witch if they acted a bit funny, now most of the western world knows better than that.

They also know that it really doesn't matter what the fuck people identify as, and who or what they fuck, as long as they're not hurting anyone doing it, and are more or less productive members of the society.

But then there are still some immature control freak children like the OP remaining, who just can't fucking fathom the idea that the whole goddamn solar system, the universe and all doesn't revolve around him. So the very idea that someone could like to do something that the OP doesn't, launches him into an autistic full-retard temper tantrum. Because he's just that fucking stupid, and immature, and useless.

>But then there are still some immature control freak children like the OP remaining,

>ooga booga me no child if me call he child ooga booga

>he's just that fucking stupid, and immature, and useless.

>ooga booga if me call he bad names and make he sad, me feel good about me, ooga booga

Don't forget your daily dilation to keep that axe wound where your dick was open, freak

>>ooga booga
>>ooga booga if me insult he, he wrong, ooga booga

>Is all this transgender nonsense the end result of capitalist Protestant culture in America?


Also, capitalism was born because protestants confused "being insanely rich" with "being approved by God" -- just like Jews.

Also, trans, feminism, gay shit, everything contributes to the annihilation of the Goyim society.

>enjoyable existence
No. Nearly all are on psychiatric drugs and kill themselves at higher rates than the general population

this could probably be said about "robots" too though

This is a lie, you dont choose to become gay, you are born into it

>ooga booga, ooga booga, ooga boogaa

The studies they've done on gender identity in rats shows that it's caused by an abnormal level of hormones in the last couple weeks of pregnancy and maybe the first few days of life.

It might be fertiility medicine, it might be xenoestrogens, it might occur naturally or as some product of overpopulation, but it is not a fucking sociology problem.

in the past they would've remained as closet faggots with slight gender dysphoria that would probably have gone away after becoming an adult

>it really doesn't matter what the fuck people identify as

I will never understand this kind of mentality that twists observable facts in favor of sentimentalism.

I never said robots enjoy their lives or that robotism is something to aspire to.

i know, i was just making a comment about a similarity.

Its partly because some retard physiologists named the endocrine hormones testosterone and estrogen "male" and "female" hormones then retards started thinkibg if you inject them you would be able to change your gender. When in actuality when a guy injects estrogen his hips dont widen, breasts fill out a little but not very much, all the ones with actual passable breasts get inplants. Your chromosomes dont go from xy to xx. You dont suddenly have the whole blueprint and physiological process that is infinitely complex and starts at fetus to puberty that turns an xx female child into a woman. And this infinitely complex physiological proces encoded in the xx chromosome involves sooooo much more than just having estrogen present.

>he thinks pretending to be retarded is an argument

This one is actually going in my cringe folder, holy shit.

How old you figure this dude is? Can't be older than 15.

Being gay is one thing, insisting you're a woman just because you said you are is mental illness, and obviously not one you're born with either, considering it wasn't even a thing until the retards made it a thing.

How in the fuck does one conduct studies on gender identity on rats? Did they find that one faggot rat who kept dying his fur purple and shrieking in the most annoying tone of 'em all?

plot twist: he's actually a nigger who just wanted an excuse to spam "ooga booga" until robot made it unoriginal

People are mostly born being trans, mri shows that trans people and gay people share brain structure similar to female structure

There are transtrenders though

It does not go away and only becomes worse.

Brain isn't a constant structure, it changes depending on you. If a faggot thinks he's a woman, acts like a woman and talks like a woman, of course his brain would start to resemble a woman's. Doesn't mean he is one though.
Take for example prayer. On MRI, it was shown that people who pray regularly have an entire area of brain different than atheists. Does that mean god is real, but only for them? That they see something we don't? No, it's because brain adapts to you, and not vice-versa.

The problem is gender exists. If there is no gender then nobody feels bad. Poverty would too be gone if money did not exist. I will father my children and never tell them or anyone else what gender they are. Then they will not know their gender and be happy without gender.

Gender doesn't exist for rats because they don't know their own genders and what they are supposed to be.

>If a faggot thinks he's a woman, acts like a woman and talks like a woman, of course his brain would start to resemble a woman's
this sounds like an incredible breakthrough in medicine and neuroscience.
this could eliminate the HRT industry entirely!

>implying having a woman's brain structure in a man's body would do anything to make you more a woman
It still doesn't affect your damn body, and that's the part these idiots are after. Is that so difficult to grasp, or are you just retarded?

you're retarded because you're still making this about transgenderism.
my point was that you're suggestion of changing the brain would be an incredible breakthrough in science
and that you're full of shit and wrong

a very visible part of it is the commercialisation of gender roles but that has happened with everything else too and is a result of the issue itself not the origin of it in any way
its origins are in social dynamics which are completely fucked up compared to what any life has lived in
read up on the concept of behavioral sink
while the experiments were done on rats the changes that derive from mammalian properties are the same in humans

>has never heard of neuroplasticity
>yet I'm the retard here
unironically off yourself

yes i have heard of neuroplasticity. are you suggesting that you can obtain a female brain in a male body via the power of thought alone?
if not, what are you suggesting here:
>If a faggot thinks he's a woman, acts like a woman and talks like a woman, of course his brain would start to resemble a woman's

>are you suggesting that you can obtain a female brain in a male body via the power of thought alone?
Reading comprehension 0/10.

>Also, trans, feminism, gay shit, everything contributes to the annihilation of the Goyim society
What fucking property of these things destroys society and what fucking property of these things makes it so that jews are so immune to said destruction of society?
Is it religious influence, because christians had that for a while and it faded just like every other religion, so why can't the same happen to jews?
I swear to god Jow Forumsniggers say the craziest shit

This, the utter hypocrisy of normies denying their own fault at birthing a human with anomalies in brain structure. Deep brain structure related to homosexuality and transgenderness is developed before birth, in environment heavily influenced by mothers internal environment, her health and lifestyle. It is hetero parents fault for birthing a male child with partially feminized brain and they should deal with it honestly - explain this to the child and let him live according with his needs.

>lol i have nothing to discuss xD

Only some structures in mammal brain are plastic, the newest ones - the neocortex, the hippocampus and the cerebellum are the most plastic parts. Sexuality is related to functional connectivity of limbo system and to hyptolamic nuclei. These parts of brain are very old and almost not plastic, especially at large scale. Hyptolamus is not plastic at all.

See the review and the papers if you dont believe me

It's incredibly rare for a poor person to be a fag. Most fags, if not all, that I've met were disgustingly narcissistic. Being a fag just gave them a toolset to express their destructive behaviors onto the populace.

Narcissism is being speculated to be an innate psychopathology. It seems much more probable that all fags who insist on being so from birth are just narcissists from birth.

*limbic system

Ungrounded speculation

Also females tend to be more narcissistic and anxious about looks as well, and gays biased towards such behavior checks out with feminized brain mri data. Also it is funny that you are so worked up at narcissistic men but not women

Mounting behavior
females with test mount females
males with estrogen accept mounting

Except those freaks live lesser lives trying to get validated by society, more prone to depression trying to be something they can not, make their degeneracy their only personality trait and push it onto others where if you don't accept them they will do everything in their power to make your life just as miserable as they are.

Also nice arguments.

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My female dog mounts my male dog sometimes. Are her hormones messed up?

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>I'm the retard here

>Except those freaks live lesser lives trying to get validated by society, more prone to depression trying to be something they can not, make their degeneracy their only personality trait and push it onto others where if you don't accept them they will do everything in their power to make your life just as miserable as they are.
hey another one.
it's neat how a lot of the things "robots" say about trans can apply to "robots" too.

You are arguing with several anons with slightly different viewpoints

i'm not arguing with anyone user. i made that reply to point out that the retard calling other anons a retard was in fact the retard all along.
what a twist.

The only one you can really apply it to is prone to depression and maybe make others miserable. Robots don't care about society and don't make their degeneracy their only part of their lives or personality. GTFO reddit and lurk more.

They wouldn't have to be sad and dysphoric if they were raised thinking they had no gender

>comment about how robots usually seek validation, are usually depressed, usually want to be something they cant be, build their identity around what is usually degeneracy, spam their degeneracy, and REEE at everyone that doesnt agree with them and their degeneracies, and generally shit on everything and everyone and each other for no reason other than posturing to make themselves feel superior to someone for just a few fleeting seconds
>opinion is based on observation, discussion, and simply presence of being on Jow Forums since day 1
>GTFO reddit and lurk more


Unverified claim
More likely they still would be sad but wont know the deep reason behind the sadness

Why would they be sad if you told them they didn't have a gender?

Yeah, no. I'm not going to pay for your hormone therapy, Nancy.

its possible to have an enjoyable existence without extreme larping as the opposite sex, you know

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narcissism is not about looks. Fags can be women. The rate of clinical narcissism is equal across genders.

Sympathy gathering is a prime narcissistic trait. Narcs will jeoperdize their wellbeing just so they get some Narcissistic Supply.

>Who cares? It isnt harming anyone. Live and let live, goyim

>wont know the deep reason behind the sadness
You upper-middle class bubble dwelling is showing. people who aren't affluent don't have time and energy for deep introspective voyages.

How does it feel to be a boomer?

The reason the basic economic unit shifted from the nuclear family to the individual is because capitalism was no longer strong enough to sustain the former on an inflexible, mass basis. Capitalism has always been under pressure to break down all customary barriers to the free flow of humans and goods in the market. The nuclear family demanded the market accommodate single-income families, and that women be withheld from the labor supply. These restraints eventually became intolerable. The breaking down of people into individuals, with both men and women commodified as isolated units on the market, is the final culmination of this process.

booga? ooga.

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Look at primordial civilizations - this is the stages they went by: barbarism, organized, individualism, and intellectualism.
See, when you start to tolerate more and more people, these very same people hate you, and your country. How can you give equal rights to slaves? The same ones you owned for centuries. People only care about wealth nowadays - no one is willing to fight for their country; they are pessimistic about their own country. Their are many ancient civilizations that complained about the same things we are today, and you know what happened? They collapsed. Look at the Abbasid empire - 9 century, the peak of intellectualism (final stage), decadence you running loose, foreigners in the capital, women holding more prestige jobs because of feminism, and then, the Mongols attacked. You would think that people would defend their country, but instead? Civil war took place, and the same foreigners who were "patriotic" we're now fleeing for their safety. Not everything is about individualism; you want to be free? Go live in a forest. As for civilized citizens, they will ensure their country will be kept at its peak, without any tolerance to plethora farce.
T. An anarchist (I know.. I know..)

Because even in abscence of learned gender concepts the amygdala wiring will be still the same in gay/trans (feminine) and thus they will long for being treated kindly and will be sad & anxious if forced to compete.

Also even if you wont teach humans about gender humans, given freedom, will still associate into peer groups by appearance & behavior and they will have biologically defined gendered urges to act in certain way and they will develop names for their peer groups and there will be peer pressure... and in the end people whose brain wiring doesnt match their appearance will still be sad because they are peer pressured into doing things they are not wired for

Isnt it a typical female trait ? Yes it is

Im an unemployed russian man, even when I had a job the pay was below your (us?) standards. I dont have really poor mindset though, but I doubt you can stereotype me correctly.

We should probably let it happen too, save more resources for the next cycle

I mean I don't necessarily disagree but I don't see how that refutes anything I said. It is the natural progression of capitalism as individuals are easier to extract value from and commodify. That doesn't mean it's a good system though.

>Isnt it a typical female trait ? Yes it is
Read up Narcissism. It's an interesting topic in itself. Sympathy gathering is mostly the tool of the reverse Narcissist, the Shy Narcissist.

>Im an unemployed russian man, even when I had a job the pay was below your (us?) standards
The US standard is incredibly affluent for slavic shitholes. I know as I live in one.

The problem isn't capitalism but social programs and government intervention in the economy through regulations that entitles those less desirable by society to jobs, which supports their lifestyle and the birth of more people who abide by similar lifestyles. The economy was much freer 70 years ago and the culture was just fine. The government is the problem.

A poor person on welfare has more time for introspective journeys than a rich workaholic lawyer.

Only the enlightened NEET class. most poorfags just fuck and drink all day

True. Both are unlikely to be fags, they real problems to deal with. the typical fag is the careless upper-middle class bubble dweller who conjures up ideologies to have some drama in his/hers life.

I'm Autistic. I had to be introspective. If I wasn't I could never figure out the world or do anything that works. I couldn't just go on autopilot or do what worked for everyone else. Do you think this is why more autists are trans?

>If I write "ooga booga [insert reductionist drivel here] ooga booga" that'll show em!

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You know memes age as well as you do right, boomer?

I think it has more to do with feminist critiques of society making the terms "masculine" and "feminine" into bizarre caricatures of themselves. All these fucking college kids think they're non-binary because they have both "masculine" and "feminine" personality traits, without realizing that's just a huge reduction of what those two roles used to encompass and how broad they used to be. I know quite a few of these kids and they're all posturing as queer non-binary 50 million genders people when their actual activity is perfectly normal hetero long-term relationships. But then there's the ones that get tricked into thinking some weird impulse to wear a skirt as a pre-pubescent boy is akin to wanting to be a woman, and those ones end up committing suicide.

I also think this is the easiest way to get into the oppression olympics as a straight white kid; just pretend you have some weird gender expression and voila. It's not like there's any critical review or judgment of any of this shit, if you say you're the 6000th new gender it's bigoted to question you. There's also the fucking parents who want to get into the oppression olympics and are so onions that they leap at any chance to pressure their kid into being something special. It's psychotic but easy to fall into when the cultural pressure is to never, ever change assertions of this sort.

Anyway, I think trans people always existed, just not to this level. The modern culture is that there's a shitton of pretenders while the dismorphia people are just trying not to be noticed.

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It baffles me how the world accepts this disease as something normal, tranny faggots should be executed.

I think more autists are trans because both conditions are caused by early developmental brain defects, which could overlap

This. The nonbinary meme is fucking cancer. Also your point about the oppression olympics is spot on. Reminds me of the j*w in my high school who tried to convince the principle she was hispanic so she could get into college easier.

Nb trenders are healthy females, they are just meme posers. Dont mix them with true dysphoric trans people.

Feminism is cancer because it uses sophistry to defend a belief which is simply not true - that every human is a [tabula rasa] blank slate and every difference between humans is a social construct. This belief is not supported by hard sciences which prove that many differences between humans are more than 50% inherited either via genes or via early (even) prenatal environment

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>The vast majority of faggots are well to do rich kids with no responsibilities.

The number of gay kids in homeless shelters will crack your theory in about .00005 seconds

I'm willing to bet you don't know any poor people at all, because homos, especially lesbians, are MORE likely to be poor than straights. Look it up.
Many of them get fired when their employer finds out they're gay (not just from voluntarily "coming out", but being "outed" against their will). Many places are still very conservative in hiring and will hire a married (traditionally) person with kids over a single person with no "family".
A lot of gay kids who were bullied so much they dropped out of school, and thus can't go to college, will never find a job above minimum wage or manual labor because their backstory is screwed up.

Seriously, do some real research on poverty rates among even L/G, never mind T.

Every social movement requires some brave souls to stick their necks out and accept derogation, shunning, ostracism, and usually violence, to make the demographic's presence known. a degree of forcefulness is necessary when nobody wants to acknowledge you. The next level is when (most) people in the majority being to realize that (most) people in the minority are just regular people with one thing different about them.

It always takes the freakiest ones to stir up the comfort level of those who refuse to believe in human differences.

The only way that could work would be to not even let them grasp the concept of gender. The minute you say "You don't have a gender", you have defined it, and they are going to wonder what it is, and every answer they get will be something that sorts people into categories. Everywhere they go, they will be Boys/Girls signs (clothing, bathrooms, school groupings, etc). Repressing the idea of gender will start to fuck up their heads the same way repressing anything else does.
And what happens when they get old enough to feel sexual attraction?

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Honestly i think it's even MORE fucked up to say you're a female and NOT cut off your dick. witness the camera-whore trannies all over Jow Forums and reddit? And never mind the "FTM" who claim to be men but still bleed out of a smelly pussy every month.

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I am queer (not T) and think this is absolutely true. Previously, someone who had a few thoughts "typical of" the other gender, like a boy who likes musical theater or a girl who likes woodworking, just thought it was a certain hobby of theirs. Now, suddenly, they are told that they must be "non-binary" and use pronouns like they, ze, xe, etc. And by the time they're 30, they'll likely identify as a boring "cisgender", probably hetero or maybe slightly bi-, person. But in the meantime, they insist on not fitting in no matter HOW many categories someone has invented, that they need a new one with a new flag, etc.

And they wonder why many left-centrists are turning away from progressivism and voting for morons like Tr&mp.

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Except everyone knows you are here and the mainsteam media and politicians likes sucking your tranny dicks

t. ugly transfreak