After a year of going out of my way to talk to girls in my university STEM departments (I study physics and...

After a year of going out of my way to talk to girls in my university STEM departments (I study physics and engineering), I found someone. I was a khv and she was a virgin. Dreams do come true robots. Learn how to dress and go to the gym.

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how fat is she op

you're right about fashion + fitness, the final piece to becoming a cyborg is experiences like you're hopefully going to have

Nofap works. Nature always finds a way, if you don't drain your balls yourself, women will do it for you.

Nature. Always. Finds. A. Way.

She is a thin Asian girl.

you've made it breh, now use her for a practice gf/fuck buddy, or date her

We have been dating for 3 months now

>go to the gym

I hear this shit all the time these days, I don't remember "going to gym" was a prerequisite. Is it because everyone started to copy each other going to the gym so now the standard of attractiveness has been raised? And everyone that has a girlfriend goes to the gym?

Congrats lad

It's because the internet has raised the standard of attractiveness. Also, going to the gym helps give you confidence + helps you be healthy.

because keeping yourself fit is a good idea. It opens up a lot of avenues in fashion. I have always been more brains than physical appearance, but once I realized my true slim and lean build, I was able to realize my best fashion sense.

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I dress the way I want in clothes I want to wear and find comfy. I don't dress for girls or to get girls, because I'm not a fucking cuck.

As for the gym, I'm too lazy, I'd rather just keep skinny and settle for the girls into the skinny/boyish build.

They're usually the best kind of girls anyway, gym thots are fucking trash tier normie plebs, generally speaking.

Helps with confidence how? I can only imagine being somewhat confident if I reached the point where I was visibly ripped, other than that I'd just look slim and a lot of people are just slim. So if I have to be completely ripped to get a girl, then that's bullshit. You'd need to spend hours and hours every year in the gym to achieve that. Not to mention the height factor.

I went to the gym for myself first and foremost. Fashion is a wonderful thing, and it allows you to really express yourself. The girlfriend who followed was just amazing, but I indulge in fashion because it is fun. Also, fashionable and comfy are not mutually exclusive. I love tighter fits, but I do NOT own 20 pairs of leather pants or anything like that. Note that I also have a skinny and boyish build.

My gf is not a gym thot. She is a brilliant student with a bright career. We study together and then cuddle afterwards.

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Have you actually tried working out and wearing new clothes, or are you just lamenting a hypothetical? Bring lean and having defined yet not ripped abs is what most girls drool over

I have worked out, changed my diet drastically and wear decent fitting clothes, I put a lot of effort into it actually. I didn't notice a single change to my life, not a single look of admiration from a female. I think maybe it's because I'm short.

How tall are you? I am 5 feet, 9 inches, but I have not had a problem with girls calling me short. I feel like I am sort of in the middle, and because I wear clothes that accentuate my legs (wearing your pants at your waist and avoiding low rise jeans), I think my proportions check out.

Pic related is a nice comfy look I like to sport.

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I sincerely hope this goes terribly for you.
Nobody should be happy, everybody should be dead. Life should be a memory to the inanimate

Congratulations, OP. Don't dump her because you think you've improved and are too good for her now.

She is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I see myself with long term compatibility with her.

Casual lewding makes me so hard
I really wish i had something like that

Yeah. When you piss you get rid of excess/dead sperm. Nature does find a way.

Why are you so I unoriginally bitter user?

but also I'm happy for you gj

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I never thought I would have anyone like that in my life. The best part is that this is a couple activity for us, not something she does with just anyone

5'4, no girl has said I was short to my face apart from one time I overheard conversation between 2 girls that went something like "What about him?" "Too short" "hahaha!". Also I got the "he looks like harry potter, but weird". It's brilliant m8.

Problem is isnt that im ugly, its that im a fucking sperg. I cant advance on women because i dont want to missread the situation and look like a weirdo

>will you drain them for me

haha that's some good game OP I liked that

Is she hot?



[This comment was not original]

ManlyTears? Britbong... is that you?!

>My gf is not a gym thot. She is a brilliant student with a bright career. We study together and then cuddle afterwards.

Jesus you sound like a faggot.

I am so sorry user. One of my friends noted that she only liked tall guys until she dated someone who was 5 inches, 5 feet, upon which she noticed that she liked men closer to her height (and she really liked this guy, too). I feel like looking for a very tall boyfriend is something a lot of women do because they have been told and tell each other that it is an absolute in attraction. If you happen to get lucky once, I bet you that you will have changed that the views of the girl you get with.

She is amazingly hot. She kept her head down for a long time so not a lot of peoole noticed her, but she looks heavenly in a dress and sexy and sultry in lingerie. Pic related is what she wears (and how she looks when she wears it)

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>Learn how to dress

Okay, I'll bite. Teach me then, O wise and powerful sage.

This faggot fucks.

This may or may not be original.

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Oh buddy... you're going to get the fuck cucked out of you, loverboy.

You have no idea what you're in for, I know talking like that... I know where it leads.

You poor fool.

I found that my style lies somewhere between fashionable casual and business formal. I like a lot of slim cut dress shirts with properly fitting slim pants. I am not the tallest guy in the world, so I generally choose darker colors (save black, which actually makes you look heavier and stockier) for my pants and jeans. I tuck it in half the time. I dress with everything from sober white and blue to flamboyant magenta. Confidence is good here.

I also like wearing thin sweaters. Cashmere is king. You can go crazy with colors here. Turtlenecks are cozy for cold days. Slightly thicker sweaters allow you to look very cute if you match with good pants and a good haircut. This is only a snapshot, but tell me if you want me to tell you about more looks I have.

Until that happens, I will keep grinning from ear to ear.

Just shut the fuck up, man... This is the worst fucking thread I've ever seen on here and you sound like the biggest faggot ever to grace this board.

Do you live in like Iceland? Is it never hot where you live? Anytime I wear a dress shirt, unless its December and there's snow on the ground I sweat like a dog and it bleeds through my pits.

Why the harsh words user? It clearly worked for me, and I have started to get compliments from all my friends and girls in my classes. What is your idea of fashion?

>normienigger brag thread

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I roll up my sleeves if it is hot. A rolled up long sleeved dress shirt looks way better than a shirt cut halfway down the arm, in my opinion. Summer allows me to exercise more flamboyant colors. Just today, I went to a business casual party with a magenta shirt, white pants, navy tie with golden horseshoes with matching navy socks, and brown loafers. I got a few compliments my way

In the prior months, I was no less a khv than anyone else on this board.

kikebook, instagram, snapchat, ribbit, there's hundreds of places where you can indulge your narcissism. Fuck off, normie.

I feel like you are projecting. I still stay in most of the time. I still devote most of my time to math and science. I still feel awkward around girls. I still have weeks when I skip class. I still go to therapy for deep seated issues that I have not been able to resolve yet.

Can I hand in my r9k membership card at the same office I handed in my v card?

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>failed robot comes here to flaunt his innate good-looks and social abilities
Fuck off to reddit, you aren't doing anything but dangling a steak in front of a bunch of paralyzed dogs.

Prior to losing weight, I had a double chin and no jawline. I got this way through losing 50 pounds and buying a lot of moisturizer and face cream.
>social abilities
I could not hold a conversation with a girl for more than 1 minute before it got awkward. I only got better after I adopted a fatalistic attitude that I was never going to get laid so I might as well just strike out with a lot of girls. I noticed trends and learned how to think about conversation. It is not an exact science like physics, but like any other field, it has its own methodology and principles. Conversation is easy once you get medicine for social anxiety and study it enough.

Congrats fren, nice Chad approach :^)

Thanks for the compliment. This place is toxic for the morale of salvageable men

>waaaah, waaah, you were never a REAL robot

I've known how to dress myself since I was 16 and I'm still a khhvgbtqiiapwerty++ loner. I even button correctly.